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Asking someone to move seats on a flight? Aibu ?

816 replies

wearejustfriends · 18/04/2022 14:31

Last week I was travelling to Gran Canaria with TUI.
I had booked mine and boyfriends seats when we booked and paid £22 for both.
I had the window and he had the middle.

A lady sat on the end and her daughter was in front.
She asked could they have our two seats and we have hers /daughters or my boyfriend switch with her daughter.
I politely said no.
Which she wasn't happy about.
We got "what difference does it make"
"Your adults,my daughter is sacred of flying and is a minor"

Anyway we wouldn't move.

Was I in the wrong ?
Surely if she was that bothered she could have paid like us.

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wearejustfriends · 18/04/2022 14:31

*scared of flying

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insancerre · 18/04/2022 14:33

She should have paid to book seats together the same as you did

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GrazingSheep · 18/04/2022 14:33

She should have paid for seats.

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SpringLobelia · 18/04/2022 14:34

Well. I have a child who is scared of flying and so I would have paid to ensure that I had the seats I needed.

Unless there is something else going on like a last minute emergency which rquired sudden unexpected travel and a full plane and and and ....

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Trudij123 · 18/04/2022 14:34

She wasn’t unreasonable to ask and you weren’t unreasonable to say no.

I’m not sure it’s as easy as that though - don’t you have to sit where your ticket says so you can be identified if there’s an accident? ( might have made that up though - but it’s just popped into my head) have a great time!!

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Mamamia7962 · 18/04/2022 14:34

I wouldn't have moved either.

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Handtwin · 18/04/2022 14:34

YANBU. If they wanted to sit together they should have booked it.

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HaveANiceFuckingDay · 18/04/2022 14:34

No of course YANBU she should have booked seats knowing her daughter required a certain seat.
Freeloader springs to mind
I hate this
People expecting you give give up the seats you've paid for .

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HappyFlaps · 18/04/2022 14:34

If you've paid extra for the seats to sit together then YANBU. Did you tell her that you paid extra for them?

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LemonViolet · 18/04/2022 14:35

YANBU. You paid to select seats, she didn’t, her loss.

Maybe you could have offered to sell them to her for £44 Grin

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SpringLobelia · 18/04/2022 14:35

and IME people who have a child who has some sort of issue with any sort of travel usually plans it down to the tiniest little degree.

So I'd say on balance she was a chancer.

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SummerHouse · 18/04/2022 14:35

I would have swapped. What an awkward flight! You were totally not unreasonable not to though and she was rude to pressure you. As you say, you paid to sit together. But I would have swapped for the daughter, not her rude mother.

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MarshaBradyo · 18/04/2022 14:35

Yanbu you paid. I’m glad you stuck to your no

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VyeBrator · 18/04/2022 14:35

You weren't in the wrong

I would've moved for her but that doesn't mean anyone else has to.

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SockFluffInTheBath · 18/04/2022 14:35

She was being a CF thinking you should move. She probably declined the seat booking charge telling herself she’d just demand someone on the plane to move for her free convenience.

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wearejustfriends · 18/04/2022 14:36

Yeah we specially paid extra so we would be sat together.
I didn't want the worry of not being sat with boyfriend as I also get a bit nervous on take off.
I'm ok once I'm up but it's the taking off bit

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TheAbbotOfUnreason · 18/04/2022 14:36

She wasn’t being unreasonable to ask.

You weren’t being unreasonable to refuse.

She was unreasonable to be grumpy about it.

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I8toys · 18/04/2022 14:37

Not unreasonable to ask but unreasonable to try and guilt you about it. Mother of the century.

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PurpleDrain · 18/04/2022 14:38

Yanbu at all but Ihave never paid to reserve seats and have always been sat together - family of three. If we weren’t sat together I would not ask to move though.
Glad you didn’t give in to her.

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SoggyPaper · 18/04/2022 14:38

What difference does it make?

Maybe the difference between sitting with your art et for a few hours or not sitting with them.

She thought she could get away with guilting someone into letting her sit with her daughter. Rather than paying £22 herself.

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Aroundtheworldin80moves · 18/04/2022 14:38

How old was the child?
Teenager... no way
9-12... maybe
8 and under.. probably because we know TUI says they sit children with parents but don't make it clear together might be in front or across an aisle.

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TangoWhiskyAlphaTango · 18/04/2022 14:38

No chance would I move, I am terrified of flying and am really picky about my seats.

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lickenchugget · 18/04/2022 14:40

Yanbu, she was a CF to ask, she should have pre-booked instead of swerving the cost then demanding others to move

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freedomhereicome · 18/04/2022 14:43

The airline company is unreasonable for making people pay to sit next to each other

But no yanbu. You paid. She didn't. She knew she would have to pay to make sure her daughter wasn't sat by herself. She made the decision not to. It's on her.

But yeah since when did we have to start paying extra to sit together... don't get me started!

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ilovesooty · 18/04/2022 14:43

No way would I have moved. She should have paid to reserve seats.

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