Book Excerpts | Human Rights
Building Tenant Power
An excerpt from Abolish Rent on the struggle to make housing a human right
Excerpts of top books on social innovation
An excerpt from Abolish Rent on the struggle to make housing a human right
An excerpt from Turf War on opposing Trump’s Television City development in the 1980s
An excerpt from Relationality on fixing our crisis of loneliness
An excerpt from How to Think About Progress on the perils of technological futurism
An excerpt from AI Snake Oil on separating hype from reality
An excerpt from The Viking Code on flourishing through collective spirit
An excerpt from From White Folks Who Teach in the Hood on unplugging from the nonprofit industrial matrix
An excerpt from The Frugal Economy on regenerating people, places, and the planet
An excerpt from From Vision to Action with 11 principles for social entrepreneurship
An excerpt from A Taxing Journey on ways civic actors can help close country-level tax loopholes