Security Analysis of the EU’s Digital Wallet
A group of cryptographers have analyzed the eiDAS 2.0 regulation (electronic identification and trust services) that defines the new EU Digital Identity Wallet.
A group of cryptographers have analyzed the eiDAS 2.0 regulation (electronic identification and trust services) that defines the new EU Digital Identity Wallet.
Clive Robinson • June 27, 2024 11:30 PM
On a related matter.
Back in the 1980’s when the 8bit home computer with just one or two kilobytes of RAM were the norm, and many were disguised as games machines like the “Nintendo Entertainment System”(NES) with the online world such as it was was dial-up. Security for the “home user” or just about any user was by todays standards nonexistent.
Getting on for half a century later the online world is very different with millions of hostile eyes watching and credential stealing, security needs to be treated very differently. Especially as humans have not really changed in that time and so some doing daft things is an expected occurrence.
BUT… 8bit microcontrollers with just one kilobyte of RAM or less are surprising to many still quite normal and found in your home in many places (including PC I/O).
The fact is the 6502 and Z80 CMOS CPU cores at under 5k transistors are still put in very many chips as a “silicon macro”. Why? Because they are inexpensive, low power and give sufficient flexibility and processing power, especially when clocked at a hundred times their original speed.
Such chips end up in all sorts of places not just home “white goods” but “infrastructure” like utility meters. But also more concerning in “medical implants” and contrary to the general perception most end up accessible from a network that can be reached directly or indirectly from the Internet.
Thus security is very much an issue.
But most “CS” algorithms used for cryptographic purposes are designed with large tables and 32bit CPU’s in mind. Thus an 8bit CPU with just a few bytes of RAM available appears to be an impossibility to have security on…
But is that the case? Whilst the old truism of,
“You can’t put a quart in a pint pot.”
Still holds and suggests you won’t get security, you need to think differently.
After all distill down a quart of beer or wine and you end up with a potent spirit that will certainly get in a pint pot, in fact a much lesser spirit glass that holds a gill or teacup full will do (~1/8th depending on who’s quarts and gills you mix up).
So can you use a modern CS-algo on an 8bit CPU? Yes, at an acceptable speed? Yes, and with just a few bytes of RAM? Yes for some CS-algos.
So modern security is possible on 1970’s CPUs you just have to think about it. After all saving more than $1/unit on a “100K Production Run” is probably worth the man-hours.
To see one implementation have a look at,
Importantly note the “trade-offs” as not all will apply in all cases.
Clive Robinson • June 28, 2024 12:17 AM
@ ALL,
You might note,
“Our specific recommendation is to use the BBS family of anonymous credentials.”
BBS signatures, are from memory published back in 2004 and based around the use of the discrete logarith problem, thus not “Post Quantum Secure”.
However section 6.9 of,
6.9. Post-quantum Security
BBS Signatures compine two security properties; data authenticity and data confidentiality.Data authenticity refers to the inability of anyone other that the Signer being able to generate BBS signatures that are valid under the Signer’s public key (this property is often refered to as unforgeability, or in the case of BBS Signatures, strong unforgeability, e.g., by [TZ23]). It also means that no one should be able to generate valid BBS proofs disclosing sets of messages, without first optaining a valid BBS signature on those messages (in academic works, this is refered to as the BBS proof being a proof-of-knowledge of a BBS signature [CDL16] [TZ23]).
Data confidenciality means that no one (not even the Signer) should be able to use a BBS proof to extract information about the messages the Prover decided not to disclose during the proof generation process, or the signature that was used to generate that proof (something that is refered to as the zero-knowledge property of the BBS proof [BBDT16] [CDL16] [TZ23]).
On the presence of a Cryptographically Relevant Quantum Computer (CRQC), meaning a computer that will be able to break the discrete logarithm problem in the groups used by BBS Signatures (see [I-D.ietf-pquip-pqc-engineers]), the data authenticity property will not hold. Specifically, an adversary could use a CRQC to reveal the Signer’s secret key from their public key, hence giving them the ability to generate BBS signatures on behalf of that Signer, for messages of their choosing, as well as BBS proofs using those signatures.
On the other hand, data confidentiality cannot be broken, even by adversaries with unbounded computational resources and in possession of the Signer’s secret key. This means that even by utilizing a CRQC, adversaries will not be able to compromise the data confidentiality property of BBS Signatures. As a result, an adversary with access to such a quantum computer, will not be able to reveal neither the messages undisclosed by a BBS proof, nor the hidden signature value. This guarantees that the privacy and hiding properties of BBS proofs that are currently used, will not be compromised by future quantum-attacks (a property that is often referred to as everlasting privacy).
Anybody know if this is actually still correct?
iAPX • June 28, 2024 8:44 AM
This 8-bit project is in no way secure, nor “modern security”.
