Former FBI director James Comey has been testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee for over an hour. Twitter is aflame with reporters tweeting quotes and idiots telling jokes. It is hot, hot, hot.
But it is not enough. Washington Post reporter Robert Costa reported on Tuesday that President Trump might “live tweet if he feels the need to respond” to Comey’s testimony.
I'm told by two WH sources that Pres. Trump does not plan to put down Twitter on Thursday. May live tweet if he feels the need to respond.
— Robert Costa (@costareports) June 6, 2017
So far, Trump has not tweeted.
So, Mr. President, what are you doing? Who has taken your phone? Where are you? We want your tweets. We crave your stupid, shitty, self-sabotaging, unhinged, weirdly capitalized thoughts. We need your unfiltered soul poured into our outstretched hands.
Your largest son is tweeting, but it is not enough.
So if he was a "Stronger guy" he might have actually followed procedure & the law? You were the director of the FBI, who are you kidding?😂
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) June 8, 2017
Sir, SIR, it is an abomination. Do the right thing. Your country needs you.