🌎 Boosting Female Investors and Entrepreneurs in Green Tech In November, WIN - Women Investor Network Norway - was proud to participate in the “Women in Green Tech” event hosted by Innovation Norway and EEA and Norway Grants in Bucharest. The event brought together female entrepreneurs, investors, and key stakeholders from across Europe to discuss how to strengthen female entrepreneurship, especially within green technology and sustainability, as a crucial resource to solve climate challenges. Why this matters: • Only 10% of European startups are women-led, and a tiny percentage are within green tech. • Women-led startups receive just 2% of venture capital funding. • Only 16% of venture capital partners are women. These numbers highlight a significant opportunity for change! Investing in women-led startups and diversifying investor teams leads to stronger financial outcomes, including a 63% higher return on investment for women-founded companies. 🛠️ At the conference, we explored solutions such as: • Increasing women’s access to funding. • Building networks to connect capital, competence, and innovation. • Supporting female-led startups through initiatives like Women TechEU. A huge thank you to Angela Restrepo Holter for spotlighting WIN’s efforts to close the wealth gap and give women the tools and opportunities to invest in startups. And a big shout-out to all the other incredible contributors who shared their knowledge and passion throughout the event. Together, we’re making real strides toward a more inclusive and empowered future for women in green tech and beyond. Theresa Neuhauser Rannveig Solumsmoen Gimse Magnar Ødelien Hana Colakovic Valeria Temple Martha Gausdal Julia Sekkesæter Maria Myhre Eunike Ditlefsen Estefania Lopez Ginnette Sandberg Rita Anson
WIN Women Investor Network Norway
Tjenester innen strategisk ledelse
Oslo, Norway 2 282 følgere
WIN empowers women to learn to invest in innovative startups and provides a network for women to invest together.
Om oss
Gender equality and diversity through financial literacy and economic empowerment. WIN - Women Investor Network Norway- supports women in developing their financial position through investment-learning programs and investment networks. WIN aims to connect globally-minded women who want to become or are investors, with one another and with impactful and innovative early-stage companies. WIN empowers women -and men- to strengthen their financial position by learning to invest, and investing in the innovation economy, connecting their capital, competence and leadership to entrepreneurs with impactful and sustainable solutions. Because a diverse and more gender-balanced ecosystem is essential to innovation. Don’t just win. WIN together: Learn, apply, grow and drive growth.
- Nettsted
Ekstern lenke til WIN Women Investor Network Norway
- Bransje
- Tjenester innen strategisk ledelse
- Bedriftsstørrelse
- 2–10 ansatte
- Hovedkontor
- Oslo, Norway
- Type
- Privateid selskap
- Grunnlagt
- 2020
- Spesialiteter
- entrepreneurship, adult training, business angels, sustainable investment, investment opportunities, startups, impact investment, gender balance, female investment, cross borders investment, empower women, investment training, startup dealflow, scaleups, diversity, financial literacy, investors network
Chr. Krohgs gate 1
Oslo, Norway 0186, NO
Ansatte i WIN Women Investor Network Norway
Camilla Andersson
Valeria Temple
Account Executive, Bus. Dev. and Customer Care. Entrepreneur, founder, investor, and business consultant. Board work.
Angela Restrepo Holter
Top 25 Women In Angel Investing in Europe - Founding Partner at WIN Ventures and Chair of the Board at Women Investor's Network, Investor.
