Shraddha Arya, who is set to welcome her first born with hubby Rahul recently took to her social media to praise actress Hina Khan. In a heartfelt social media post, actress
Shraddha Arya recently extended her gratitude and admiration to
Hina Khan for her unwavering strength and resilience.
Shraddha took to Instagram to share a message dedicated to Hina, calling her “One with this lovely woman… inspiring us every day.” The actress continued with a heartfelt blessing, saying, “Wish you life full of miracles.” The message highlights Shraddha’s deep respect for Hina’s strength and her wish for continued positivity and hope.
In her words, Shraddha celebrates not only Hina’s personal courage but also the example she sets for millions who look up to her. Fans, too, joined in with messages of love and support, commending both actresses for their empathy and advocacy. Many praised Hina for her inspiring efforts in spreading breast cancer awareness, with comments like “You’re truly a warrior, Hina,” and “Thank you for using your platform for such an important cause.” Some even shared personal stories, echoing how Hina’s message of hope had reached them on a personal level, making her advocacy all the more impactful.
On the work front, Shraddha Arya continues to shine in her popular role in Kundali Bhagya, captivating audiences with her portrayal. Hina Khan, meanwhile, has an exciting lineup of projects, recently seen in critically acclaimed performances and rumored to be exploring new roles that showcase her versatility. As both stars continue to make strides in their careers, they remain committed to using their platforms to spread awareness and inspire others—a testament to their influence both on and off the screen.