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Kim, Won-Soo
International Conference on Nuclear Security: Commitments and Actions. Summary of an International Conference2017
International Conference on Nuclear Security: Commitments and Actions. Summary of an International Conference2017
[en] We need to treat WMD risks and threats holistically. Lessons learned in one area can be emulated in another. The IAEA has learned valuable lessons through its own emergency management work and partnership with other UN agencies, including through the UN Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force. These lessons could be beneficial in developing response mechanisms for biological incidents.
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International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Nuclear Security, Vienna (Austria); 86 p; ISBN 978-92-0-107017-3; ; Sep 2017; p. 26-28; International Conference on Nuclear Security: Commitments and Actions; Vienna (Austria); 5-9 Dec 2016; ISSN 0074-1884; ; Also available on-line:; Enquiries should be addressed to IAEA, Marketing and Sales Unit, Publishing Section, E-mail:; Web site:
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Kim, Won Young; Min, Byung Joo
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)2003
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)2003
[en] The benchmark calculations have been performed for WIMS-D5 against POWDERPUFS-V(PPV) and WIMS-AECL using CANDU6(CANadian Deuterium Uranium) reactors. For the CANDU reactors, the lattice parameters were generated for the natural uranium based on the ENDF/B-VI library of WIMS-D5 and WIMS-AECL codes. When comparing the infinite multiplication constant, the results show that at the beginning the prediction errors of WIMS-D5 and WIMS-AECL against POWDERPUFS-V are 0.4% and 2.1% and at the 4000MWD/T, 2.0%, 2.1% respectively for CANDU reactors. The results show that the values obtained from WIMS-D5 calculation are in the agreement with from those of PPV at the beginning whereas WIMS-AECL are in agreement with the WIMS-AECL results as burnup increase in the comparison of fuel/coolant/moderator temperature coefficients in the cooled lattice
Primary Subject
Mar 2003; 45 p; Available from Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of); 4 refs, 10 figs, 12 tabs
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Kim, Won Seok; Chang, Won Pyo.
Korea Atomic Energy Research Inst., Daeduk (Korea, Republic of)1997
Korea Atomic Energy Research Inst., Daeduk (Korea, Republic of)1997
[en] The present study is to analyze an integral test, Bethsy test 6.9b, which represents loss of RHRS accident during mid-loop operation with pressurizer and SG inlet manway open using the best estimate code CATHARE2. The main purposes are to gain insights into the physical phenomena involved and to assess the capability of CATHARE2 prediction. In this work the following assumptions are used. The core power was maintained at a constant level at 1.3% of nominal power(370kW) throughout the transient. None of the three steam generators were used as heat sink for this test since they were full of air and isolated. Most of important physical phenomena in the experiment could be predicted by the CATHARE2 code. The pressure in the upper plenum is predicted lower until 300s after loss of RHR, because the SG manway flowrate is more than Bethsy at this time. But the time for loop seal clearing and pressure increasing were predicted well. The times of gravity and forced injections are calculated earlier by 13sec and 100sec. The core uncovery time in CATHARE2 calculation is estimated at 830sec, which is earlier by 18sec compared with 848sec in experiment. It is demonstrated that not only gravity drain but forced feed injection is required to prevent the core uncovery. Although some disagreements are found in the detailed phenomena, the code predicted reasonably well for the overall system behaviors. (author). 4 tabs., 50 figs., 14 refs
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Jun 1997; 86 p
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[en] In the asymptotically flat two-dimensional dilaton gravity, we present an N-body particle action which has a dilaton coupled mass term for the exact solubility. This gives nonperturbative exact solutions for the N-body self-gravitating system, so the infalling particles form a black hole and their trajectories are exactly described. In our two-dimensional case, the critical mass for the formation of black holes does not exist, so even a single particle forms a black hole. The infalling particles give additional time-like singularities in addition to the space-like black hole singularity. However, the latter singularities can be properly cloaked by the future horizons within some conditions
Primary Subject
S0370269302029751; Copyright (c) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Kim, Won Young; Min, Byung Joo
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2004
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2004
[en] The WIMS-D code is a freely available thermal reactor physics lattice code used widely for thermal research and power reactor calculation. Now the code WIMS-AECL, developed on the basis of WIMS-D, has been used as one of lattice codes for the cell calculation in Canada and also, in 1998, the latest version WIMSD-5B is released for OECD/NEA Data Bank. While WIMS-KAERI was developed and has been used, originated from WIMS-D, in Korea, it was adjusted for the cell calculation of research reactor HANARO and so it has no confirmaty to CANDU reactor. Therefore, the code development applicable to cell calculation of CANDU reactor is necessary not only for technological independence and but also for the establishment of CANDU safety analysis system. A lattice code WIMSD-5B was analyzed in order to set the system of reactor physics computer codes, to be used in the assessment of void reactivity effect. In order to improve and validate WIMSD-5B code, the analysis of the structure of WIMSD-5B lattice code was made and so its structure, algorithm and the subroutines of WIMSD-5B were presented for the cluster type and the pij method modelling the CANDU-6 fuel
