INFORM EU Training sessions
Upcoming training sessions
Date | Title |
Tuesday 11 March, 14:30-15:45 | Plain language |
Thursday 20 March, 14:30-15:30 | Using influencers in social media |
Thursday 27 March, 14:30-15:30 | Building good ppt presentations |
Tuesday 8 April | Social media service (Canva) |
Tuesday 29 April | Good communication examples (cross-fund) |
Tuesday 6 May | Designing presentations |
Thursday 22 May | Media relations |
Thursday 26 June | Eurobarometer cities |
Tuesday 1 July | OSIs |
Previous training sessions
Cohesion Open Data
Kohesio basics
Cohesion Policy contribution to the New European Bauhaus
Indicators for communication activities
InformEU Capacity building ‘Quick & Good’ Social media
Promotional materials – trends, practices and examples from the European Commission and Interact
Social media ads: anatomy of a campaign
How to communicate on the European Year of Skills
REGIOSTARS 2023: all you need to know about the renewed competition
EU in my Region: Promoting co-funded projects through paid social media – learn the ins and outs!
Using LinkedIn for EU project communication
Capacity building – Efficient communication
How to communicate on assistance to Ukraine
How to organise hybrid events
Accessible publishing (OP)
#EURegionsWeek 2022 – live Q&A
#Euinmyregion new service demo: Mini Digital Campaigns
#EU in my region tools and services: what’s on offer and what’s next?
Kohesio basics and Q&A session: what it is, how to use and more
The most strategically important panel you’ll ever take part in: A panel discussion with MS on
communicating operations of strategic importance
Communication at the Crossroads: From green words to real action
“EU visibility tools” – Getting to know the online generator and the brand manual
10 ways to use Storytelling to make your message impactful
EU in my School – Co-creating memorable EU experience for pupils
Disinformation simulation – “EU funds are mismanaged and a waste of money!
How to respond to misleading narratives?”
CPR 2021-2027: National INFORM networks – where do we stand?
#CohesionOpenData: Telling stories from numbers
Youtube – tips & tricks
CPR 2021-2027: How to deal with the list of operations & the publication of calls
Twitter – tips & tricks
How to tackle disinformation related to EU funds?
11 common mistakes in digital communication
EURegionsWeek: 2nd partner meeting
EU Climate Pact – what’s in it for the regions and cities?
Instagram – tips & tricks
EU in my Region: Social media campaign
Microsoft Teams – advanced functionalities
EU in my Region: Q&A on the 2021 edition
Kohesio – visualisation of project data
Repetition: Communication requirements in CPR 2021-2027
Facebook – tips & tricks
“YES!” Training session on the Youth Employment Support:
Tamas Varnai and Kjerstin Torpmann Hagen
“YES!” Training session on the Youth Employment Support: Frank Knecht, 13 April 2021
“YES!” Training session on the Youth Employment Support: Lyubomira Derelieva, EMPL F1 ESF and
FEAD Policy and Legislation
“YES!” Training session on the Youth Employment Support: A reinforced Youth Guarantee
EU in my Region: Umbrella campaign 2021: What’s in for you?
REGIOSTARS Awards 2021: all you need to know about the application process
Testing matters!
CPR 2021-2027: Communication provisions explained article-by-article
Presentation by Alberto Rabbachin: Tackling Online Disinformation: a European Approach
Presentation by Florin Rugina: INFORM and DG REGIO: Fighting disinformation together
10 Myths and Facts about EU Cohesion policy
Presentation by Aurelie Valtat : Evaluating Social Media activities
Presentation by Daniel Fritz : Evaluating Social Media activities
Presentation by Manuel Romano: Indicators to Monitor and Evaluate
the Performance of Communication Activities
Communication network indicators
Presentation by Frank Schneider: Good practice: Programme communication evaluation