Dancing Teacher, Elephant, Crocodile… |
Simplicissimus-Bilderbogen, single-sheet comic strips, were regularly published by Albert Langen in his Simplicissimus before World War I. Most of these comic pages were drawn by Thomas Theodor Heine and Olaf Gulbransson. Heinrich Kley (1863-1945), pen-and-ink master, was a frequent contributor to the weekly papers Jugend (1897-1938, 231 times) and Simplicissimus (1908-44, 141 times.) Kley also drew at least one of the Simplicissimus-Bilderbogen. This two-page example was Number 5 and inserted in Volume 16, Number 51, May 18, 1912. Its title ‘Die Tanzschule,’ translates to The Dancing School. The text in rhyme was written by Karl Borromäus Heinrich (b.1884).
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Ein Krokodilweib kokettierte
Mit einem Elefantentier,
Teilweise wohl aus Lust am Flirte —
Doch grösernteils aus Bildungsgier.
Mit einem Elefantentier,
Teilweise wohl aus Lust am Flirte —
Doch grösernteils aus Bildungsgier.