The highly anticipated business reality show, Shark Tank India, is all set to return for its fourth season with exciting changes. This season, the show transitions exclusively to the OTT platform Sony LIV, with episodes airing Monday to Friday at 8 PM starting January 6, 2024. Fans can look forward to fresh pitches, a revamped judging panel, and an entertaining hosting duo. Stand-up comedian Ashish Solanki and social media personality Sahiba Bali will take on hosting duties, bringing humor and charm to elevate the show’s entertainment value.
Season 4 introduces two new sharks to the panel: Kunal Bahl, co-founder of Snapdeal and Titan Capital, and Viraj Bahl, founder and managing director of Veeba Consumer Products, both of whom bring fresh perspectives to the tank. They join an impressive lineup of returning sharks:
Aman Gupta: Co-founder and CMO of boAt, a leader in India’s audio market. Namita Thapar, Executive Director of Emcure Pharmaceuticals, a veteran in the pharma industry. Peyush Bansal, CEO and co-founder of Lenskart, who revolutionized eyewear in India.
Anupam Mittal: Founder of People Group, which owns Vineeta Singh, Co-founder and CEO of Sugar Cosmetics, blending engineering and entrepreneurship. Azhar Iqubal, CEO and co-founder of Inshorts, a news platform simplifying content for readers. Ritesh Agarwal, founder of OYO Rooms, a global leader in budget hospitality. Varun Dua, founder of Acko General Insurance, India’s first digital-first insurance company.
The show’s format remains gripping, as entrepreneurs from various industries pitch their innovative ideas to secure investments from the sharks. The intense negotiations and inspiring entrepreneurial journeys are sure to keep audiences hooked.
With its shift to an OTT-exclusive format, Shark Tank India aims to capture the attention of a tech-savvy audience while expanding its reach. Fans can stream the new season starting January 6, 2024, for what promises to be the most dynamic and engaging season yet!
Fans are eagerly awaiting the return of Shark Tank India Season 4, especially with the exciting changes in its format and lineup. The addition of Kunal Bahl and Viraj Bahl to the panel has sparked curiosity, as viewers are keen to see how their expertise will influence the pitches. Many fans have expressed excitement about the move to move to OTT, which they believe will make the show more accessible and dynamic.
Social media is abuzz with anticipation for the new hosting duo, Ashish Solanki and Sahiba Bali, as their humor and energy are expected to bring a fresh vibe to the series. Overall, fans are thrilled for the inspiring entrepreneurial stories and intense negotiations that make Shark Tank India a favorite.
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