Padma Bhushan awardee PV Sindhu made a spectacular fashion statement during her recent wedding celebrations, where she turned heads in a breathtaking ensemble by renowned designer Manish Malhotra. Known for her elegance and grace, Sindhu chose to adorn herself in an exquisite multi-tiered imperial heirloom necklace, crafted with uncut diamonds and radiant Zambian emeralds, set in luxurious 18k gold. This opulent necklace, a true masterpiece, was specially reimagined for the Manish Malhotra bride, adding a regal touch to Sindhu's bridal look.
The necklace was complemented with matching earrings, bangles, and traditional bridal accessories such as a maathapatti and haathphool, all of which added an enchanting charm to her overall appearance. Completing the look was a signature handcrafted heirloom tissue saree by Manish Malhotra, a true blend of traditional craftsmanship and contemporary luxury. To further elevate the bridal aesthetic, Sindhu wore an old-world head veil that added a classic, ethereal touch to her appearance, making her a vision of timeless beauty. The combination of the jewellery and attire brought out the grandeur of the occasion, making Sindhu’s wedding look nothing short of iconic.
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On the other hand, Venkata Datta Sai, Sindhu’s husband, also made a powerful fashion statement as the Manish Malhotra Groom. He wore an Imperial Heirloom necklace, mirroring the elegance of his bride’s piece, featuring the same uncut diamonds and Zambian emeralds set in 18k gold. The necklace was paired with signature emerald buttons that added a touch of sophistication to his attire. Venkata’s ensemble was completed with a luxurious brocade sherwani, exuding regal charm and complementing Sindhu’s stunning bridal look.
Together, the couple’s ensembles highlighted a seamless blend of modern luxury and traditional elegance, with Manish Malhotra’s impeccable craftsmanship shining through in every detail. Their wedding was a true celebration of beauty, grace, and sartorial excellence.