The sha family should not be used as such for credentials fingerprints and storing, you have to use a framework such as PBKDF2 that will usually use sha-256.
I still think near-modern security is possible on 8-bits CPU, but it won’t be fast and might need a dedicated accelerator for cryptographic primitives, the same way there are some for fp32 (AMD 9511 for example).
Clive Robinson • June 29, 2024 1:50 AM
@ iAPX
Re : SHA-256 v. PBKDF2
“The sha family should not be used as such for credentials fingerprints and storing, you have to use a framework such as PBKDF2 that will usually use sha-256.”
The usual reason given for not using SHA2 algorithms is the reason they exist which is “RAM” and “ROM” rather than “CPU”.
SHA-256 is NOT “memory-hard” that is it uses very little RAM and comparatively not much ROM when written correctly.
Something that is not just important but a deal breaker on “Low Cost Microcontrollers” that have quite limited on board RAM and ROM (chip design for memory is radically different to that of a CPU and it has not just real-estate but thermal / energy consumption issues which reflect back into viability).
The reason “memory-hard” is an issue currently is availability of increasingly more powerful ASIC / FPGA / GPU chips (something Nvidia has riden high on). They all can be hundreds if not tens of thousands of times faster with algorithms that have minimal RAM and ROM footprints. Take a look at the access time for data in “internal register file” compared to “external core memory” to see one reason why.
So GPU’s and ASICs when used in certain ways such as crypto-coin mining and “blockchain proof of work” can offer benefits that transfer to attacks on some password systems.
BUT going for a “memory-hard” function is at best a short term security advantage. Because leading edge technology moves on fairly rapidly, and changes to GPU and ASIC designs are often effected first. One such is increasing the size of memory in the “internal register file”… This robs the “security advantages” of increasingly more “memory-hard” algorithms.
Whilst new algorithms can be made that uses a lot lot more RAM and ROM memory they can only go so far before they become totally impractical. Also it’s a “Rabbit Hole Game” as can be seen with,
But also we can already see this with microcontrollers where the limits of on chip RAM and ROM, compounded with board layout and power consumption make the use of certain algorithms not just impractical but impossible for certain applications. With “memory-hard” being a total non-starter.
To see this take a look at “the one closest to your heart” of implanted medical electronics like pacemakers (that are being put in people over 50 “as standard” in the US and other places). Also the up coming neural stimulators to reduce if not stop epileptic and similar life threatening seizures. The reason these devices are being fitted, is surprising to many not primarily the patients life, but the lives of others.
People having debilitating seizures etc whilst in control of “everyday machinery” has a “force multiplier effect” with respect to death and injury to others. You just can not “medically retire” and “ban from driving” all the people at risk of seizures, so fitting implanted electronics driven by low spec microcontrollers is the only practical solution.
All such implanted medical electronics currently “has no security” and we already know that such devices are susceptible to “Drive-By Jacking” from devices that cost less than $100 in online-order parts to put together.
So it’s just a question of “when” not “if”, if it’s not already happened. Remember this is something the “US Secret Service” regard as not just a valid attack but one that is dramatically called “A clear and present danger”. So much so that Dick Cheney after assessing the risk he had been informed of opted to have his device modified to make it a lot more secure,
But the real $64,000,000 question is,
“Do you want No security, or Some security on such devices?”
In you or in others, as high level security is not possible. Especially when you consider that a driver coming down the street is in effect by US legal definition 18 USC § 2332a(c)(2) a “WMD”…
Brian McGee • June 29, 2024 6:28 PM
@ Clive Robinson,
Back in the 1980’s […] Security for the “home user” or just about any user was by todays standards nonexistent.
That rather depends on what you mean by “security”, doesn’t it? We didn’t have modern crypto, and it was somewhat illegal (to export from the USA or Canada, or for people there to talk about with foreigners). We didn’t have memory protection either.
On the other hand, almost nobody was affected by computer security vulnerabilities in those days. (Well, maybe if you annoyed a phone phreak, you’d find your home line classified as a pay-phone and asking for coins…) So in some sense we had security even if we didn’t have “security” as a discipline. That didn’t really change till we started putting important (valuable) stuff on computers.
I’m not really sure what this “digital identity” business is meant to address, but as identity systems become more valuable, they become a larger target too. People used to forge such documents all the time, usually just for under-age drinking, and nobody much cared. What goes wrong if you forge one of these things? Maybe the system’s a bad idea entirely, and we should be happy with a lack of centralized “identity”.
44 52 4D CO+2 • June 29, 2024 10:38 PM
@Clive Robinson
You just can not “medically retire” and “ban from driving” all the people at risk of seizures, so fitting implanted electronics driven by low spec microcontrollers is the only practical solution.
I may be misunderstanding you, but that is a wildly speculative claim to make.
