

Jasa Terkait Lingkungan

Kembangan, Jakarta 363 pengikut

We make circularity a reality

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Sirsak is a green-tech startup that empowers businesses to transition into a circular economy, from strategizing and implementing to reporting. We focus on generating additional value across the waste value chain. By creating innovative ways to collect and recycle more waste, our mission is to provide social protection to a million waste pickers in Indonesia.

Jasa Terkait Lingkungan
Ukuran perusahaan
2-10 karyawan
Kantor Pusat
Kembangan, Jakarta
Perseroan Tertutup


Karyawan di Sirsak


  • Take a guess, when was plastic invented? #Plastic has become such an integral part of our lives today. Its creation wasn’t a disaster. It’s us that makes it a #GlobalCrisis ⛔ So, how can we solve this pressing issue? Is switching to #paperbags or #reusablebags really is better than single-used plastic bags? Read more through the link below on how we came to this and what we can do in the future to #saveourplanet 🌏 ♻️ #circulareconomy #PlasticFreeLiving #ekonomisirkular #SirsakWasteManagement #wastemangement

    The History of Plastic: Are We Repeating Mistakes?

    The History of Plastic: Are We Repeating Mistakes?

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    📅 Indonesia NPAP, World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia, ERIA ERIA: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, Global Plastic Action Partnership (GPAP), UNSW, and Global Ocean Accounts Partnership (GOAP), in collaboration with Sirsak and Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP) Indonesia, are hosting a discussion panel to exchange perspective, knowledge, and insight on how the plastic treaty's implication towards the Southeast Asian Countries. The session will also explore practices and collaboration to enhance each country's ambition and readiness to implement the treaty once it is ratified.  🎤 The session will be moderated by: - Angeline Callista, Co-Founder and CEO of Sirsak   🎤 The session will feature experts and speakers from: - Clemence Schmid, Global Plastic Action Partnership Director, World Economic Forum - H.E. Diaz Hendropriyono, Vice Minister of Environment of the Republic of Indonesia* - Reo Kawamura, Director of RKCMPD ERIA - Eliza Northrop, Director of the UNSW Centre for Sustainable Development Reform - Roger Joseph (Rocky) Guzman, International Governance, Legal and Policy Specialist, Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Lucia Karina, Vice President of Public Affairs, Communications, and Sustainability at Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Indonesia - Rofi Alhanif, Deputy Assistant of Circular Economy and Environmental Impact, Coordinating Ministry of Food Affairs 🌐 Participants will have a chance to dive deep into the key treaty obligations, the role of data, opportunities presented by the treaty, and industries' roles and relations with Southeast Asian countries. ⚠️ Invitation only ⚠️ If you are interested in learning more about the event, please feel free to reach out to *To be confirmed Click here to explore our events: #IndonesaNPAP #NPAP #globalplastictreaty #INC-5 #INC #TrailtoBusan

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    363 pengikut

    It was a pleasure to participate in the Road to UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution: Collaborative Action to Drive Policy Change and Transition to Circular Economy discussions surrounding the Global Plastic Treaty. Alongside with Pak Muhammad Abdul Aziz Ramdhani of Indonesia's Ministry of Industry, Pak Karyanto Wibowo of EuroCham Indonesia, Pak Fajri Fadhillah of Indonesia Center For Environmental Law (ICEL), and Carsten Wachholz of Ellen MacArthur Foundation, our CEO and Co-founder, Angeline Callista, had the honor to moderate the session. The discussion highlights the essential role of businesses in addressing issues surrounding the global plastic pollution crisis and its impact on the environment, health, and economy through the Global Plastics Treaty. The discussion also aims to foster collaboration toward a legally binding agreement to ensure sustainable outcomes at the coming #INC-5. Key takeaways from the session include: ⚖ Balancing Regulation and Innovation: The treaty should strike a balance between setting clear guidelines and target allowing for innovation and flexibility within the industry. There is also hope that the plastic treaty will give businesses an equal playing field in the industry. 📣 The Role of EPR: Extended Producer Responsibility (#EPR) will be a crucial component of the treaty, but the specific implementation details will vary across countries. 💬 Industry Collaboration: Industry stakeholders, including manufacturers and retailers, are keen and committed to working with governments to develop effective solutions, such as reducing unnecessary packaging, promoting sustainable materials, and investing in recycling infrastructure. ♻ Social Equity and Circular Economy: The transition to a circular economy must be inclusive and equitable, ensuring that waste pickers and communities most affected by plastic pollution are involved in the process and their voices heard. Thank you to EuroCham Indonesia and Business For A Plastics Treaty (BCGPT) to make this event happen 🙌 Let's look forward to the positive impact the Plastic Treaty will have on our planet 🌏 🌱 #plasticpollution #circulareconomy #globalplastictreaty #environment #INC5 #UNPlasticTreaty #StopPlasticPollution #RoadtoBusan

