SUSTAINair - Sustainable aerospace value chains’ cover photo
SUSTAINair - Sustainable aerospace value chains

SUSTAINair - Sustainable aerospace value chains

Luft- & Raumfahrt

H2020 project enabling circular economy approaches for entire aircraft lifecycle facilitating sustainable value chains.


Horizon 2020 project SUSTAINair is to research and develop solutions to increase resource efficiency and aircraft performance while cutting down on waste and material costs for total aircraft life cycle – the so-called circular aviation #AerospaceEngineering The project partners are on the forefront of circular aviation pursuing objectives set by the EU Green Deal and Flightpath 2050. The technological innovations brought about by the transition to circular economy can be seen as a pathway for tackling the economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in industries along the entire aviation value chain. CIRCULAR ECONOMY Based on the circular economy approach, SUSTAINair provides the aviation sector a runway to more cost-effective, low-carbon economy while tackling the increase in resource consumption, waste and emissions. HARD FACTS ➡Starting in January 2021 and spanning 3.5 years with a budget of €5 million, the SUSTAINair project is a collaboration of 11 European research organizations and industrial partners. ➡SUSTAINair joins the Future Sky research initiative of the Association of European Research Establishments in Aeronautics (EREA). ➡EASA supports SUSTAINair in an advisory role concerning certification, regulation, and safety assessment aspects. EXPECTED IMPACT ✔Landing the buy-to-fly ratio (more material is utilised along the chain than is discarded) ✔Processes for up and in-house re-cycling of metals, as well as composites such as carbon fibers. ✔Novel aerospace structures and alloys to reduce weight ✔Real-time, online, continous damage diagnosis and prognosis for optimization of MRO operations ✔Novel joining techniques for novel alloys and new MRO sensors ✔Disassembly robot to to economically produce higher quality recycled aircraft material.

Luft- & Raumfahrt
10.001+ Beschäftigte
Manufacturing, Maintenance, MRO, Damage diagnosis and prognosis, Digitalization, Robots, Recycling , Hybrid Joining Techniques, Welding , Additive manufacturing, Metal 3D printing, Metal powder alloys, Aluminum, Titanium , decommissioned aircraft, Dismantling aircraft, Manufacturing aircraft, Artificial Intelligence for Industry , Industrial Symbiosis, Material science, Raw materials, EU Green Deal , Circular Economy , aerospace research, airworthiness, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing , Welding, Sensors, Structural Health, Composites und Raw Materials


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