Ingrid Indahl
Board Member at Summen AS
WIN, in collaboration with HER - Hun Etablerer Ressursprogrammet, is launching courses in personal finance and investments, and you are invited! Financial wellness is a foundation for living a healthy, balanced life. Understanding and managing finances can empower decision-making, reduce stress, enhance independence, and strengthen relationships for women of all ages. Whether you're just starting your career, managing a family, or planning for retirement, now is the perfect time to assess how well you're doing and get some tips to do even better. Sessions: 👯♀️ The Money Talk - 13. nov. 2024, 10:00 – 11:00 (digital) 💡 Set yourself up for success - 20. nov. 2024, 10:00 – 11:00 (digital) 🏋♂️ Make your money work for you - 27. nov. 2024, 10:00 – 11:00 (digital) 🚀 Long-term financial well-being - 30. nov. 2024, 14:00 – 17:00 (Physical with lunch & mingling included) Are you a WIN member? Get 50% off by using code WIN50
WIN i samarbeid med ABG Sundal Collier Women in Finance Foundation , Nordea og Oslo Kommune and Stackx.me inviterer unge kvinner mellom 18 og 25 år til å delta i et spesialisert læringsprogram mot personlig økonomi og innsikt i finansmarkedet. Programmet består av fire kurs, med en blanding av fysiske og digitale samlinger: 🎯 Sesjon 1 (fysisk hos Nordea i Oslo): Mandag 14. oktober kl. 17:00–19:00. Introduksjon til finansbransjens 🎯 Sesjon 2 (digitalt): Mandag 28. oktober kl. 17:00–19:00. Utforsking av ulike karrieremuligheter innen finans og diskusjon om utfordringer kvinner møter i bransjen. 🎯 Sesjon 3 (digitalt): Mandag 11. november kl. 17:00–19:00. Fokus på budsjettering, personlig økonomi og viktigheten av tidlig investering. 🎯 Sesjon 4 (fysisk hos Nordea i Oslo): Mandag 25. november kl. 17:00–19:00. Praktisk workshop i samarbeid med Stack x Me, hvor deltakerne får anvende teori i praksis. Kostnad: Progrmmet er gratis! Men du betaler 200 NOK som vil bli brukt til å opprette din personlig investeringsprofil hos Stack x Me, som vil fungere som startkapital. Mer informasjon og påmelding: https://lnkd.in/gYCpC7vJ
Er du (eller noen du kjenner) en unge kvinne mellom 18 og 25 år og ønsker å ta kontroll over din økonomiske fremtid? Delta i et engasjerende program med fokus på økonomisk frihet og personlig økonomi, spesialdesignet for unge kvinner! I samarbeid med ABG Sundal Collier, Nordea og Oslo Kommune, tilbyr Women Investors Network programmet "FemPower: Økonomimestring for personlig frihet." Dette er din sjanse til å dykke inn i finansverdenen og utvikle ferdigheter som vil styrke din økonomiske selvstendighet. "FemPower" omfatter fire inspirerende kurs, og vi starter med et fysisk møte den 14. oktober. Ikke gå glipp av denne fantastiske muligheten til å lære, vokse og nettverke med likesinnede. Hva du kan forvente: 👩💻 Lær grunnleggende økonomiske prinsipper på en morsom og engasjerende måte som passer perfekt for nybegynnere. 👯 Bygg nettverk med suksessrike kvinner i finansnæringen og møt andre unge som deler dine interesser. 🛠 Få praktiske verktøy og innsikt som vil hjelpe deg å starte din egen investeringsreise med selvtillit. Kostnad: For å delta i programmet er det en avgift på 200 NOK, som blir overført til din personlige Stack X Me-konto. Dette gir deg et insentiv til å starte å investere, men det er helt valgfritt etter programmet. I tillegg spanderer vi 100 NOK ekstra på alle deltakere, så ved programmets slutt vil du ha totalt 300 NOK tilgjengelig for å kickstarte din investeringsreise. Registrer deg her: https://lnkd.in/gYCpC7vJ Bli med oss for å styrke din økonomiske frihet og kunnskap!
