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Galp announces another oil and gas discovery in Namibia’s Orange Basin Portuguese multinational company Galp Energia has announced a hydrocarbon discovery after successfully drilling, coring, and logging the Mopane-3X well in PEL83, offshore Namibia. According to the company, the well, which was spudded on January 2, is the fifth in the Mopane complex and is located 18 km from the initial Mopane-1X well. It targeted three key prospects—AVO-10, AVO-13, and a deeper sand—at approximately 1,200 meters of water depth. “Preliminary data confirm light oil and gas-condensate significant columns across AVO-10, and light oil columns on AVO-13 and on the deeper sand, in high-quality sandstones,” Galp said on Tuesday. #namibia #oilandgas #orangebasin #galp #oildiscovery NAMCOR NAMIBIA NJ Ayuk JD, MBA. Tom Alweendo Maggy Shino Knowledge Katti Namibia Petroleum Operators Association (NAMPOA) Ministry of Mines and Energy Namibia (MME) Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB) African Energy Chamber Namibia Youth Energy Forum African Energy Council Saipem Namibia Oil and Gas Conference Mining Weekly