Winner or Whiner?
Two things reminded me this week that 'MINDSET' in business (and life!) is the single most important thing in driving success. In this world there are 'Winners' and 'Whiners' and which one you choose to be is ENTIRELY up to you. And that mindset can have a massive impact on the success or ultimate downfall of your business.
The first was a conversation with the owner of a Partner Company. We've been working with him for some time and they also use our technology to deliver their team events. And like so many people in our industry, his business has been hit hard by the Covid pandemic.
Of course, that's sad to hear and so true for us all, but what amazed me was how much he blamed everything else for the reason why his business was failing. He told me at length that his business was a 'victim' of this pandemic, there was little he could do to turn the tide and the business was suffering as a result. In my view he'd chosen to be a 'whiner', complaining about how bad everything is and not once recognising that he had a choice to seek 'opportunity' in the 'adversity' he was experiencing. The ball was firmly in his court.
In sharp contrast to that mindset, this week I had a great insight to a 'winner's' mindset when I joined our Events Team on a training session organised to train up new freelance staff to deliver our virtual team events to cope with increased demand (see picture above!).
Two very similar businesses with two very different outcomes.
Despite both events businesses being at the self-same point in March, with all bookings cancelled and a sales pipeline literally decimated overnight, the 'winners mindset' has helped navigate our ship to a safe place that will see us delivering over 500 events between now and Xmas - our busiest and most successful month ever! And the 'whiners mindset' has seen our Partner still bailing out water from his ship and sinking fast.
Of course, none of us could ever have predicted what was to come when the arse was falling out of the entire Events Industry in March. But the sad fact is that the Owner of that Partner Company could so easily have been on the same boat too, and sailing full steam ahead to a safe port if only he'd chosen to be 'Winner' rather than a 'Whiner'!
Of course, there's been some stormy seas (and a lot of hard work from the whole team) but that 'winners mindset' has paid off and I find it sad that it could have all been so different for him too.
It's always the same - in a stormy sea the 'Whiners' are complaining about how bad everything is whilst the 'Winners' are at the helm, setting a new course and navigating to a safe port.
Which one are you? Winner and Whiner? #winnersmindest #youchoose