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Annual report on intra-EU labour mobility 2023 published
The European Commission has published the 2023 annual report on intra-EU labour mobility.
Study on seasonal workers and intra-EU labour mobility published
The study complements the 2021 study on seasonal work and summarises the key challenges related to seasonal work.
Annual report on intra-EU labour mobility 2022 published
The European Commission has published the 2022 annual report on intra-EU labour mobility. The report identifies trends in free movement of workers and their family members, based on the latest available data (2021/2020).
European citizens' attitudes towards labour mobility after the pandemic
Today, the Commission published a Special Eurobarometer on intra-EU labour mobility after the pandemic.
Mobility within EU increased in 2019, labour mobility report shows
The European Commission published today the Annual Report on Intra-EU Labour Mobility 2020.
Koronavírus: A Bizottság gyakorlati iránymutatással segíti a kritikus munkavállalók szabad mozgását
A Bizottság a mai napon új gyakorlati útmutatót adott ki annak biztosítására, hogy az Unión belül ingázó munkavállalók, különösen azok, akik a koronavírus okozta világjárvány megfékezésében kulcsfontosságú szerepet töltenek be, akadálytalanul eljuthassanak munkahelyükre.
Social Agenda 51 - Fair mobility and social fairness
The April issue of our Social Agenda magazine focuses on the notion of fairness: fair cross-border mobility, with the creation of a European Labour Authority; and social fairness with a Recommendation on access to social protection for the almost 40% of people employed in the EU who are either in an “atypical” employment situation or self-employed.
Joint statement on the revision of the Posting of Workers Directive
Following the seventh trialogue on the revision of the Posting of Workers Directive, the European Parliament Co-Rapporteurs Elisabeth Morin-Chartier and Agnes Jongerius, Bulgarian Deputy Minister for Labour and Social Policy Zornitsa Roussinova and Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility Marianne Thyssen jointly stated:
Free movement: new Commission report on mobility of Croatian workers
Today the European Commission has published a new report on transitional arrangements on free movement for Croatian workers, concluding that future potential flows of Croatian workers to other EU Member States are likely to be small and unlikely to lead to labour market disturbances.