Transit is an integral part of SEMCOG's transportation management system. In its efforts to improve the mobility of all people, including those with special needs and those without cars, SEMCOG works to help public and private transportation providers meet the mobility needs of the people and communities they serve. Working on a regional level, SEMCOG developed a regional transit plan, Improving Transit in Southeast Michigan: A Framework for Action. This plan sets the course for developing a comprehensive transit system in Southeast Michigan by combining extensive public input with research and technical analysis to create a system that provides a balance of viable options. A four-tier transit system is recommended:

  • a 12-corridor rapid transit network;
  • enhanced fixed-route bus service;
  • improved and expanded community transit; and
  • establishment of regional transit links.

Since adopting the plan, the region is implementing several recommendations. These include:

  • The Regional Transit Authority (RTA) of Southeast Michigan.
  • The RTCC Transit Service Plan was adopted in December 2008, expanding SEMCOG's Regional Transit Plan with more detailed corridor analysis and recommendations.
  • Advancing transit service in the Woodward Avenue Corridor from downtown Detroit to Pontiac. SEMCOG, local governments, and other stakeholders along the corridor have conducted a Woodward Alternatives Analysis study.
  • The Ann Arbor-Detroit Regional Rail project is being implemented to provide an alternative means of commuting between Wayne and Washtenaw counties and will serve as the first regional link in Southeast Michigan.
  • The WALLY (Washtenaw and Livingston Line) is a commuter rail project in the US-23 corridor to mitigate heavy congestion between the cities of Howell and Ann Arbor.

At the same time, SEMCOG actively works with other organizations and agencies to develop specialized transportation services designed to meet the special needs of the region's residents.

Additional Information

Regional On-Board Transit Survey


SEMCOG, in partnership with the Regional Transit Authority for Southeast Michigan (RTA) and Southeast Michigan’s transit providers, conducted a regional On-Board Transit Survey (OBTS) of all the fixed-route transit systems in Southeast Michigan. The OBTS is used to help Southeast Michigan plan for improved transit infrastructure and service. Survey responses assist SEMCOG and its partners better understand the travel patterns and choices of transit riders. This also helps planners and decision-makers make more effective improvements and better service transit riders. Approximately 18,000 riders were surveyed in the region, riding at various times during weekdays on the region's eight transit systems:

The last regional OBTS was completed in 2009, and since then, significant economic, land use, and transit system changes have occurred. Furthermore, the region is interested in enhancing the transit system, including potential rapid transit services, making the need for more up-to-date transit travel information even more critical.

It is important to note that this survey was conducted between fall 2018 and spring 2019 – before the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has affected all facets of life, including the ways people communicate, travel, work, and interact. The OBTS remains a strong indicator of transit rider behavior, especially as it relates to transit dependent riders. At the same time, SEMCOG understands that the pandemic will have a lasting impact on travel behavior. To address this SEMCOG is working with the RTA, the region’s operators, as well as MDOT, the Federal Transit Administration, and our national colleagues to understand the impacts of the pandemic on the region’s travel.  Travel behavior has evolved as we learned more about the virus, how to protect ourselves, the ups and downs of outbreaks, and the development of treatments and vaccines. It will continue to evolve and understanding how is vital to interpreting the survey results and the need to adjust our assumptions going forward.

The OBTS provides valuable, information about travel patterns, demographics of transit riders, transit service characteristics, and passengers’ attitudes towards transit services and is extremely important for regional transit planning and the transportation investment decision-making process. Along with providing key input for understanding rider needs for transportation planning, having current data helps make the region more competitive for federal transit funding when it becomes available. Some of the information obtained will be origin, destination, demographics (including vehicle availability and household income), access and egress modes, and public transit use.

2019 SEMCOG Regional On-Board Transit Survey (pdf, 2.1MB)

QuickFacts On-Board Transit Survey (pdf, 0.5MB)

2009-2010 SEMCOG Transit On-Board Survey Report (pdf, 3.3MB)

For more information, please contact Alex Bourgeau, Transportation Modeling And Mobility

Specialized Transportation Services

Specialized transportation services provide transportation options for seniors and persons with physical or mental disabilities. There are many agencies in Southeast Michigan that provide specialized transportation service to local areas for health appointments, employment, shopping, and other purposes.

To better identify individuals with specialized transportation needs and coordinate services across multiple transit providers, transit agencies develop Coordinated Transit-Human Services Transportation Plans. The Detroit Department of Transportation (DDOT) (pdf, 1.3MB), Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) (pdf, 706KB), and Washtenaw County in cooperation with the Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority (AAATA) (pdf, 657KB) each have developed Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plans that have been approved by the Michigan Department of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration.

The Coordinated Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan serves as a guideline for grant applications seeking federal funding. The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) law requires all entities selected for funding under the Enhances Mobility Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities and New Freedoms Programs (Section 5310) and the Urbanized Area Formula Program (Section 5307) to develop a locally coordinated transit-human services transportation plan specific to the needs of individuals with disabilities, older adults and low-income individuals in their service area in order to access allocated funding. SEMCOG is the designated recipient of the Federal Transit Administration’s Section 5310 and 5307 funds for Livingston, Macomb, Oakland, St. Clair and Wayne Counties. The Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority receives funds for Washtenaw County.

Contact Deanna Donahoo at (313) 324-3319.

Developing Regional Solutions
SEMCOG is a regional planning partnership of governmental units serving 4.8 million people in the seven-county region of Southeast Michigan striving to enhance the region's quality of life.