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    It was an honor to participate in the and Ecoxyztem "#LangkahMembumi" festival last weekend! Our CEO and Co-Founder Angeline Callista shared the stage with Rayden Yap, Benedict Wermter, and Wisnu Nugroho. Together, they highlighted the importance of a #CircularEconomy, emphasizing the need to prioritize people, planet, and profit, through collaborative effort. To recap: 🌏 Businesses should prioritize the triple bottom like simultaneously - people, the planet, and profit. 🌱 Divert from reactive to proactive approach. A true commitment to sustainability requires a shift from a reactive mindset and start tackling waste from its source. This could be done by implementing strategies like the Waste Hierarchy. 👥 Go beyond marketing campaigns. To truly make a difference, we must move beyond promotional efforts and focus on implementing sustainable practices that create real-world impact across the board. ♻️ Small actions, can make a big difference. Start with yourself, what can you do to contribute to a more sustainable world? Small daily choices will contribute to a big impact. Sirsak is on a mission to revolutionize waste management through traceability. We aim to help businesses recover their packaging waste through leveraging technology. And not only that, we're committed to a greener future and the community that makes it possible. For every 10 tonnes of waste recovered, Sirsak provides a year of social security (BPJS) to 5 waste pickers. Let’s be a part of the change. Don't let your waste go to waste - recover it! 

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  • It was an honor to participate in the and Ecoxyztem "#LangkahMembumi" festival last weekend! Our CEO and Co-Founder Angeline Callista shared the stage with Rayden Yap, Benedict Wermter, and Wisnu Nugroho. Together, they highlighted the importance of a #CircularEconomy, emphasizing the need to prioritize people, planet, and profit, through collaborative effort. To recap: 🌏 Businesses should prioritize the triple bottom like simultaneously - people, the planet, and profit. 🌱 Divert from reactive to proactive approach. A true commitment to sustainability requires a shift from a reactive mindset and start tackling waste from its source. This could be done by implementing strategies like the Waste Hierarchy. 👥 Go beyond marketing campaigns. To truly make a difference, we must move beyond promotional efforts and focus on implementing sustainable practices that create real-world impact across the board. ♻️ Small actions, can make a big difference. Start with yourself, what can you do to contribute to a more sustainable world? Small daily choices will contribute to a big impact. Sirsak is on a mission to revolutionize waste management through traceability. We aim to help businesses recover their packaging waste through leveraging technology. And not only that, we're committed to a greener future and the community that makes it possible. For every 10 tonnes of waste recovered, Sirsak provides a year of social security (BPJS) to 5 waste pickers. Let’s be a part of the change. Don't let your waste go to waste - recover it! 

