Tech News
1,000 Sad Uber Employees Reportedly Sign Petition Demanding Terrible CEO Return
Employees at Uber are apparently circulating a petition demanding that Travis Kalanick be reinstated as CEO of the company, despite how royally he fucked it all up this past year. Kalanick resigned this week after pressure from five major Uber investors following the release of a report on Uber’s internal culture and a seemingly endless … Continued
By Libby Watson -
ReviewsHome Entertainment & Smart Home
A $400 Smart Tea Machine Gave This Brit an Existential Crisis
When Americans are trying to rib me for being British, they tend to go for at least one of three jokes. They act like I love or have an intimate knowledge of the royal family, which I don’t; they mention terrible British food, which is fair, (though y’all invented spray cheese); or they’ll bring up … Continued
By Libby Watson -
Tech News
I’m Sick of the Damn Toe
I am so sick of this damn toe. There is news, fake news, and Weird Viral News. That last category includes treats like the story about the Italian court that ruled live lobsters should not be frozen before they’re boiled to death because it causes too much suffering, or the one about the dead bat … Continued
By Libby Watson -
Tech News
Supreme Court Rules Sex Offenders Can’t Be Barred from Social Media
In a unanimous decision today, the Supreme Court struck down a North Carolina law that prevents sex offenders from posting on social media where children might be present, saying it “impermissibly restricts lawful speech.” In doing so, the Supreme Court asserted what we all know to be true: Posting is essential to the survival of … Continued
By Libby Watson -
Tech News
How Many ‘Focus’ T-Shirts Does Pinterest President Tim Kendall Own?
Happy Monday, folks! How you feelin’, dude? Pumped up? Ready to show the world who’s boss? Gotta be in it to win it, right? Carpe that motherf*cking diem! You hear that? That’s the sound of a winner. Winning. If you’re wondering how you, too, can seize the spirit of success, look to Pinterest president Tim … Continued
By Libby Watson -
Tech NewsFacebook
Facebook ‘Bug’ Automatically Leaked Moderators’ Identities to Suspected Terrorists
Yesterday, Facebook posted a detailed explanation of its counter-terrorism program, defending itself from criticism by European leaders in the wake of recent terror attacks in Britain and France and stating there is “no place on Facebook for terrorism.” But any goodwill earned by that post seems to have lasted less than a day, as a … Continued
By Libby Watson -
Tech NewsFacebook
Man Sentenced to Death for Blasphemous Facebook Comments in Pakistan [Updated]
A 30-year-old man in Pakistan has been sentenced to death for blasphemy in comments made on Facebook. According to the BBC, the prosecutor in the case said he “believed it was the first time the death penalty had been awarded in a case related to social media.” A tally kept by Al Jazeera records 68 … Continued
By Libby Watson -
Tech News
Jobs Site Accidentally Places Ad on White Nationalist Podcast
If you did something silly today—like publicly revealing you were looking at hentai, for example—take comfort. You still did not fuck up as bad as the jobs website ZipRecruiter, which got ad time on an alt-right podcast this week, apparently by accident. As first noted on Reddit, the advertisement was read on Wednesday’s episode of … Continued
By Libby Watson -
Tech News
Mr. President, Now Is the Time to Tweet
Former FBI director James Comey has been testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee for over an hour. Twitter is aflame with reporters tweeting quotes and idiots telling jokes. It is hot, hot, hot. But it is not enough. Washington Post reporter Robert Costa reported on Tuesday that President Trump might “live tweet if he feels … Continued
By Libby Watson -
Etsy’s Vaginal Problem [Updated]
Do you ever feel not so fresh, down there? Or do you worry about your flappy ol’ ham sandwich being a little too slack? After all, as thousands of years of misogynistic bullshit would tell us, Loose Lips Sink Relationships. Myths about how a vagina should be—tight, pink, hairless, smelling like roses and jasmine blossoms—are … Continued
By Libby Watson -
Tech News
Guess What the One App on Trump’s Phone Is
Go on, guess. Did you guess Pokémon GO? FaceApp? Elevate (Brain Training and Games)? No, you didn’t, because you know exactly what it is. It’s Twitter. Of course it’s fucking Twitter. Axios’ Mike Allen reports this morning that Trump currently uses an iPhone equipped only with the public meltdown app. He probably doesn’t have a … Continued
By Libby Watson -
Tech News
Shameless FCC Votes to Charge Ahead on Plan to Kill the Open Internet
In a completely expected but still shitty move, the FCC voted today to move ahead with Chairman Ajit Pai’s proposal to roll back net neutrality rules enacted under the Open Internet Order of 2015. The commission will now consider Pai’s proposal, which would repeal the reclassification of broadband providers as “common carriers” (a little like … Continued
By Libby Watson -
Tech News
What’s Happening With Me
In a moving Medium post published on Tuesday, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone announced that he would be rejoining the company he created with Jack Dorsey in 2006. I, however, also have some major news. I go to Target about once a week. When I go there, that red-walled cathedral of dreams, I buy dozens of … Continued
By Libby Watson -
Tech News
It Sure Looks Like the FCC’s Anti-Net Neutrality Bot Problem Got Worse
Last week, we reported that tens of thousands of fraudulent comments had been filed in favor Ajit Pai’s proposal to roll back net neutrality rules, using text taken from the Center for Individual Freedom (though, according to the CFIF, they aren’t behind the fake comments). We spoke to several people who had comments filed under … Continued
By Libby Watson -
Tech NewsFacebook
Facebook Thinks Saying “Men Are Trash” Is Hate Speech
As the old saying goes, “men are trash.” If you’re a twenty-something woman, you’ve probably said this phrase to your friends at least once, possibly over alcoholic drinks after a man has done something bad. Or perhaps you’ve said it to coworkers after your dumb boss makes a boob joke in front of the entire … Continued
By Libby Watson -
Tech News
Thirsty Twitter Executive Sees End of Democracy as Great Business Opportunity [Update]
Today, in the middle of a truly impressive example of “tweeting through it,” President Trump sent out—possibly from the toilet—the following message: “Maybe the best thing to do would be to cancel all future ‘press briefings’ and hand out written responses for the sake of accuracy???” (Three question marks indicate just how good an idea … Continued
By Libby Watson -
Tech News
An ISP Shill Group Is Trotting Out Misleading Google Ads About Net Neutrality
As we’ve documented repeatedly, the forces pushing the repeal of the FCC’s net neutrality rules—including FCC Chair Ajit Pai himself—aren’t being totally honest about what they want. They’ll tell you that they support net neutrality, and a “free and open” internet, just not Title II. What they don’t mention, of course, is that Title II … Continued
By Libby Watson -
Tech News
Can John Oliver’s Pro-Net Neutrality Commenters Compete with Bots?
In 2014, when the Federal Communications Commission first proposed its net neutrality rules, a record-breaking 3.7 million comments were filed with the agency, the vast majority of which supported the proposal. Since Ajit Pai unleashed his “weed whacker” proposal to decimate those rules three weeks ago, the comments are pouring in yet again—more than 550,000 … Continued
By Libby Watson -
Americans Are Dying Younger in These 13 Counties
As Republican politicians take aim at the Affordable Care Act and present their reasoned alternative, the Kill The Poor And Turn Them Into Chef Boyardee Act of 2017, it’s a good time to remember a distinctive element of healthcare in the US: inequality, particularly income inequality. A new study on life expectancy in the US … Continued
By Libby Watson