It’s a choke point. The deer bed down in a ravine that ends with a cliff on one end, steep sides, and an opening that leads into a field. The deer love the ravine because it is filed with #acorn and places of thick vegetation for bedding. When I studied the ravine the deer trails lead into the field with only a few, lesser used trails that switchback to the top. #Deer are like us in someways. They don’t want to take the difficult trail. In this situation, the deer need to cross the field to their water source. The field is closed in on all sides with high, steep granite piles from active quarrying. The only small passages are a narrow entry to the field from the ravine and a narrow exit on the opposite side. If I remain still, or slowly climb up on that overlook before sunset, I will usually have an opportunity to #harvest. It’s just a 250-350 yard shot. So if wind and visibility are in my favor I am comfortable with that location.
Note: We hunt like a Chef’s would. A big buck is is exciting and exhilarating to see in your reticle but, hunters and Chefs know what meat is best;-)
I am not saying I look for a big buck during the rut… its just a different when I hunt for the table. Hints our phrase “Table Doe”.
On a good day I can hunt, harvest, and process two or three “table does” into the back of my jeep and drive back into the city all by myself… usually smiling.