Your Child Horoscope

Your Child Horoscope

The young parents have a very natural anxiety to know about horoscope of child. There is nothing wrong in it provided you know what a child horoscope means and how to use it. I as a Vedic astrologer myself do not recommend reading horoscope of your child except in extreme exceptional cases. Others may have different opinion on this. But as a parent, you must read what I am trying to explain here before you expose horoscope of your child to play with your emotions. I am not against reading horoscope of your child but yes, I am not in favour of the practices involved in reading baby horoscope.

Horoscope of your child is allotted to the child, just when the child is born, even when the child’s life is 00 minute on the earth.  Each horoscope has over 100 Yogas and Doshas but this is a summary of all good and bad deeds of all past lives of that child. However, nothing gets activated, triggered or gives auto results without a person's Karmas. I do not expect a child to understand how to regulate Karmas till a certain age. So, what will you gain by showing a baby's birth chart to any astrologer? You will only be told about some Doshas in the child’s birth chart or the malefic effects of those Doshas on the parents or other family members.

Child birth chart is important, very important provided you think when to use or discuss it. Understand a simple example. I sincerely wish this does not apply to any parent and am explaining only to elaborate a point.

Either of the parents travel for their professional reasons. Meets with some contingencies, maybe due to their own carelessness/habits. Now you will start co-relating everything to what Pandit Ji had told you that there are Doshas in your baby’s birth chart to bring adverse effects on you as a parent. You start thinking in that direction instead of trying to figure out the actual reasons. The child might get indifferent treatment. Maybe you run to the Pandit ji to know the remedies and then start following the same instead of correcting yourself. I don’t say it should happen to anyone or any parent should do it. But this is what I understand from my practical experience.

I get surprised when people come to me saying the child has Pitra Dosha, Mangal Dosha, Kaal Sarp Dosha and likewise count N nos of Doshas. Or they want to know all about a child’s career, marriage, wealth etc…etc. The first time you discuss your baby’s birth chart should be when the stage of selecting the right education stream or maybe career and not otherwise. My only request would be to please read on what does your child horoscope says before exposing your baby’s birth chart to anyone.

Baby Horoscope 

Having given the above precaution, I would like to emphasis on the importance of baby horoscope but at the right age and for the right purpose. As the child grows, you need a baby horoscope for the best subject selection using birth chartcareer selection, if your child should go abroad, should the child join the parents' business/profession and many other questions in your mind. You can get many more similar insights on VinayBajrangi   For anything else, I am always here for professional advice.

Best Wishes.

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