New Legal 500 report on Switzerland's investment landscape! Our experts Daniel Hayek, Mark Meili, Livio Chiesa, and Oliver Jany highlight Switzerland's unparalleled investment potential. The country stands out with remarkable political stability, exceptional economic strength, and a tax system designed to attract global investors. 🌍 Switzerland offers a unique blend of robust legal protections and transparent business mechanisms that make it a premier hub for international capital. 🏛️ Investors can expect a supportive ecosystem that balances innovation with security, providing an ideal environment for sustainable growth and strategic financial opportunities. Whether you're a startup, multinational corporation, or individual investor, Switzerland opens doors to remarkable potential! 💰 Read the full Legal 500 report here: #InvestInSwitzerland #GlobalBusiness #Investment #EconomicOpportunities #Legal500 #PragerDreifuss
PRAGER DREIFUSS is one of Switzerland’s leading law firms for commercial law. As an integrated partnership, we are efficiently organized and managed. We offer advice in the areas in which we can provide outstanding quality. We thus strive to find for our clients integrated, innovative solutions that are adapted to legal and economic realities. Our attention is equally focused on legal issues as on controlling business risks. We recognize our clients’ needs and provide services in accordance with the requirements of the mandate. With years of experience and in-depth expertise, PRAGER DREIFUSS is ideally positioned to advise and support international and domestic clients in a wide field of legal matters. For a project, we at PRAGER DREIFUSS form the best qualified team under the leadership of a partner. About 45 lawyers are admitted as attorneys at law or tax experts. Our teams consist of a partner and lawyers of varying seniority, tailored to the project. We thus offer an attractive cost structure. This key account system guarantees the best possible efficiency, short response times and solutions that are tailored to client needs. We provide integrated and interdisciplinary comprehensive answers. All our attorneys acquired additional qualifications in their practice areas and completed studies abroad or work assignments in industry. Ongoing continuing education, either undertaken personally or in the context of our interdisciplinary practice groups, ensures the highest degree of competence even in highly dynamic times.
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- 51–200 Beschäftigte
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- Zurich, Zurich
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- Spezialgebiete
- Banking & Finance, Dispute Resolution, Corporate & M&A, Insolvency & Restructuring und Tax
Bellerivestrasse 201
Zurich, Zurich 8008, CH
Schweizerhof-Passage 7
Berne, 3001, CH
Avenue Louise 235
Brussels, Brussels Region 1050, BE
Beschäftigte von Prager Dreifuss AG
📰 Doppelten Frust bei Diebstählen vermeiden 💰 Mike Abegg und Andri Janett haben in der heutigen NZZ einen Artikel zum Thema "Diebstahlversicherung" verfasst. Die Autoren zeigen in ihrem Beitrag auf, dass Versicherungen zum Schutz gegen die zunehmenden Diebstähle eine kluge Investition sind. Die versicherungsvertraglichen Details und das Verhalten des Versicherten sind aber zentral, wenn es um die Frage der Versicherungsdeckung geht. ****** 📰 Preventing Double Frustration in Instances of Theft 💰 Mike Abegg and Andri Janett have written an article in today's NZZ on the subject of theft insurance. In their article, the authors show that insurance is a wise investment to protect against the increasing number of theft instances. However, the details of the insurance contract and the behaviour of the insured person are key factors when it comes to the question of coverage. #News #Versicherungen #Diebstahl #insurance
🎉We are pleased to announce the promotion of Dr. Mike Abegg to Counsel at Prager Dreifuss AG, effective January 1, 2025. Mike Abegg has been a highly valued member of our insurance team since joining us in 2021. He has broad expertise in Swiss and international insurance law. In his new role as Counsel, Mike Abegg will take on even more responsibility, lead junior associates and engage in management functions within the firm. We are confident that his leadership and expertise will further enhance our services and lead to positive results for our clients. we congratulate Mike Abegg on this well-deserved promotion! 👏 #Promotion #Leadership #InsuranceLaw #PragerDreifuss
In Prager Dreifuss AG's latest newsletter, Mark Meili and Anik S. Zehnder discuss the Federal Act on Combating Abusive Bankruptcy. The new Federal Act aims to prevent abuses of bankruptcy proceedings and strengthen creditor protection. It will come into effect on 1 January 2025. Our newsletter describes the essential changes of the new law and how these could also be relevant for your business. #insolvency #legalinsights #comingin2025
And now: The University of Zurich visits Prager Dreifuss It was a lively evening when thirty law students from the University of Zurich visited our firm. Verena Morscher-Guggenbühl Morscher, Hiring Partner at Prager Dreifuss started off with introducing the firm and its values while also providing the aspiring legal professionals with valuable career advice. Shannon Sangiorgio and Andri Janett then shared their experiences as trainees at Prager Dreifuss AG, illustrating how newcomers are integrated into the firm: working on major cases, experiencing flat hierarchies, and being part of a tight-knit team. After the introduction an open exchange between the students and our lawyers unfolded. During an Apéro riche, everyone seized the opportunity to ask questions and gain deeper insights. Topics such as the firm’s culture, daily work life, and the challenges of starting a legal career took center stage: "How does one meet the high expectations in such a renowned business law firm?" Our consensus was clear: "At Prager Dreifuss, interns and trainees are given the space to grow into their roles, as associates and partners alike always take the time to share their knowledge and experience." The event provided the students with valuable connections and answered their key questions, while also allowing us to dispel some common misconceptions about working in a business law firm. A heartfelt thank you goes out to Fachverein Juris and especially to Jonas Zehnder for the excellent collaboration. #UniversityofZurich #PragerDreifuss
