The Clean Industrial Deal is here! A business plan accelerating EU's industry decarbonisation and competitiveness. See below some key highlights related to R&I and investments: 💡 €6bn for the Innovation Fund 2025 - the largest budget ever! Supporting an Industrial Decarbonisation Bank, Hydrogen Bank, batteries, and clean technology manufacturing. 🏗️ The creation of a €600m call for ‘fit-for-deployment’ projects under the next Horizon Europe work programme (2026-2027). 📈 A revamped InvestEU programme - to unlock private investment and increase financial guarantees to support clean technologies. 💪 Stronger European Investment Bank support - for example with the new TechEU programme backing up start-ups and scale-ups in clean technologies and critical raw materials.
Electrification at the heart of the Clean Industrial Deal – and wind is ready to deliver Today the European Commission unveiled its Clean Industrial Deal. This package will strengthen Europe’s industrial competitiveness. A key takeaway? Electrification is essential—and so is scaling up homegrown, decarbonised energy. Wind energy is competitive and ready to meet Europe’s growing electricity demand. The Clean Industrial Deal rightly prioritises faster permitting, grid expansion and financial support for industry decarbonisation investments. 📺 Pierre TARDIEU WindEurope’s Chief Policy Officer breaks it down: 👇 Watch the video 👇