🎉 Celebrating Milestones in Engineering Geology! 🎉 Yesterday, we had the pleasure of hosting a memorable symposium at TU Delft Department of Geoscience and Engineering, marking two significant milestones: the 50th anniversary of the Ingeokring and the 60th anniversary of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment. This special occasion was made even more festive with the presentation of the prestigious IAEG Hans Cloos Medal to Niek Rengers in recognition of his outstanding contributions to engineering geology both in the Netherlands and globally. Another highlight was the announcement of Peter Verhoef as the third honorary member of the Ingeokring, following the late Professor Price and Niek Rengers. It is a well-earned acknowledgment for his dedication to the field and education of several generation of engineering geologists over the years! We were also delighted to present the Best Thesis Award to Henry Gunawan – congratulations on this well-deserved recognition! The event featured captivating presentations by Helen Reeves (Jacobs and VP IAEG Europe), Denise Maljers (TNO) and Joek P. Peuchen (Fugro), and an engaging panel discussion on the superpowers of the Dutch Cone Penetration Test, led by Joost van der Schrier, complete with an interactive audience quiz. Our gratitude goes to Bob Hoogendoorn and the KNGMG Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands for their heartfelt congratulations and thoughtful gift celebrating 50 years of the Ingeokring. We are also looking forward to the future, with the upcoming international XV IAEG 2026 Congress in Delft as our main target. Lastly, a huge thank you to Dominique Ngan-Tillard from the TU Delft for organizing and hosting this great event. Here’s to the continued growth and collaboration in the engineering geology community! 🥂 #Ingeokring #IAEG #TUdelft #EngineeringGeology #Celebration #HansCloosMedal #50Years