southern4perspective — September 3rd 2014 I found an “Old man of the...

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September 3rd 2014

I found an “Old man of the woods” mushroom under a large water oak.

This mushroom is edible despite its looks. Although, as it matures so does it’s edibility. Considering that this mushroom was in its prime I decided to take it into the kitchen.

Slicing it was a pleasure. It’s white flesh turned dark red then to brown in less than a minute. I sautéd the slices in butter with a pinch if salt. Cooked until some edges were crispy.

I always wondered how this mushroom tasted. Now I know. It may not play a star role in a dish but it could pull off best supporting character. The texture is great because the flesh is tender and then the deep tubular pores absorb the butter and give it a smooth feeling on the tongue.

If I stumbled across a good patch of these it could easily justify making a large pizza.

Found 10min drive north of Atlanta.

old man of the woods Strobilomyces wild mushrooms foraging field to table

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