🌟 Spennende mulighet for unge kvinner! 🌟 Bli med på «FemPower: Økonomimestring for personlig frihet» – et unikt læringsprogram designet for unge kvinner mellom 18 og 25 år som ønsker å styrke sin forståelse av personlig økonomi og finansindustrien. Dette programmet er et samarbeid mellom Women Investors Network (WIN), ABG Sundal Collier Women in Finance Foundation , Nordea og Oslo Kommune. 📅 Startdato: 14. oktober 📍 Format: Kombinasjon av fysiske og digitale sesjoner Vi starter med et inspirerende fysisk kick-off, hvor du vil møte ledende kvinner innen finans og lære om viktigheten av å få kontroll av din personlig økonomi i en tidlig alder. Programmet fortsetter med digitale og praktiske sesjoner om personlig økonomi og investering. Det vil være totalt 4 kurs gjennom høsten. Registrering og flere detaljer om programmet finner du her: https://lnkd.in/gYCpC7vJ Dette er din sjanse til å lære, nettverke og starte din investeringsreise. Er du klar? Registrer deg nå! 🌟 #FemPower #PersonligØkonomi #KvinneriFinans #Investeringsreise #ØkonomiskFrihet #WIN #OsloKommune
Women tech founders in Oslo, this one is for you! 📣 Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn how to scale your company, expand internationally, and fundraise from Tech Nordic Advocates' Accelerator which has helped +600 founders across the Nordics since 2021. The deadline to sign up for the Program is today! Sign up here: https://lnkd.in/dqTsn6yC
🇳🇴 Final Call for Applications: June 20th is upon us so apply NOW to join the "Oslo as a Female Tech Founder Frontrunner Programme." Starting this August, Tech Nordic Advocates, in collaboration with the City of Oslo - Oslo kommune, and other amazing partners, will bring to Oslo our International Accelerator Programme to support tech startups with global ambitions, founded or led by female or non-binary founders. Learn more and apply today to reserve your spot, here: https://lnkd.in/dBTEnATY #FemaleFounders #Startups #NordicTech #Oslotech #nordicmade Thanks to our supportive partners: Oslo kommune, Nordea Startup & Growth, RunwayFBU, Epicenter Oslo, Advokatfirmaet Berngaard AS, Capassa, WIN Women Investor Network Norway, the London Stock Exchange, the British Embassy Oslo, KPMG Norway, Women's Entrepreneurship Day Organization (WEDO) / #ChooseWOMEN, Tech London Advocates & Global Tech Advocates Björn Lapakko, Marit Wetterhus, Sagar Chandna, Angela R Holter
Thank you for the great event Christian von Hanno & Atelie! ✨ At WIN Women Investor Network Norway & WIN Ventures I, we are dedicated to closing the investment & wealth gap. The statistics speak about the challenges women face in both the financial and art worlds. But together, we're making strides to change this narrative. Kudos to Atelie & Christian von Hanno for their commitment to supporting female artists and for fostering a space where women can thrive. Here’s to more events that empower and elevate women in every field! 💪 🎨 👩💼 #WINNorway #FemaleInvestors
Another great event took place in our art space yesterday with WIN Women Investor Network Norway, initiated by Angela R Holter and co-hosted by Ann Morgan Abrahamsen Ayah🍸🙌 WIN empowers women by providing training, access to investment opportunities, and a co-investment network to strengthen their financial positions and participation in innovation. In Norway, for example, women have 38% less wealth than men, partly due to their low participation in investment activities. Not surprisingly, the art world has also been male-dominated for quite some time. Of the $196.6 billion spent at art auctions between 2008 and 2019, work produced by women accounted for only $4 billion, or around 2% of the total sales. In 2020, a survey of Norwegian museums mapped 115,000 works of art, revealing that only one in ten public works was created by women. Fortunately, the tide seem to be turning, and works by female artists have started to gain more recognition and remuneration in recent years. At Atelie nearly 70% of both our artists and visitors are women, and 72 of our last 100 sales our platform were from female artists, which is quite significant in this context!