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  • What’s the fate of your flexible #packagingwaste? Do you think it’s making its way to #recycling? 🤔 It’s a common question with limited answers. Many of us struggle to find proper recycling options for items like #plasticbags, #pouches, and #wrappers ♻️🚫 What solutions will be the most effective in handling flexible packaging waste? Share your thoughts and experiences. 💭💬 — Bagaimana nasib limbah #kemasan fleksibel Anda? Kira-kira, apakah itu berhasil #didaurulang? 🤔 Ini adalah pertanyaan umum dengan jawaban yang terbatas. Banyak dari kita kesulitan menemukan opsi daur ulang yang tepat untuk barang-barang seperti #kantongplastik, sachet, dan bungkusan ♻️🚫 Solusi apakah yang paling efektif untuk menanggulangi sampah kemasan flexible? Ayo bagikan pemikiran dan pengalaman Anda! 💭💬

  • Did you know how much waste is generated every year in Indonesia? 🗑️ #Plasticwastemanagement has gained significant attention in #Indonesia in recent years. However, a major challenge remains: the lack of end-to-end traceability. At #Sirsak, we see the importance of an end-to-end #wastetraceability system and from it, our Packaging Recovery Program was born ♻️ We hope to tackle 100,000 tonnes of waste and provide social security to 50,000 waste pickers by the end of 2030! 💪 But we can’t do it alone, we need your helping hands to make it all possible. Join us in recovering packaging waste! 🌍♻️ Whether you’re a brand, recycler, or consumer, we’d love to hear from you 🤝 — Tahukah Anda berapa banyak sampah yang dihasilkan setiap tahun di Indonesia? 🗑️ Pengelolaan sampah plastik telah mendapat perhatian signifikan di Indonesia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Namun, tantangan utama tetap ada: kurangnya keterlacakan end-to-end. Di Sirsak, kami melihat pentingnya sistem keterlacakan sampah end-to-end dan dari situ, Program Pemulihan Kemasan kami lahir. Kami berharap dapat menangani 100.000 ton sampah dan memberikan jaminan sosial kepada 50.000 pemulung pada akhir tahun 2030! 💪 Tetapi kami tidak dapat melakukannya sendiri, kami membutuhkan bantuan Anda untuk mewujudkannya. Bergabunglah dengan kami dalam memulihkan sampah kemasan! 🌍♻️ Baik Anda brand, pendaur ulang, atau konsumen, kami ingin mendengar dari Anda 🤝 #wastemanagement #wastetraceability #packagingindustry #circulareconomy #FMCG #kelolasampah #sampahplastik #indonesiabebassampah

  • Let’s rewind to the beginning of your day. . . How much #packaging has contributed to your day today? Single-use packaging has become an inseparable part of our daily lives. While many of us are aware of the #wastemanagement crisis, significant improvements are still needed, including the effectiveness of #reusablepackaging systems Read on to discover more about these innovations and who’s at the forefront 🙌 How many disposables can you eliminate tomorrow? ♻️ — Bayangkan hari Anda . . . Berapa banyak #kemasan yang telah berkontribusi terhadap hari Anda hari ini? Kemasan sekali pakai telah menjadi bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan sehari-hari kita. Meskipun banyak dari kita menyadari krisis #pengelolaansampah, masih banyak yang perlu ditingkatkan, termasuk efektivitas #sistemkemasan yang dapat digunakan kembali. Baca terus untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang inovasi-inovasi ini dan siapa yang memimpinnya 🙌 Jadi, berapa banyak kemasan sekali pakai yang dapat Anda kurangi besok? ♻️

  • Sustainable living starts with small steps 🤝 Did you know that #biodegradable and #compostablepackaging can help reduce waste and nourish our planet? Learn how to properly dispose of these eco-friendly materials to minimize their #environmentalimpact 🌳🗑️ — Hidup berkelanjutan bisa dimulai dari hal kecil 🤝 Tau nggak sih kalau #kemasanbiodegradable dan #kompostable bisa bantu #kurangisampah dan menjaga bumi? Ayo belajar cara buang sampah ramah lingkungan ini biar nggak nyumbang polusi 🌳🗑️ #circulareconomy #ekonomisirkular

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