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Creative Skills Europe

Creative Skills Europe

Non-profit Organization Management

Brussels, Brussels 312 followers

About us

What skills do audiovisual and live performance professionals need to enter and remain in employment? How to accompany the evolution of the professionals’ practices and of their careers? How to contribute to a dynamic sector that foresees and anticipates change? What role for trade unions, employers’ organisations and social dialogue? Creative Skills Europe is a platform where a wide range of stakeholders from the European audiovisual and live performance sectors meet: trade unions, employers’ organisations, national skills bodies, education & training providers, professional associations, etc. Their objective is to better adjust the sector training offer to the needs on the ground, to facilitate access to training for all types of workers at different moments of their careers, to contribute to the development of the sector and to secure professionals’ career paths. Supported by the European Commission Creative Skills Europe builds on the experience of the social dialogue partners at national and EU levels, and is grounded in regional and local realities thanks to the support and active participation of key employment and skills organisations from different EU countries.

Non-profit Organization Management
Company size
1 employee
Brussels, Brussels
creative industries, media, vocational education, lifelong learning, skills, performing arts, broadcast media, higher education, Media production, Motion pictures and film, theater, and music



  • ✨ European social partners in the audiovisual and live performance sectors - Pearle* Live Performance Europe*, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the International Federation of Musicians (FIM), the International Federation of Actors (FIA), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), and the Media, Entertainment & Arts sector of UNI Europa (EURO-MEI) - are launching a new campaign called “Creative Pathways to Creative Careers” on 17 September during the Creative Skills Week! The initiative comes as a response to staff #shortages faced in many occupations across European countries, exacerbated by the #Covid19 pandemic. The campaign features a variety of occupations that make up the audiovisual and live performance sectors and the many pathways that can lead to those jobs. The campaign also addresses key challenges that professionals face throughout their careers and outlines skills solutions to those challenges : from getting a foot in the door and securing #careers, to #upskilling for the digital shift and the #green transition. Each week, for three months, Creative Skills Europe will highlight resources developed at national level by sector skills bodies, training institutions and social partners such as directories of training offers, job platforms, or recruitment guidelines. 📅 The campaign will be launched during the Creative Skills Week at the occasion of the Creative Skills Europe’s online satellite event taking on 17 September 2024 from 10am to 12pm (CEST). Professionals from the sectors will discuss data management and intelligence gathering to improve training and skills development in the sector. You can register here 👉 🔗 Follow Creative Skills Europe on X (@skills_europe), Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram (@creativeskillseurope) to get the latest news about the campaign – and share your own resources with the hashtag #CreativePathwaysCreativeCareers! The Creative Skills Europe initiative receives the financial support of the European Union. mediarte Sociaal Fonds Podiumkunsten (BE) CPNEF de l'audiovisuel CPNEF-SV Omscholing Dansers Nederland DTHG e.V. Yrkesnämnden för Film och TV KULTURAKADEMIN Accademia Teatro alla Scala

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    View profile for Sharon Vandevenne

    Program manager inclusie bij mediarte

    Last week, I had the opportunity to travel to Prague for Creative Skills Europe, where professionals from across Eastern Europe gathered to discuss the future of skills in the creative industries. I was honored to take part in a panel discussion, sharing insights about mediarte and our initiatives to promote inclusion in the audiovisual sector in Belgium. It was inspiring to exchange perspectives and learn how different countries in the region are working towards a more diverse and inclusive industry. A big thank you to the organizers, fellow panelists, and everyone who contributed to these meaningful conversations. I look forward to continuing these discussions and fostering new collaborations!

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  • Creative Skills Europe reposted this

    Pearle* is in Prague for the Creative Skills Europe regional conference on skills in the audiovisual and live performance sectors. 🎥🎭 Bringing together stakeholders from Eastern and Central Europe, the conference puts the spotlight on key challenges such as the #digital 💻 and #green transitions 🍃, #genderequality and #inclusion♀️🏳️🌈, and access to #training for all cultural professionals. This event is the second regional conference as part of the AV and LP project on the promotion and dissemination of the EU Framework of Action on Skills. Find out more: UNI Europa, International Federation of Musicians, International Federation of Actors, European Federation of Journalists, European Broadcasting Union (EBU)

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  • Creative Skills Europe reposted this

    #CFA was delighted to participate in today's 'Regional Conference on Skills', organised by Creative Skills Europe, in Prague, Czech Republic. This event brought together stakeholders from the audiovisual and live performance sectors across Central and Eastern Europe to address key challenges and explore how professional training and skills development can facilitate necessary transitions within the industry. Our Director, Louise Allen, presented on the panel 'Skills in the digital environment - Adaptation and innovation' within the creative and cultural sectors. CFA's involvement underscores its commitment to fostering international collaboration and contributing to the advancement of creative skills on a broader European scale. UNI Europa Higher Education Authority European Union Creative Skills Europe

