BİLGİ European Institute

BİLGİ European Institute


Eyüp, İstanbul 1.275 takipçi

İstanbul Bilgi University European Institute - Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence


The “European vocation” of BİLGİ has in fact led to the launch of the Centre for European Studies which, later in 2007, became the “European Institute”. The European Institute undertakes in depth research on EU politics and policies with a specif ic emphasis on diversity and pluralism. Building on EU expertise acquired within BİLGİ, the European Institute is now the primary focus for the inter-disciplinary study of processes of integration in the politics, legal systems, society and economies of Europe. To this end, the European Institute supports interdisciplinary academic programs on EU studies and undertakes interdisciplinary research with primary focus on themes such as processes of integration, Europeanization, multiculturalism, diversity, and construction of European identities. Besides many other EU-funded (numerous FP7 projects) and international projects, the Institute has been awarded a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Award (2013), two Jean Monnet Chairs, and several other Jean Monnet modules and two Jean Monnet Learning EU at School Projects. Recently, the Director of the European Institute Prof. Ayhan Kaya has been awarded an “Advanced Grant” by the European Research Council (ERC), one of the most prestigious research institutions of Europe, for his project entitled “Nativism, Islamophobism and Islamism in the Age of Populism: Culturalisation and Religionisation of what is Social, Economic and Political in Europe”.

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2-10 çalışan
Genel Merkez
Eyüp, İstanbul


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