Showing posts with label Wilhelm Busch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wilhelm Busch. Show all posts

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mischief and Mayhem, the Comic Art of Wilhelm Busch

‘Germany’s Greatest Humorist Since Heine’ appeared in Current Literature, Vol. XLIV, No. 5, May 1908: 509-513.

The other images are from Kleines Wilhelm Busch Album; Sammlung lustiger Bildergeschichten mit etwa 450 Bildern und farbigem Selbstportrait, Berlin: Verlagsanstalt für Kunst Hermann Klemm, 1907.

Wilhelm Busch lived from April 15, 1832, to January 9, 1908.
The poet Heinrich Heine lived from 1797 to 1856. 
