Very excited to be participating in: “GEW 2024: Fueling the Green & Innovative Future of Maritim” in Esbjerg today!
Renable ApS
Affaldshåndtering og -fjernelse
A Circular Future - sustainable recycling of maritime materials
Om os
Certified green steel Renable ApS works within circular economy and process optimisation by leveraging artificial intelligence and track & trace. Our primary purpose is to create a transparent, radically open and documentable process within the recirculation of materials, starting with the dismantling and recycling of steel and other materials from the maritime industries. When the process within the maritime industries has been optimised, our method will be useful within a large segment of other industries . Our end goal is for all steps of the process of dismantling and recycling of materials to be carried out in a responsible, documentable and efficient manner, with significant reductions of both emissions and cost. The final result is green materials for green industries.
- Websted
Eksternt link til Renable ApS
- Branche
- Affaldshåndtering og -fjernelse
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 2-10 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Frederiksberg C
- Type
- Privat
- Grundlagt
- 2022
- Specialer
- Recycling of maritime materials, Circular economy, Waste management, Artificial intelligence, Track and trace, Ship recycling, Consulting, Sustainability, Green steel og Certified green steel
Frederiksberg Allé 53, 5.
Frederiksberg C, 1820, DK
Medarbejdere hos Renable ApS
We are delighted to attend SMAGIC24 - Smart Maritime Annual Global Innovation Congress. Thank you very much Danske Maritime (Danish Maritime) & Cathy Hodge for inviting us.
Thank you very much to Allan Hejslet for planning and facilitating two very productive days in the Maritime Stars programme. It was a pleasure to meet established companies as well as other startups, and we are looking forward to November when the location shifts from Ålborg to Esbjerg.
50 møder på én eftermiddag! TAK for en super introdag på første Maritime Stars camp - industriens opbakning og 1:1 møder med de udvalgte startups er guld værd! Tak til Kenney Schmidt Christiansen og Gatehouse Maritime for at hoste eventet. Og tak til eventsponsorer DESMI og Hoyer. På dag to skal deltagerne i morgen arbejde med deres individuelle Maritime Stars advisory boards. Crestwing ⭐️ FlowPoint ApS ⭐️ Kanda ⭐️ Laser-Clean DK ⭐️ Renable ApS ⭐️ Maritime Stars drives af Erhvervshus Nordjylland og Danske Maritime (Danish Maritime) Særlig tak til Den Danske Maritime Fond for at støtte projektet!
+ 14
It was a pleasure to attend Dalo Industry Days 2024 to speak with new acquaintences and reconnect with old ones. There are indeed opportunities for the maritime industry to contribute to national security. #circularsteel #circulareconomy #securityofsupplyissecuritypolicy
Exciting times ahead! 🚀 Since advancing past the initial pitching round at the Maritime Stars competition, we've garnered significant attention from the maritime community, including three features in Denmark's leading maritime publication, Søfart. read more here: This growing interest in our journey highlights the industry's focus on sustainability and circularity. We're thrilled to see our ideas resonating and look forward to the opportunities that the Maritime Stars programme will bring. #MaritimeInnovation #Sustainability #CircularEconomy #MaritimeStars
Renable ApS genopslog dette
Den danske virksomhed Renable ApS vil gøre de omstridte skrotninger af skibe mere transparente, bæredygtige og værdfulde. Og det er der store potentialer i. I dag bliver i omegnen af 80 pct. hugget op i Indien, Bangladesh eller Pakistan. Men mange containerskibe fra verdensflåden, der har udtjent deres pligt, er for store og stikker for dybt til at blive sejlet op på en strand. ”Det er simpelthen fysisk umuligt. De strander for langt ude. Så der så vi en mulighed for at komme væk fra den praksis, der også byder på urimelige og uforsvarlige arbejdsforhold samt miljøfare for ophuggerne og havmiljøet,” fortæller medstifter Ole Andersen fra Renable, der har udviklet en digital platform, der også omfatter en app.
Dansk startup-stjerne vil stoppe uforsvarlig skibsophugning: Skal samarbejde med store aktører
Great to be part of this, and looking so much forward to the final thing from Francesca Lotta, Ph.D. , Grace Hansen, César Omar Ramírez Quiroz and Kristoffer Boye! Very good and inspiring so far.
Associate Professor at Copenhagen Business School and Research Scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Today the participants of the MBA Entrepreneurship Concentration have successfully presented the projects they have scoped and implemented for Danish #startups Halmos, NUTERIALS ApS , UVision, Renable ApS and Unmute Greetings !! What a great one-week sprint working with startup founders and receiving feedback from guests Peter Dybdahl Hede and Katelyn Sharratt, the faculty team, and classmates! 👏🏻👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻 👏🏻 Congratulations from Carmelo Cennamo and myself! Copenhagen Business School - MBA Programmes #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurialmindset #actionlearning
We are thrilled and humbled to be selected among a field of so many strong maritime contenders! read more about it here:
Maritime Stars Contender! :: Renable
Spend-based LCA tools can be good in a hurry, and are known and accepted by auditors. However, they are very approximate, and we have it on good authority that they tend to significantly exaggerate emissions compared to activity-based tools. Read more here.
Did you know that spend-based LCA tools tend to give 30-40% higher emission numbers than activity-based tools? read more:
Spend-Based or Activity-Based - A Consequential Decision :: Renable
Did you know that spend-based LCA tools tend to give 30-40% higher emission numbers than activity-based tools? read more:
Spend-Based or Activity-Based - A Consequential Decision :: Renable