Sexism and sexual harassment are a reality in Swiss universities and research institutions. That is why today, on the second Sexual Harassment Awareness Day, we are once again taking action against sexual harassment and border-crossing behaviour. Today, events and campaigns are taking place at universities and research institutions across Switzerland to highlight the issue and offer practical solutions for dealing with it. People who study or work at universities are a very heterogeneous group. This year's campaign video shows how diverse and individual the ideas, wishes and demands are when it comes to combating harassment and sexism in the university environment. Join our campaign and help us create an environment where everyone feels safe and respected. Full details at: . #sh2024 #mindful #respectful #responsible
Sexual Harassment Awareness Day
National awareness campaign of the Swiss universities and research institutions against sexual harassment. 29.04.2025!
Sexism and sexual harassment are a reality in Swiss higher education and research institutions. That‘s why numerous universities, research institutions and university-related organisations are introducing the first Sexual Harassment Awareness Day in Switzerland on April 25, 2024. On this day, events and campaigns will be held throughout Switzerland to highlight the issue and provide practical solutions for dealing with it. Whether you‘ve been personally affected by the problem or are a colleague or line manager of someone who has been affected, knowledge can help. Join our campaign and help us create an environment in which everyone feels safe and respected. Full details at:
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- 2023
Luzern, CH
It is exactly one week after the second Sexual Harassment Awareness Day. A day full of impactful actions and events, a day where our messages could be seen, read, and heard in the hallways of Swiss universities, research institutes, and beyond. Sexual harassment and sexism are an unfortunate reality, but after the great commitment we experienced yesterday, we look to the future with confidence! We want our universities and research institutions to become places where everyone feels respected, safe, and able to reach their full potential. All that is left for now is for us to say thank you very much. Thank you to all of the wonderful people who supported us last week and during the preparation phase to make this all possible. This day belongs to you! #sh2024 #mindful #respectful #responsible #swissuniversities #universities #research #studies #sexualharassment #sexism #awareness #awarenessday #sexismus #sexuellebelästigung #sensibilisierungstag #sexisme #harcèlement #harcèlementsexuel #sessismo #molestie #molestiesessuali #sexualharassmentawarenessday
"I would like everyone working in the academic world to be able to go to work without being more afraid of comments on their clothing than on the content of their research." – Paul Pignat, scientific officer, Schweizerischer Nationalfonds SNF #sh2024 #mindful #respectful #responsible #swissuniversities #universities #research #studies #sexualharassment #sexism #awareness #awarenessday #sexismus #sexuellebelästigung #sensibilisierungstag #sexisme #harcèlement #harcèlementsexuel #sessismo #molestie #molestiesessuali #sexualharassmentawarenessday
"I would like to see systematic training for the entire university community on the topics of sexism and sexual harassment." – Dre Klea FANIKO, researcher, Université de Genève #sh2024 #mindful #respectful #responsible #swissuniversities #universities #research #studies #sexualharassment #sexism #awareness #awarenessday #sexismus #sexuellebelästigung #sensibilisierungstag #sexisme #harcèlement #harcèlementsexuel #sessismo #molestie #molestiesessuali #sexualharassmentawarenessday
„As a straight white male who's a professor here at EPFL, I'm very aware that my path has been much easier than most. I'm exactly what people expect in my job, and because of that, people treat me a certain way and maybe don't bother me as much. And I'd very much like to be part of an institution where everyone experiences things as easily, so to speak, as I do.“ – Prof. Jeremy Luterbacher, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL, Professor #sh2024 #mindful #respectful #responsible #swissuniversities #universities #research #studies #sexualharassment #sexism #awareness #awarenessday #sexismus #sexuellebelästigung #sensibilisierungstag #sexisme #harcèlement #harcèlementsexuel #sessismo #molestie #molestiesessuali #sexualharassmentawarenessday
„A healthy and respectful university environment needs the contribution of each and every one of us. Let us act together to stop sexual and sexist harassment.“ – Rachele Santoro, Canton of Ticino, Delegate for Gender Equality #sh2024 #mindful #respectful #responsible #swissuniversities #universities #research #studies #sexualharassment #sexism #awareness #awarenessday #sexismus #sexuellebelästigung #sensibilisierungstag #sexisme #harcèlement #harcèlementsexuel #sessismo #molestie #molestiesessuali #sexualharassmentawarenessday
"Es ist zentral, dass die Hochschulen über niederschwellige Anlaufstellen verfügen und sie Wissen rund um sexuelle Belästigung stetig vermitteln. Die Führungspersonen müssen sich ihrer Verantwortung bewusst sein und im Sinne einer Null-Toleranz handeln können." – Prof. Dr. Heike Mayer, Vizerektorin Qualität und Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Universität Bern #sh2024 #mindful #respectful #responsible #swissuniversities #universities #research #studies #sexualharassment #sexism #awareness #awarenessday #sexismus #sexuellebelästigung #sensibilisierungstag #sexisme #harcèlement #harcèlementsexuel #sessismo #molestie #molestiesessuali #sexualharassmentawarenessday
"When it comes to sexually assaultive behaviour, it is important to us not only to take individual measures, but also to address the structures and the associated power relations that enable or facilitate this behaviour in the first place, in order to take holistic action against it." – Christoph Breier, Universität St.Gallen (HSG), Inclusion Specialist (D&I at the University of St. Gallen (HSG)) #sh2024 #mindful #respectful #responsible #swissuniversities #universities #research #studies #sexualharassment #sexism #awareness #awarenessday #sexismus #sexuellebelästigung #sensibilisierungstag #sexisme #harcèlement #harcèlementsexuel #sessismo #molestie #molestiesessuali #sexualharassmentawarenessday
« Nous revendiguons la création de postes stables pour le corps intermédiaire des Hautes écoles suisses afin de créer des conditions de travail dans lesquelles les victimes de harcèlement sexuel peuvent porter plainte sans craindre de ne pas être réengagées. » – Joanna Haupt, co-présidente Actionuni #sh2024 #mindful #respectful #responsible #swissuniversities #universities #research #studies #sexualharassment #sexism #awareness #awarenessday #sexismus #sexuellebelästigung #sensibilisierungstag #sexisme #harcèlement #harcèlementsexuel #sessismo #molestie #molestiesessuali #sexualharassmentawarenessday
"My greatest wish is that we all become aware that we have a role to play in Swiss universities to help create an environment that is fair and respectful." – Prof. Dr. Hugues Abriel, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Universität Bern #sh2024 #mindful #respectful #responsible #swissuniversities #universities #research #studies #sexualharassment #sexism #awareness #awarenessday #sexismus #sexuellebelästigung #sensibilisierungstag #sexisme #harcèlement #harcèlementsexuel #sessismo #molestie #molestiesessuali #sexualharassmentawarenessday