In an era where misinformation spreads like wildfire on social media and WhatsApp, Food For Mzansi is taking a stand against fake news in agriculture. Misleading claims about food safety, farming practices, and the agricultural sector are not just damaging – they threaten the livelihoods of farmers and workers, the reputation of our food systems, and public trust.
Through our “12 days, 12 truth bombs” campaign, Food For Mzansi is debunking myths with verified facts. We are calling out harmful narratives, such as the false belief that the agricultural value chain supplies illegal street poisons or that there is no regulation of agricultural products. By providing clarity and context, we aim to protect the integrity of our farmers and ensure the public can make informed decisions based on truth, not fearmongering.
Fake news is dangerous. It creates unnecessary panic, undermines credible institutions, and damages hardworking farmers who already face numerous challenges. Food For Mzansi believes in empowering people with accurate information while highlighting the robust systems in place to ensure food safety and environmental protection in South Africa.
Let’s fight disinformation with truth. Together, we can stop the spread of lies and uphold the reputation of South Africa’s agricultural sector. 🌾💚
#FoodSafetyFirst #FightFakeNews #AgriTruthMatters #FoodForMzansi