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  • 🌟 Step Into the Spotlight: Join SHOWTECH 2025! 🌟 Since 1984, SHOWTECH, organized by our German national partner DTHG Service GmbH, has been the international stage where innovation meets artistry, uniting the global theater and stage technology community in the heart of Berlin. This trade fair is more than an exhibition—it's a platform that brings together creative minds, technical pioneers and experts from all over the world to explore the synergies between art and technology. 📅 Mark Your Calendar: On May 21–22, 2025, SHOWTECH's Congress will be in the Glashaus of the ARENA Berlin, with the theme "Tech & Art – Crafting the New Theater Experience." This year, SHOWTECH will explore: 🎭 Visionary Theater Buildings 💡New technologies in lighting and sound technology 🤖 Artificial Intelligence 🌱 Sustainability & Energy 🌌 VR & AR 🤝 Synergies between art and technology 🎤 Call for Papers: Are you an expert, artist, or innovator with ideas to shape the future of theater? SHOWTECH wants to hear from you! Whether you envision delivering a talk or leading an interactive session, this is your chance to share your vision on a global stage. ⏳ Submit your proposal by January 31, 2025! For details and submission guidelines, visit the Congress page: 🎭 Join us in reimagining the theater experience — let's craft the future together! #SHOWTECH2025

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    Ihr habt etwas zu sagen? Bühne frei - auf dem Kongress im Rahmen der SHOWTECH 2025! Für Fachwissen, Erfahrungen, Projekte und alle Themen, die die Theater- & Veranstaltungstechnik-Branche bewegen, ist die SHOWTECH 2025 die ideale Plattform. Tech & Art - Crafting the New Theater Experience - am 21. und 22. Mai 2025 treffen sich Profis aus technisch-kreativen Berufen, DTHG-Mitglieder und theaterbegeisterte Menschen im Glashaus der ARENA Berlin. Ihr möchtet euer Projekt vorstellen, von euren Erfahrungen berichten oder ein Thema in den Fokus rücken? Wir bereiten euch die Bühne! Sendet uns bis zum 31.01.2015 eure Themenvorschläge und seid dabei. Alle Informationen zum Call for Paper: Euer SHOWTECH Team ____________ You have something to say? Be part of it - at the congress during SHOWTECH 2025! Showtech 2025 is the ideal platform for specialist knowledge, experiences, projects and all topics that move the theater & event technology industry. Tech & Art - Crafting the New Theater Experience - on May 21 and 22, 2025, experts from technical-creative professions, DTHG members and theater enthusiasts will meet in the Glashaus of the ARENA Berlin. Would you like to introduce your projekt, talk about your experiences or focus on a specific topic? We'll set the stage for you! Send us your topic suggestions until January 31, 2015 and be part of it. All informations: Your SHOWTECH Team #SHOWTECH2025 #TheatreTechnology #StageDesign #EventTechnology #StageTech #NetworkingEvents #TheatreInnovation #FutureOfTheatre #CreativeTechnology #creativejobs

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  • Creative Skills Europe reposted this

    [💻 RESSOURCE] #Audiovisuel Creative Skills Europe Dans le cadre de la campagne européenne #CreativePathwaysCreativeCareers, la CPNEF de l’audiovisuel s’engage et partage ses ressources ! Ce mois-ci, focus sur les enjeux RSE dans le spectacle vivant et enregistré : pour un secteur plus vert, plus sûr et plus inclusif. 🔎En décembre, la CPNEF de l’audiovisuel met à l'honneur son certificat Déployer une démarche écoresponsable dans sa pratique professionnelle, au sein d'un projet audiovisuel ! Créée par la CPNEF de l’audiovisuel, cette certification s'adresse aux professionnels de la production audiovisuelle et cinéma souhaitant réinterroger leurs pratiques à l'aune des enjeux de la transition écologique. En deux ans de déploiement, plus de 110 professionnels ont été certifiés ! 👉 Pour en savoir plus sur la certification: 🇪🇺 #CreativePathwaysCreativeCareers est une campagne réalisée par Creative Skills Europe, une plateforme européenne dédiée à l'emploi et la formation dans le spectacle vivant et enregistré. 📌Réunissant une large diversité d’acteurs du secteur (syndicats, employeurs, organismes de formations, associations professionnelles, etc.), ce projet européen est un cadre d’échange et d’information privilégié autour des initiatives locales, nationales ou internationales visant une meilleure adéquation entre offres de formation et besoins en compétences, une amélioration de l’accès à la formation pour tou·te·s les travailleur·euse·s à chaque étape de leur carrière, et une meilleure sécurisation des parcours professionnels. 👉 Pour en savoir plus sur Creative Skills Europe :

