👋 ALUMNI & FRIENDS EVENT NEXT WEEK - SIGN UP NOW 📅 We hope to see you at our next Alumni & Friends event, where we'll highlight why structure is so important for foods, and showcase the many different ways our researchers work with food structure. The event is free, and you will get to hear from Jacob Kirkensgaard, Jens Risbo, Lilia Ahrné, Ourania Gouseti, José Bonilla, Peter Meiland, and Kim Johansen. Besides being a great opportunity to hear from experts of their respective fields, the event is also a great platform to network among other professionals passionate about sustainable food practices. 📅 January 24 🕛 14:00 - 17:00 🔗 Read more and sign up here: https://lnkd.in/eRGTD-J6
Institut for Fødevarevidenskab, KU FOOD
Højere uddannelse
Ved hjælp af forskning multiplicerer vi værdien af fødevarekæden
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Eksternt link til Institut for Fødevarevidenskab, KU FOOD
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- Højere uddannelse
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 51-200 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Frederiksberg C
- Type
- Uddannelsesinstitution
- Specialer
- Fødevarevidenskab, Fødevareforskning, Fødevareuddannelse og Universitetsuddannelse i fødevarer
Rolighedsvej 30
Frederiksberg C, 1958, DK
Medarbejdere hos Institut for Fødevarevidenskab, KU FOOD
Dennis S. Nielsen
Morten Münchow
Founder of CoffeeMind. Coffee consultancy, education and scientific research
Lilia Ahrné
Professor @ Københavns Universitet | R&D | Contribute to transforming the food system for human health and sustainability | Innovation
Marten Sørensen
Assoc. Prof., PhD at University of Copenhagen
Danmark er værter for verdens største og mest avancerede neutronsprednings-facilitet. Men hvad kan vi helt præcist bruge den til? Kom med onsdag den 22. januar og få svar på det spørgsmål, når SCIENCE for Breakfast præsenterer den nyeste forskning fra European Spallation Source (ESS): Et gigantisk mikroskop, der giver dansk materialeforskning de bedste værktøjer på kloden. Du vil både høre forskerne fortælle om, hvordan ESS f.eks. bruges til at udvikle fremtidens fødevarer, medicin og byggematerialer samt hvordan teknologien anvendes i industrien. 📅 Onsdag d. 22 januar, kl 8.15 - 9.30 i Niels Bohr bygningen. 🔗 Tilmeld dig her: https://lnkd.in/dM37KVgN
⭐ Today we held our annual New Year Meeting, looking at the year that's gone, looking at what's to come, and celebrating our colleagues' work and achievements from 2024 - including the award of Best FOOD Course 2023/2024, which is voted for by our students. This year, the course 'Aroma - the chemistry behind odour,' coordinated by Mikael Agerlin Petersen and Sylvester Holt, won the prize, and it was received by Kirsten Sjøstrøm, who has coordinated the lab trials with the students during the course. Big congratulations to Mikael, Sylvester, Kirsten and everyone else involved in the course! The runner's up for the category were the courses: - Advanced chemometrics and machine learning, coordinated by Rasmus Bro, Morten Arendt Rasmussen and Beatriz Quintanilla Casas - Sensory food evaluation, coordinated by Wender Bredie Qian Janice Wang and Bodil Helene Allesen-Holm
📅 Non-EU students apply before January 15 🎓 Apply to the MSc in Food Science and Technology to become an expert in developing the foods of the future with a focus on taste, health, sustainability, food quality and food safety. As a graduate, you will be an expert in the latest technologies and in running the production in a food company. The programme offers four specialisations: Plant Based Foods, Dairy Science, Brewing Science, and an individual specialisation 🍀 Read more about the programme here: https://lnkd.in/e7kbHbKh
📅 Non-EU students apply before January 15 🎓 Apply to the MSc in Biosolutions to become an expert in working with the development of sustainable biological production of foods, biomaterials, biologicals, and environmental technologies. The programme is based in Kalundborg, close to world-leading biotech companies like Novo Nordisk, Novonesis, and with courses taught in close collaboration to said biotech industry 🍀 Read more about the programme here: https://lnkd.in/grHPYb5k
