YOUTH ORIENTATION and Shared Experiences
This week we will address the topic of young people's orientation and their freedom to choose their professional future. We participated in “Young” in Lombardy, in northern Italy , where we met many young people, teachers, professors and school directors, representatives of the Como and Lecco chamber of commerce, and professionals involved in the world of schools, reporting the proposals of the
platform which are aimed at young people to support them in their professional choices and which at the same time are intended to support school counsellors, who interact with schools.
What does TIME TO MIND propose for the orientation of young people?
The Analysis of Multiple Intelligences and Learning Style Questionnaire
which can be combined with the Assessment tool on the "7 essential skills" for young people for entering the world of work.
Multiple Intelligences and Learning Style, what is it?
"On the basis of the most recent achievements of neuroscience, two synthetic related questionnaires are provided online: one on the 10 different mental faculties defined as multiple intelligences (which characterize the human mind) and the other on the learning style that can be detected in each subject (according to David Kolb's model) which allow us to verify the area of activity to which a young person is most suited".
What are the 10 intelligences analyzed?
intelligences are explored:
The 4 fundamental learning styles emerging from the prevalence of Concrete Experience, Reflective Observation, Abstract Conceptualization and Active Experimentation are the following:
The prevalence of multiple intelligences combined with the preferred learning style provides a concise and immediate indication of orientation both for the most congenial continuation of studies and for entry into the most suitable sector in the wide world of professions and work in general.
How does this tool appear on the TIME TO MIND platform?
with two combined questionnaires that can be quickly completed
Where does this orientation tool come from?
From the insights of professor Gian Carlo Cocco, president of TIME TO MIND in particular from his text "Neuromanagement" and from the research of Howard Gardner, professor of Educational Sciences at Harvard and from the studies of David Kolb.
How do you get your outcome and how long does it take to get it?
At the end of completing the two questionnaires, approximately half an hour is expected to be completed and the young person automatically receives their profile. It may be useful to be accompanied by a professional in reading
Who is this tool intended for?
• It is intended for high school students and university students, for example for choosing a master's degree;
• To orienteers;
• To the managers of training institutes;
• To professionals who deal with guidance in schools;
• The tool is available in 6 languages and can also be used for cooperation projects between European schools;
• It is also useful for adults, in the case of professional re-orientation.
Choosing your own future: what is it for, for whom?
• First of all it serves young people;
• It is useful for schools that have the task of supporting the orientation of young people;
• It is useful for parents who can have a "neutral" tool to support their children's professional orientation choices;
• In a broader sense, companies/foundations that have the task of proposing tools to support families in the thoughtful choice of their children's future.
The application examples of the tool provided by the platform, who involved, where?
• The tool has so far been used mainly in three countries, involving students and young people from Italy, Switzerland and France.
• More than 220 young people were able to obtain their Multiple Intelligences and Learning Style profile.
Completed projects and ongoing projects:
We report here the experiences of some groups involved in different contexts
• Experience of a small group of foreign students of a Master's degree in the Hotel sector, for a University of Rome created by one of our partners who chose to carry out their orientation self-Assessment in English.
• Recent experience of the “Liceo Romagnosi” project in Parma- Italy which involved more than 100 students from different classes of the classical and linguistic high school, especially fourth and fifth classes. In this project, in addition to the orientation tool, many students were also able to use the “Assessment on the 7 skills or soft skills essential” for entering the world of work which completes the current proposal for young people.
• Manageritalia's "Bridge to the future" project still underway throughout Italy, it looks like this:
“To enrich and, above all, guarantee broader coverage of the project, from January 2022 Un Ponte sul Futuro (Bridge to the future) becomes a collaborative platform dedicated to young people aged 16-30, schools, managers and companies, which has as its objectives the construction of relationships, the provision of advanced services, the exchange of knowledge and the building of communities on the topics of training, work, transversal skills, orientation and more".
The link to the platform to “Check and train the fundamental skills for your professional future. Discover your hidden "vocation", which can direct you towards studies and work activities with a greater probability of success".
Here, our values and our mission in the code of ethics of TIME TO MIND SA:
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