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  • 🤝 Sharing knowledge and promoting inclusive recruitment processes in live performance in Portugal 📘   Performart – the Association of Performing Arts in Portugal – published in 2024 a Handbook for Inclusive Recruitment, designed to help organizations in the arts sector in #Portugal acquire the right skills and knowledge to create fairer and more inclusive hiring processes, and workplaces.   The detailed guide covers essential topics such as drafting inclusive job descriptions, outreach strategies to attract diverse candidates, unbiased interview techniques, and practices that promote a welcoming environment. By implementing these strategies, arts organizations in Portugal can build more diverse and dynamic teams, fostering creativity and innovation! The guide is available in Portuguese.   🔗 Learn more: #CreativePathwaysCreativeCareers

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  • Creative Skills Europe reposted this

    [💻 RESSOURCE] #Audiovisuel Creative Skills Europe Dans le cadre de la campagne européenne #CreativePathwaysCreativeCareers, la CPNEF de l’audiovisuel s’engage et partage ses ressources ! Ce mois-ci, focus sur les enjeux RSE dans le spectacle vivant et enregistré : pour un secteur plus vert, plus sûr et plus inclusif. 🔎En novembre, la CPNEF de l’audiovisuel met à l'honneur ses travaux pour la formalisation et la structuration du métier de coordinateur.rice d'intimité ! 1️⃣ L'état des lieux de l'activité de coordination d'intimité dans la production audiovisuelle et cinéma française Réalisé par la CPNEF de l'audiovisuel, avec le soutien technique et financier de l'Afdas , et publié en décembre 2023, cet état des lieux permet de comprendre et de faire connaître l’activité de coordination d’intimité, afin de structurer son développement et accompagner sa professionnalisation. 👉 Pour consulter l'étude : 2️⃣ La fiche-métier Coordinateur.rice d'intimité Elaborée avec les professionnels du métier, la fiche-métier Coordinateur.rice d'intimité est publiée sur le panorama des métiers de la CPNEF de l'audiovisuel. Elle présente les activités et compétences nécessaires à l'exercice du métier de Coordinateur.rice d'intimité. 👉 Pour consulter la fiche-métier : 3️⃣ La création d'un certificat de qualification professionnelle (CQP) Coordinateur.rice d'intimité Constatant l'absence, en France, de formation à la coordination d’intimité reconnue par des organisations internationales (telle que la SAG-AFTRA) ou par les branches professionnelles de l’audiovisuel, la CPNEF de l’audiovisuel est en train de créer un CQP Coordinateur.rice d’intimité. Cette future certification, reconnue par la convention collective de la production cinématographique, permettra le repérage de professionnels compétents et la formation de coordinateurs d’intimité opérationnels. 👉 Pour consulter l'étude de faisabilité d'un CQP Coordinateur.rice d'intimité : 🇪🇺 #CreativePathwaysCreativeCareers est une campagne réalisée par Creative Skills Europe, une plateforme européenne dédiée à l'emploi et la formation dans le spectacle vivant et enregistré. 📌Réunissant une large diversité d’acteurs du secteur (syndicats, employeurs, organismes de formations, associations professionnelles, etc.), ce projet européen est un cadre d’échange et d’information privilégié autour des initiatives locales, nationales ou internationales visant une meilleure adéquation entre offres de formation et besoins en compétences, une amélioration de l’accès à la formation pour tou·te·s les travailleur·euse·s à chaque étape de leur carrière, et une meilleure sécurisation des parcours professionnels. 👉 Pour en savoir plus sur Creative Skills Europe :

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  • ⛑️ The European safety passport of the performing arts and event industry 🎭   This learning platform provides standardized safety training and certification for all professionals involved in live performances across Europe, ensuring they are equipped with essential knowledge to maintain safe working environments.   By obtaining the Safety Passport, industry workers demonstrate their commitment to safety and compliance with national regulations, contributing to a safer, more professional live performance industry.   Sociaal Fonds Podiumkunsten (BE), STEPP vzw and RITCS School of Arts in Brussels are the initiators of the safety passport. It is administered by the Social Fund for Performing Arts in Flanders, Belgium.   🔗 Learn more: Safety Passport : #CreativePathwaysCreativeCareers Pearle* Live Performance Europe International Federation of Musicians UNI Europa European Broadcasting Union (EBU) European Federation of Journalists International Federation of Actors

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