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Berdugo, J.; Casaus, J.; Mana, C.
CIEMAT, Madrid (Spain)2001
CIEMAT, Madrid (Spain)2001
[en] In Particle and Asro-Particle Physics experiments, the events which get trough the detectors are read and processes on-line before they are stored for a more detailed processing and future Physics analysis. Since the events are read and, usually, processed sequentially, the time involved in these operations can lead to a significant lose of events which is, to some extent, reduced by using buffers. We present an estimate of the optimum buffer size and the fraction of events lost for a simple experimental condition which serves as an introductory example to the use of Markow Chains.(Author)
Primary Subject
2001; 13 p
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Berdugo, J.; Burgos, C.; Cerrada, M.
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)1995
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)1995
[en] In the present report we describe the procedure which has been used in order to optimize the precision obtained when positioning forward backward muon chamber sensor wire planes of the L3 experiment at CERN. With templates produced at CIEMAT a precision of about 10 microns, in sizes of the order of 3 meters has been achieved
Original Title
Plantillas de precision para la construccion de detectores de muones
Secondary Subject
Sep 1995; 22 p
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Berdugo, J.; Burgos, C; Cerrada, M.
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)1995
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)1995
[en] In the present report we describe the procedure which has been used in order to optimize the precision obtained when positioning forward backward muon chamber sensor wire planes of the L3 experiment at CERN. With templates produced at CIEMAT a precision of about 10 microns. In sizes of the order of 3 meters. has been achieved. (Author) 2 refs
Original Title
Plantillas de precision para la construccion de detectores de muones
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
1995; 22 p
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Berdugo, J.; Cerrada, M.; Daniel, M.; Martin, F.; Mocholi, J.; Romero, L.
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)1997
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)1997
[en] General design features of a small size drift chamber prototype are described in this report. Prototype construction has taken place at CIEMAT and we explain in detail the assembly procedure. This activity is part of a long term project to mass produce chambers for the muon barrel detector of the CMS experiment which will be installed at CERN. (Author)
Original Title
Construccion de un prototipo de camara de deriva para el experimento CMS
1997; 23 p
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Berdugo, J.; Cerrada, M.; Colino, N.; Ladron de Guevara, P.; Mocholi, J.; Romero, L.
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)1997
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)1997
[en] The performance of a small size prototype of the CMS barrel muon chamber detector has been studied in a test beam. Results on chamber efficiency, drift velocity and single wire resolution,under different experimental conditions are presented. The effects of the magnetic field on the chamber behaviour are also discussed. (Author)
Secondary Subject
1997; 42 p
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Berdugo, J.; Fernandez, M.G.; Ferrando, A.; Josa, M.I.; Molinero, A.; Oller, J.C.; Arce, P.; Calvo, E.; Figueroa, C.F.; Garcia, N.; Rodrigo, T.; Vila, I., E-mail: ferrando@1e.ciemat.es1999
[en] Semitransparent amorphous silicon sensors have been proposed as the 2D positioning sensors for the link system of the CMS alignment. We have developed a general method to characterise these sensors, from the signal reconstruction to the beam distortion. First test results with a few sensors are here reported
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
S0168900298014430; Copyright (c) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: Syrian Arab Republic
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 425(3); p. 469-479
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Berdugo, J.; Burgos, C.; Fernandez, M.G.; Ferrando, A.; Josa, M.I.; Molinero, A.; Oller, J.C.; Salicio, J.M.; Arce, P.; Calvo, E.; Figueroa, C.F.; Garcia, N.; Rodrigo, T.; Vila, I.; Virto, A.L., E-mail: ferrando@uael.ciemat.es1999
[en] In this note we present first tests done with the tiltmeters proposed as the key elements of the Laser Level systems to be used in the CMS alignment system. The response of the sensors under moderated longitudinal and transverse tilts is studied and intrinsic performance is extracted. (author)
Primary Subject
S0168900299002880; Copyright (c) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: India
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 431(3); p. 437-445
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Measurements of cosmic rays in the L3 multisampling chambers are presented. The study of tracks with polar angles from 30deg<θ<130deg w.r.t. the wires show increasing pulse height like 1/sin θ. Using inclined tracks, we find a ±1.5 cm region of reduced accuracy near the glass supports of the 5.4 m long wires. (orig.)
CONTRACT DE-AC02-76ER03069; DE-AC02-76ER03064; PHY-85-17612
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAE; v. 290(1); p. 115-121
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Aguilar, M.; Alcaraz, J.; Berdugo, J.; Casaus, J.; Delgado, C.; Diaz, C.; Lanciotti, E.; Mana, C.; Marin, J.; Martinez, G.; Molla, M.; Palomares, C.; Rodriguez, J.; Sanchez, E.; Sevilla, A.; Torrento, A.
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, MedioAmbientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)2005
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, MedioAmbientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)2005
[en] When a photon impinges upon a photon-multiplier tube, an electron is emitted with certain probability and, after several amplification stages, an electron shower is collected at the anode. However, when the first electron is emitted from one of the amplification dynodes or the photon-multiplier is operated under untoward conditions (external magnetic fields...) smaller showers are collected. In this paper, we present a bi-parametric model which describers the response of a photo-multiplier tube over a wide range of circumstances. ((Author)
Primary Subject
2005; 13 p
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Aguayo, P.; Aguilar, M.; Berdugo, J.; Casaus, J.; Delgado, C.; Diaz, C.; Fernandez, C.; Garcia-Tabares, L.; Lanciotti, E.; Mana, C.; Marin, J.; Martinez, G.; Palomares, C.; Sanchez, E.; Sevilla, I.; Torrento, A.; Wilmott, C.; Yanez, J.
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)2002
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain)2002
[en] The operation and behaviour of the RICH prototype electronics developed for the AMS-02 experiment is presented. It includes results and conclusions obtained from experimental tests data with cosmic rays. (Author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
2002; 19 p
Record Type
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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