📣 We are delighted to be a contributing firm to the Healthcare Medical Devices Guide with Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide. Andrea Schütz, Marcel Frey and Christian Schönfeld provide expert insights on the trends and developments in 2024. 📈 On 26 May 2021, the Swiss medtech industry lost its barrier-free access to the European market due to the EU's refusal to update the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) for political reasons. Since then, Switzerland has been considered a 'third country' by the EU, posing significant challenges to the Swiss medtech industry.These challenges include: • Ensuring sustainable supply of medical devices to the Swiss population • Maintaining international competitiveness • Preserving innovative strength in the global medical market To overcome these hurdles, Switzerland is exploring partnerships with countries outside the EU, opening new opportunities for market participants abroad. Curious about the ideas and potential solutions being discussed? Read more about the current trends and developments in the Swiss medtech industry here: #Medtech #SwissInnovation #HealthcareIndustry #GlobalMarkets
📣 We are hiring! 📚 📑 Verena Morscher-Guggenbühl freut sich auf Deine Bewerbung. 📧 📞 #lawjobs #pragerdreifuss #newjob #attorney #litigation #restructuring #insolvency
Per Live-Stream in den Gerichtssaal Die revidierte Schweizerische Zivilprozessordnung (ZPO) ermöglicht ab dem 1. Januar 2025 den Gerichten, unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen mündliche Prozesshandlungen mittels Video- und Telefonkonferenzen durchzuführen. Urs Feller und Mohamed Hasnaoui setzen sich in der NZZ mit den Rahmenbedingungen und Voraussetzungen eines solchen Live-Streams in den Gerichtssaal auseinander. * * * * * Live streaming into the courtroom The revised Swiss Civil Procedure Code (CPC) will enable courts to conduct oral proceedings by video and telephone conference from January 1, 2025, provided certain conditions are met. Urs Feller and Mohamed Hasnaoui discuss the framework and requirements for such live streaming in the courtroom in the NZZ. #livestream #courtroom
Prager Dreifuss berät den Trustee eines US Chapter 11-Sanierungsverfahrens bei der Anerkennung in der Schweiz Am 3. Oktober 2024 hat das Bezirksgericht Zürich erstmals den Trustee eines US Chapter 11-Sanierungsverfahrens – unter Verzicht auf das Hilfskonkursverfahren – als ausländischen Konkursverwalter in der Schweiz anerkannt. Der Trustee kann damit nach Art. 174a Abs. 4 IPRG unter Beachtung des schweizerischen Rechts sämtliche Befugnisse in der Schweiz ausüben, die ihm nach US Recht zustehen. Hierzu zählt insbesondere das Recht, Auskünfte über Vermögenswerte des Schuldners in der Schweiz einzuholen und die Vermögenswerte ins Ausland zu verbringen. Prager Dreifuss hat den Trustee mit seiner umfangreichen Erfahrung in grenzüberschreitenden Insolvenzangelegenheiten bei der erfolgreichen Anerkennung des US Chapter 11-Sanierungsverfahrens und der Anerkennung als ausländischer Konkursverwalter beraten. Prager Dreifuss vertritt den Trustee auch in allen anderen Aspekten des Schweizer Rechts bei diesem Vorhaben. Das Prager Dreifuss-Team, angeführt von Partner Daniel Hayek und Partner Mark Meili, umfasst zusätzlich Rechtsanwalt Oliver Jany sowie Substitutin Shannon Sangiorgio. * * * * Prager Dreifuss advises trustee of a U.S. Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Process on recognition in Switzerland On October 3, 2024, the Zurich District Court recognized, for the first time, the trustee of a U.S. Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceeding as a foreign bankruptcy administrator in Switzerland, while waiving the auxiliary bankruptcy proceedings. The trustee may now, subject to Swiss law, exercise all powers in Switzerland to which he is entitled under U.S. law, in accordance with Article 174a, Paragraph 4 of the Swiss Private International Law Act (PILA). Notably, this includes the right to obtain information about the debtor’s assets in Switzerland and the right to transfer these assets abroad. Prager Dreifuss has provided the trustee with its extensive experience in cross-border insolvency matters to successfully achieve the recognition of the U.S. Chapter 11 restructuring proceeding and the trustee’s status as a foreign bankruptcy administrator. Prager Dreifuss also represents the trustee in all other aspects of Swiss law related to this matter. The Prager Dreifuss team, led by Partners Daniel Hayek and Mark Meili, also includes Attorney-at-law Oliver Jany and Attorney Trainee Shannon Sangiorgio.
44 Law Students from the University of Basel visiting Prager Dreifuss There was a lively buzz as an entire train compartment full of law students from the University of Basel arrived at the Zurich office of Prager Dreifuss. A brief introduction of the firm by hiring partner Verena Morscher and a warm welcome speech by Gion Jegher, partner a proud native of Basel, was followed by an intense exchange between the students and the firm’s associates, counsels, and partners. Questions came thick and fast – ranging from "What does daily work really look like?" and "What is the firm's culture like?" to "What happens if I make a mistake?". The event was a great opportunity to experience the curiosity and engagement of the students firsthand and give them some insights into the everyday life in a law firm. A big thank you to our partner FG Jus of the University of Basel, and especially to board member Lena Ramacci, for the excellent planning of the event.