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Mar 2004; 436 p; Also available from KAERI; 4 refs, 13 figs
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Kim, Won Ho
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2011
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2011
[en] At present, the domestic R and D activities on TRU elements have been very much limited to the case, that is used a tracer-level of TRU elements. Along with a discussion on the establishment of high energy accelerator, it is about the time for an investigation on the possibility for the domestic production of the TRU elements. After the investigation of nuclear reactions for the TRU elements production, the TRU elements that could be produced domestically are selected under the present situation. Technologies for the target preparation and the specified element separation with its purification from the irradiated target are reviewed with the licensing requirements of the facilities, related to the domestic production of the TRU elements. The domestic production system of the TRU elements for the academic research is established. The domestic production of the TRU elements will give us a great opportunity to improve our capability of the basic research on the TRU elements for our nuclear R and D programs and our nuclear industry
Primary Subject
Dec 2011; 39 p; Also available from KAERI; 4 refs, 4 figs, 1 tab
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[en] This book contains property of pneumatic pressure drive, pneumatic pressure device like air cleaning, pressure control, lubricators, air pressure pipe, kinds and function of pneumatic pressure equipment like pneumatic cylinders, pneumatic motor, flow control valve, direction control valve, design of pneumatic control circuit, pneumatic system design, cause and measurement of pneumatic circuit failure, PLC and pneumatic control like introduction and system application and method of PLC programing.
Primary Subject
Mar 1993; 432 p; Sunganaang press; Seoul (Korea, Republic of); ISBN 89-315-0156-0; ; 430 figs, 64 tabs
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Kim, Young Gyun; Kim, Won Seok; Kim, Young Il
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)2000
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)2000
[en] Sodium cooled LMR core is comprised of many duct assemblies which have no flow exchanges between them. So, the required flow to each assembly corresponding to its power has to be allocated in thermal hydraulic design. Flow allocation facility, which is called orifice, is used for this purpose in an LMR core. In this context, flow grouping module for an LMR core has been developed. This report describes the modeling and method of this module, and explains the calculation procedure and the sample calculation results. Firstly, LMR core thermal hydraulic conceptual design and analysis procedure was explained in chapter 1. Chapter 2 overviews this flow grouping module, and in chapter 3 core design and configuration data with power distributions were given. The calculation modeling and method of this module were explained in chapter 4, and chapter 5 shows calculation procedure and sample calculation results. KALIMER breeder core design data, e.g., inlet and outlet temperatures, power distributions and core flow, were used in this report to explain how this module works. And this module works in the environment of Microsoft Excel 2000 of MSOffice 2000
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Jun 2000; 41 p; 13 refs, 6 figs, 13 tabs
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Chung, Dai Hai; Kim, Won Young; Park, Joo Hwan
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2007
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2007
[en] The lattice code WIMS-ANL has been tested in order to assess it for the qualification to be used as a supporting code to aide the WIMS-CANDU development. A series of calculations have been performed to determine lattice physics parameters such as multiplication factors, isotopic number densities and coolant void reactivity. The WIMS-ANL results are compared with the predictions of WIMS-AECL/D4/D5 and PPV (POWDERPUFS-V), and the comparisons indicate that WIMS-ANL can be used not only as a supporting code to aide the WIMS-CANDU development, but also as a starting source for the study of developing detailed model that could delineate the realistic situations as it might occur during LOCA such as the asymmetric flux distribution across lattice cell
Primary Subject
Aug 2007; 48 p; Also available from KAERI; 2 refs, 8 figs, 2 tabs
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Kim, Won Seok; Kim, Young Gyun; Kim, Young Gin
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)1999
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)1999
[en] Since the sodium boiling point is very high, maximum cladding and pin temperatures are used for design limit condition in sodium cooled liquid metal reactor. It is necessary to predict accurately the core temperature distribution to increase the sodium coolant efficiency. Based on the MATRA code, which is developed for PWR analysis, MATRA-LMR is being developed for LMR. The major modifications are as follows : A) The sodium properties table is implemented as subprogram in the code. B) Heat transfer coefficients are changed for LMR. C) The pressure drop correlations are changed for more accurate calculations, which are Novendstern, Chiu-Rohsenow-Todreas, and Cheng-Todreas correlations. This user's guide describes code structure and equations of MATRA-LMR (Version 1.0), and explains input data preparation. (author). 19 refs., 7 tabs., 17 figs
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Apr 1999; 97 p
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