Anamarija Marinovic (PhD)

Anamarija Marinovic (PhD)

Bridging cultures through Humanities

View articles by Anamarija Marinovic (PhD)

Rebellion of a Martian Chapter 2

Rebellion of a Martian Chapter 2

August 7, 2017


Rebellion of a Martian         by Anamarija Marinović (PhD)

Rebellion of a Martian by Anamarija…

July 24, 2017


New Technologies, Social Networks and Digital Literacy in the Classroom

New Technologies, Social Networks and…

June 28, 2017


What can you find

What can you find

June 17, 2017


“Hills of mistakes” in written communication: An example of misuse of colloquial words among Serbian students of the Portuguese Language and Culture

“Hills of mistakes” in written…

June 1, 2017


Glagolske perifraze u spanskom jeziku

Glagolske perifraze u spanskom jeziku

May 20, 2016


Ausência de comunicação no conto "A Conversa" de Teolinda Gersão

Ausência de comunicação no conto "A…

May 19, 2016


Ideias estereotipdas sobre a cultura portuguesa segundo. J. Medina

Ideias estereotipdas sobre a cultura…

May 16, 2016

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O Professor como adulto em Formacao

O Professor como adulto em Formacao

May 14, 2016


Actos de fala e a frase declrativa

Actos de fala e a frase declrativa

May 14, 2016

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Linguagem e publicidade, leiam este artigo, por favor

Linguagem e publicidade, leiam este artigo…

May 14, 2016

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Neologismos e estrangeirismos nos jornais portugueses

Neologismos e estrangeirismos nos jornais…

May 14, 2016


Comparação entre as teorias da aquisição e aprendizagem das línguas

Comparação entre as teorias da aquisição e…

May 13, 2016

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An experience with the translation of the book of essays A Europa Desencantada Para uma mitologia europeia by Eduardo Lourenco

An experience with the translation of the…

May 13, 2016

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One more book to teach English in primary schools *for Portuguese young learners

One more book to teach English in primary…

May 12, 2016

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teaching English in a primary school? Here is one more book that could be helpful

teaching English in a primary school? Here…

May 12, 2016

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Review of a textbook of English as foreign&second language for primary school teachers

Review of a textbook of English as…

May 12, 2016

Helpful information for teachers of English as Second or Foreign language *primary school level

Helpful information for teachers of English…

May 12, 2016

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teaching material for Spanish teachers

teaching material for Spanish teachers

May 12, 2016

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