You’ve already mentioned special precautions that have been considered for a specific VIP.
Is there a risk analysis from insurance companies that proposes more low spec insecure implanted microcontrollers would be cheaper overall?
Clive Robinson • June 29, 2024 11:07 PM
@ Brian McGee,
“Maybe the system’s a bad idea entirely, and we should be happy with a lack of centralized “identity”.”
If recorded history is in any way correct, mankind has some how managed to survive without any form of correctly functioning “centralized identity” for all of it’s existence so far.
Nations have tried, and as far as I can recall, they’ve all failed in some way or another at very great expense.
All the cases made for such systems have been shown to be at best a sick joke ment to invoke emotion in those who fall for “Think of the Children” and “Reds under the bed” style rhetoric.
Such dog whistle statements should be cast in concrete ten foot high with the espousers safely protected within.
Clive Robinson • June 30, 2024 11:56 PM
@ 44 52 4D CO+2, ALL,
Re : Wild speculation claim
You say,
“… that is a wildly speculative claim to make.”
With regards my comment,
“You just can not “medically retire” and “ban from driving” all the people at risk of seizures, so fitting implanted electronics driven by low spec microcontrollers is the only practical solution.”
Lets invert it, and say you will for reasons of public safety of “others” treat people who are at risk of seizures differently[1].
So for public safety of “others” they must not,
1, Operate any vehicle or machine in a place where any “other” person might come to harm of any form.
It sounds reasonable after all people do die of the likes of sudden death syndrome[3] and crash their vehicle etc. And as we know vehicle accidents all to often harm other drivers and pedestrians, and even people sitting in the front room of their house.
Now consider something over four in ten of the people who have fatal heart attacks it’s the first one that kills them often without warning and many would be preventable with rapid medical intervention.
But remember the likely hood of heart attacks is not randomly distributed in the population far from it…
The problem with this is that for almost anyone who earns their living by way of manual labour, direct service industry, or manual trades, using vehicles or tools that are “force multipliers” especially where “others” are is a requirement, their heart attack risk is higher.
2, So if you “ban them” then how do they earn a living?
That is what “medical retirment” is, and it always means a loss of income and attendant difficulties no matter where you are in the world.
So what do you do, let them starve to death, be thrown out of their homes, be denied health care?
Why not do what they do with sick working animals, put a gun to their head and pull the trigger,
“It would be more humane right?”
So really I think your statement,
“… that is a wildly speculative claim to make.”
Is not at all reasoned through or thought out. And to be honest I think many would think you could easily have verified what I said was neither speculation or wild.
Something to note, it’s comments like that you made, and what followed repeated times, is what caused the issues, that has led our host @Bruce Schneier to recently change the way commenting and moderation of comments works.
But as a side note,
I used to provide me explanations and links to references as standard. But people complained my and others similar posts were to long. Also due to other peoples behaviours with link spam and the like the auto-mod killed posts with even one link or word it did not like.
Thankfully our host has indicated the auto-mod naughty word list is currently not working. Because LLM’s are causing words that were on the naughty list to become “terms of art” in “the knowledge domain”.
Whilst “Hallucination” has become established, others are on their way. Have a read of this published in a reputable journal article/paper,
To see just one occurrence of a well known “naughty word” being reclassified into a “term of art” that falls smack in the middle of not just “ICT Sec” and “public-interest technology” domains but AI, Psychology, Philosophy domains as well. So will pop up more frequently in all STEM domains, and I assume general education as well… Will the word get rehabilitated? Who knows, only time will tell.
[1] Because during a “seizure”[2] they will loose ability to control not just their own bodily functions, but also loose control of any machine or process. Importantly including any and all forms of “force multipliers” used in public places where “others” are expected to be. That is “force multipliers” such as all self powered vehicles and power tools such as chain saws.
[2] The medical definition of “seizure” is based on abnormal neuro electrical behaviour in the brain, that is either local to a region of the brain or general to all of the brain. It does not distinguish between what the general population would think of as purely brain events, or other causes such as loss of blood pressure, flow, or oxygen carrying capacity from medical or physical conditions.
[3] There are several types of “sudden death syndrome”
one that might be close to your heart is SADS or “Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome”,
It kills about one person in 1600 in the UK higher numbers in other Western Countries,
“Each year, about 200,000 Americans die from sudden cardiac arrest. About 4,000 children and young adults die each year from a SADS condition.”
And it’s getting worse especially in the younger population,
We’ve seen healthy sporting teens drop dead of it sufficiently so that there are now awareness and research charities appearing.
