SEMCOG provides insightful data analysis and direct assistance to member governments.  Local governments and other planning organizations depend on SEMCOG for up-to-date information on demographics, socio-economics, housing, land use, and transportation related data. SEMCOG’s data collection, analysis, forecasting, and reporting are designed to meet those needs.


Community Profiles

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Delve into data about how people live, work, and travel in your community.

Maps and Apps Gallery

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Explore SEMCOG’s full suite of maps and apps for regional, county, community, and local planning.

Open Data Portal

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Browse and download SEMCOG’s open data.

Socio-Economic Trends

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Explore trends in socio-economic data for Southeast Michigan.

Aerial Imagery

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Learn about SEMCOG's regional aerial imagery and LiDAR data.

Master Plan Data and Tools

Master Plan Tools thumbnail; a drone image of downtown Milan, Michigan

Explore data and tools to support community master plans.


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Attend Southeast Michigan GIS Users Group meetings.

Regional Development

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Monitor residential and nonresidential development.

Transportation Data

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Access various tools for searching road, traffic, and crash data.


Developing Regional Solutions
SEMCOG is a regional planning partnership of governmental units serving 4.8 million people in the seven-county region of Southeast Michigan striving to enhance the region's quality of life.