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📅 Την Παρασκευή 19 Απριλίου, στον εκπληκτικό χώρο του Lato Boutique Hotel στο Ηράκλειο Κρήτης, γιορτάσαμε την επιτυχή ολοκλήρωση του "Women Elevation"! 🌟 🙌 Μέσω του προγράμματος Women Elevation 35 γυναίκες από όλη την Ελλάδα είχαν την ευκαιρία να εκπαιδευτούν σε θεματικές της πράσινης επιχειρηματικότητας μέσα από μια τρίμηνη ακαδημία. 💬 Η εκδήλωση ήταν γεμάτη από ενέργεια και αισιοδοξία, με τις συμμετέχουσες να μοιράζονται ιδέες, εμπειρίες και επιτεύγματα. 🤝 Η βραδιά έκλεισε με ένα business speed dating, με την Rita Anson, και Angela R Holter εκπρόσωποι του οργανισμού WIN Women Investor Network Norway και συνεργάτιδες μας στο πρόγραμμα αυτό, προσφέροντας ακόμη μία ευκαιρία για δικτύωση και συνεργασίες. 👉 Το Πρόγραμμα "Women Elevation", χρηματοδοτείται από την Ισλανδία, το Λιχτενστάιν και τη Νορβηγία μέσω του Χρηματοδοτικού Μηχανισμού του Ευρωπαϊκού Οικονομικού Χώρου (ΕΟΧ) για την περίοδο 2014-2021, στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος “Βusiness Innovation Greece. WIN Women Investor Network Norway #WomenElevation #Empowerment #Innovation #Sustainability #Networking #ThankYou
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We are beyond thrilled to announce that WIN Ventures I has been nominated for the Nordic Women in Tech Awards 2024 as Investor of the Year! 🚀 💡The Nordic Women in Tech Awards (NWiTA) aim to highlight the incredible contributions of women in tech, promote diversity and inclusion within the industry, and inspire the next generation of female leaders in technology. 💫 WIN Ventures I, launched in the summer of 2023, bringing together 30 remarkable women investors from backgrounds in Venture Capital, Private Equity, Law, Green Energy, and more, with a clear and important mission to close the investment gap and diversify the investor landscape. While there are many great initiatives promoting women's participation in tech and entrepreneurship, WIN Ventures I stands out for being a vehicle that activates more women as early-stage investors providing an arena for knowledge sharing and financial growth. We deeply appreciate your support and look forward to sharing more exciting updates as we continue this journey! If you want to know more, visit winventures.no and stay tuned for WIN Ventures II 🤩 Angela R Holter Camilla Andersson Rita Anson Marianne Hauknes Aase Settevik Steinunn Kristin Thordardottir Alexandra Pittman, PhD Tiril Zelow Bliksmark Estefania Lopez Nicoleta Roșu-Brekko Tonje Zelow Walløe Beate Nygardshaug Christine Rødsæther Eunike Ditlefsen Ginnette Sandberg Marina Lie Lise Sværi Beate Holm Töpfer Ane Kleivan Gjelsvik Bodil Erdal Wilhelmsen Anette Kristin Bø Andreassen Yanling Zheng, CFA Camilla Mustad Mia Bjørklund Marike Stassar, PhD Laura Brodbeck Ingrid Indahl Delphine Gilbert Tish Gilbert Valeria Temple Laura Roche-Villarreal #WINVentures #NordicWomenInTechAwards #NWITA2024
We are beyond thrilled to announce that WIN Ventures I has been nominated for the Nordic Women in Tech Awards 2024 as Investor of the Year! 🚀 💡The Nordic Women in Tech Awards (NWiTA) aim to highlight the incredible contributions of women in tech, promote diversity and inclusion within the industry, and inspire the next generation of female leaders in technology. 💫 WIN Ventures I, launched in the summer of 2023, bringing together 30 remarkable women investors from backgrounds in Venture Capital, Private Equity, Law, Green Energy, and more, with a clear and important mission to close the investment gap and diversify the investor landscape. While there are many great initiatives promoting women's participation in tech and entrepreneurship, WIN Ventures I stands out for being a vehicle that activates more women as early-stage investors providing an arena for knowledge sharing and financial growth. We deeply appreciate your support and look forward to sharing more exciting updates as we continue this journey! If you want to know more, visit winventures.no and stay tuned for WIN Ventures II 🤩 Angela R Holter Camilla Andersson Rita Anson Marianne Hauknes Aase Settevik Steinunn Kristin Thordardottir Alexandra Pittman, PhD Tiril Zelow Bliksmark Estefania Lopez Nicoleta Roșu-Brekko Tonje Zelow Walløe Beate Nygardshaug Christine Rødsæther Eunike Ditlefsen Ginnette Sandberg Marina Lie Lise Sværi Beate Holm Töpfer Ane Kleivan Gjelsvik Bodil Erdal Wilhelmsen Anette Kristin Bø Andreassen Yanling Zheng, CFA Camilla Mustad Mia Bjørklund Marike Stassar, PhD Laura Brodbeck Ingrid Indahl Delphine Gilbert Tish Gilbert Valeria Temple Laura Roche-Villarreal #WINVentures #NordicWomenInTechAwards #NWITA2024