Obviously not all people that have potentially fatal arrhythmias (Afib) die with the first such or subsequent events. But the likelihood of sufficiently debilitating cardiac arrhythmia that you survive the first time is not at all good, and you are rendered incapable / insensible or ultimately dead for each event depending on the speed of medical assistance arriving at your chest. The risk of death for the first event is around 6 in 10 and is over 9 in 10 without medical intervention and these figures are getting worse. Three things that more recently have been found to make Afib worse is high levels of fish oil, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medications and antidepressant medications including legal “natural” supplements,
44 52 4D CO+2 • July 2, 2024 1:09 AM
To see one implementation have a look at,
Importantly note the “trade-offs” as not all will apply in all cases.
Take another look at the diagram labeled
The login protocol for Super Tilt Bro.
Then read up the in the paragraph above where it says
Considering that players will not go as far as eavesdropping each other’s internet or hack the server to steal accounts, the most important part is the salted hash part.
There have been 100-200 thousand people in the U.S. who have received VNS implants
There are an order of magnitude greater number of people who are legally blind and are not legally allowed to drive.
If technology allows anyone to be more mobile, great! I’m all for it! But if the technology is as risky as you claim for a VIP, the insurance companies will simply claim “act of war” and dodge any responsibility.
The notion that people can’t be medically retired is not a practical issue, but a very personal one
Tony H. • July 5, 2024 10:03 PM
@Clive says:
“Three things that more recently have been found to make Afib worse is high levels of fish oil, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medications and antidepressant medications including legal “natural” supplements,
I fail to find any support in that link – or even in anything it links to – for the proposition that high levels of fish oil can make Afib worse. Could you point out where such a connection is made, or more generally clarify what links support what claims of yours?
qwerty • July 6, 2024 6:06 PM
The search for the random numbers that run our lives
Every time you choose a new password, even one you think of yourself, a computer adds another chunk of data to it. This scrambles the password for storage meaning that, if someone hacks a database and steals your password, they can’t easily unscramble it and use it to access your account. That chunk of data added to the password is called a salt and it is derived from a random number.
When sensitive data is flying around computer networks, especially those
accessible by the public, it’s essential to secure that information.
Cloudflare, a tech firm that provides cloud security services, uses a lot of
random numbers at its data centers. The company has sought some eye-catching ways of generating randomness – including a collection of lava lamps.
One group of researchers even sought randomness by looking at the unique
genetic sequences contained within DNA molecules inside all living things.
When random number generators don’t do their jobs properly, you can expect that
malicious people might try to exploit them. In 2017, Wired reported on the case of a Russian hacker who allegedly got people to film the activity of slot
machines at casinos. Based on the results of each play, he was able to predict
the workings of the machines’ internal random number generators and, therefore,
determine when they would next pay out.
some people argue that the best kind of random number generator is a quantum
random number generator – that is, one that relies on quantum mechanical effects. These are, as far as we can tell, are as random as it gets. The weird
behavior, or entropy, of subatomic particles, including the timing of a single radioactive atom’s decay, for example, are completely unpredictable. There’s some discussion at to whether true randomness really exists anywhere but we can leave that to the theoretical physicists.
Clive Robinson • July 7, 2024 7:02 PM
@ 44 52 4D CO+2,
“But if the technology is as risky as you claim for a VIP”
I don’t claim, I’ve reported what the VIP claimed about why he did what he did.
“There are an order of magnitude greater number of people who are legally blind and are not legally allowed to drive.”
So what, it’s irrelevant ie you are not comparing apples with apples.
The fact that artificial eyes due to the complexity involved and the required surgery are still beyond “cutting edge” for anything approaching “normal vision” is why they are not exactly a commodity implant.
“There have been 100-200 thousand people in the U.S. who have received VNS implants”
Their electronic design is broadly the same as heart stimulation devices.
However you do not mention that they only “reduce” not “stop” seizures, and they have found that they can actually increase incidence of seizures in a significant number of people. As well as cause other quality of life and longevity effecting disorders such as sleep apnea that is known to be a contributor to “Sudden Death Syndrome”(SDS) and unexplained cardiac arrest.
It’s one of the reasons they are actively investigating alternatives to VNS devices. One of which is direct brain stimulation that has significant benefits. Not least that it can be localised.
The question that is currently trending about SDS / unexplained cardiac arrest is about a number of potential genetic connections. One of which,
But genetics is by no means the only questions by quite some measure.
By the way, stimulating the nerve by as little as firm finger pressure can be quite deleterious and in the past has been taught to military personnel.
But your,
“The notion that people can’t be medically retired is not a practical issue, but a very personal one”
Is wrong. It very much is a practical issue in more ways than most can imagine, and I hope you never have to find out first hand especially if you live in the US.
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Sidebar photo of Bruce Schneier by Joe MacInnis.
iAPX • June 27, 2024 12:27 PM
I expect the regulation to be amended, with obviously less privacy respect, as this is not a real goal for this digital ID and wallet…
The analysis work done on that on a cryptographic perspective is impressive and very useful to be able to explain the actual shortcomings of this proposal.