for yo
10 secrets to a happy relationship:
Love is in giving: Rather than thinking about what you can get from the other person, have the attitude, “I am going to contribute whatever I can to this person’s life.”
Take skillfully: Without making a demand, allow the partner to do something for you.
Don't doubt their love: No one wants to be in the company of a person who seeks constant proof of love.
Extend a helping hand: When you see a weakness in your loved ones stay with them and help them.
Move back to be close: Love blossoms in longing and longing needs a little space.
Don't be feverish: When you are feverish your partner loses respect and attraction for you without even knowing it.
Have higher goals: A relationship should be treated as a dessert and not as a main course.
Choose your words wisely: Words can bring conflicts or soothe. Use them with awareness.
Rules for men & women: Women, pump the man's ego with compliments! Men, respect the woman's emotions.
Just be yourself: Don't try too hard to impress. Be your authentic self. It makes a huge difference.