📅 Non-EU students apply before January 15 🎓 Apply to the MSc in Food Innovation and Health to become become an expert in examining and optimizing food with tastiness, healthiness and sustainability as the tools to ensure food products for the benefit of as many as possible 🍀 Read more about the programme here: https://lnkd.in/e5zrYWtH
🤝 Projektsamarbejde har låst op for næringen i hestebønnetempeh 🌱 Iben Lykke Petersen har været en del af et netop afsluttet GUDP - Grønt Udviklings- & Demonstrationsprogram-projekt med CONTEMPEHRARY i spidsen, som har arbejdet på at videreudvikle tempeh med varianter baseret på nordiske råvarer, heriblandt hestebønner. Under projektet fik Iben fingrene i en prøve, som havde fermenteret længere tid end det var meningen takket være en strømafbrydelse - og den prøve viste sig at være nøglen til at øge proteinfordøjeligheden af hestebønnetempeh med 25%, uden at ændre på smag eller tekstur. "Egentlig var prøven en svipser, men en sundere svipser, som det jo er godt, at vi fik fingrene i. Der skulle bare lidt ekstra til i processen: lidt ekstra varme og lidt ekstra tid," fortæller Iben Lykke Petersen. Fundet er allerede indført i produktionspraksis, og det er et eksempel på det allerbedste ved samarbejde mellem forskning og virksomheder, fortæller Tobias Noe Harboe, en af de to stiftere af Contempehrary, som var projektejer og som har produceret den tempeh, projektet har arbejdet med. ”Vi nørder virkelig alt hvad der har med tempeh at gøre og udvikler hele tiden vores produkter og metoder. Derfor er det så fedt at samarbejde med forskere, der har mulighed for at dykke ned i nye og anderledes aspekter af dem, som gør os klogere,” fortæller Tobias Noe Harboe. Læs mere om projektets fund her: https://lnkd.in/eVvkshUM
👋 NEW YEAR, NEW COLLEAGUE ⭐ We're very happy to welcome José Bonilla Bonilla to the Department! He will be working as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor and will be part of the Dairy and Food Processing research group lead by Lilia Ahrné, while also working closely with Jacob Kirkensgaard. José will work on developing a research line to link food structure and food processing. Jose comes to us from Syddansk Universitet - University of Southern Denmark, bringing skillsets with him that perfectly aligns with our strategic research areas now and in the future. He's an expert in food-structure function relationships of macromolecules in food materials, specializing in proteins, and is well versed in using quantitative microscopy and rheological techniques - and we're very excited for the results he'll help bring. Welcome to the team, José!
📅 SAVE THE DATES FOR NPC-NAS 2025 🌱 The Nordic Photosynthesis Congress and Nordic Algae Symposium 2025 is currently being organized, and will be held on October 20-23. This year's theme is "Harnessing Photosynthesis and Algal Innovation for a Sustainable Future". It's organized by Niels-Ulrik Frigaard and Poul Erik Jensen. The conference is a unique forum that fosters interdisciplinary discussions, lets you expand your networks, and helps to drive future research in these critical areas. It will highlight how scientific discoveries in photosynthesis and algae research can contribute to reshape industries, promote green technologies, and support global sustainability efforts. Keep up with the conference and sign up through their dedicated website here: https://lnkd.in/ewzqTPXg
🎧 Podcast on the legacy of the Nordic Food Lab 🍲 Michael Bom Frøst recently sat down with Pot Luck Food Talks to talk about his past time as the director of the Nordic Food Lab, and all the daring kitchen experiments drawing on the expertise of both food scientists and chefs to revolutionize and redefine modern cuisine - and sparking the creation of Noma, among other significant achievements. Find the episode here: https://lnkd.in/ejcnYQwf And if you want to learn even more about the history of Nordic Food Lab, you can find all the information that they published on their website between 2010 and 2018 here: https://lnkd.in/e5tW3u3W