
Clive Robinson December 18, 2024 3:29 PM

@ ALL,

One thing to think of is,

“When you solve a mathematical conjecture, you almost always break something that was of some use.”

For instance consider the notion of “One Way Functions”(OWFs) that find use in all sorts of places not just the more obvious cryptographic uses. The idea is simple, to move forward is easy or simple, to do the reverse is hard, very hard, and hopefully only possible by stepping through every single example of a forward search in a Brut Force way. Such a forward example is multiplication and the reverse factoring.

Come up with a way to factor as easily as multiply, and there will be a lot of red faces around.

We really have no proof that OWFs actually exist, that is there is no fast reverse as efficient as the forward. And worse we certainly do not for the more refined form of OWFs with secret trap doors (the fact there is one trap door tends to suggest in a simplistic way there may well be others).

Some may remember the use of the “Knapsack algorithms” as one of the first of the Public Key Systems,

Only it ended up being not just attacked but broken in about half a decade by Adi Shamir,–Hellman_knapsack_cryptosystem

The way it was done was let’s say interesting because the result has repercussions else where.

Drop a pebble in a still pond and the ripples travel out beyond where you can easily see them.

Will this work by create ripples, almost certainly yes, will it have real world repercussions outside the Ivory Towers, very probably.

As with all things we will just have to wait and see.

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