📰 BİLGİ European Institute #Newsletter Issue 17 is now online! 🔗 Explore the newsletter here: http://bit.ly/4gFipx5
BİLGİ European Institute
Eyüp, İstanbul 1.264 takipçi
İstanbul Bilgi University European Institute - Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
The “European vocation” of BİLGİ has in fact led to the launch of the Centre for European Studies which, later in 2007, became the “European Institute”. The European Institute undertakes in depth research on EU politics and policies with a specif ic emphasis on diversity and pluralism. Building on EU expertise acquired within BİLGİ, the European Institute is now the primary focus for the inter-disciplinary study of processes of integration in the politics, legal systems, society and economies of Europe. To this end, the European Institute supports interdisciplinary academic programs on EU studies and undertakes interdisciplinary research with primary focus on themes such as processes of integration, Europeanization, multiculturalism, diversity, and construction of European identities. Besides many other EU-funded (numerous FP7 projects) and international projects, the Institute has been awarded a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Award (2013), two Jean Monnet Chairs, and several other Jean Monnet modules and two Jean Monnet Learning EU at School Projects. Recently, the Director of the European Institute Prof. Ayhan Kaya has been awarded an “Advanced Grant” by the European Research Council (ERC), one of the most prestigious research institutions of Europe, for his project entitled “Nativism, Islamophobism and Islamism in the Age of Populism: Culturalisation and Religionisation of what is Social, Economic and Political in Europe”.
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- Genel Merkez
- Eyüp, İstanbul
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- 2007
📢AB Enstitüsü Almanya Notları serisinin 27. sayısı yayınlandı! Batı Almanya Radyo TV Kurumu WDR-Cosmo editörü ve T24 yazarı Fulya Canşen tarafından hazırlanan "Almanya’da Çöken Bir Üçlü Koalisyonun Anatomisi" başlıklı yazıya aşağıdaki linkten erişebilirsiniz. 👉bit.ly/4gzua8j
#BILGINormsEU JM Chair Webinar Series "The European Security and the Invasion of Ukraine" 🎙 Mehmet Ali Tuğtan 🔹Moderator: Özge Onursal-Beşgül 📍 İstanbul Bilgi University, European Institute 📺 Watch here: https://lnkd.in/dkngiZKY
#BILGINormsEU Webinar III - Dr. Mehmet Ali Tuğtan
Toplantımız başladı! DAAD Türkiye ekibinden Murat Kemaloğlu, Almanya'da Yükseköğrenim, Araştırma ve DAAD Bursları hakkında bilgi veriyor. DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Bugün, Almanya'da Yükseköğrenim, Araştırma ve DAAD Bursları toplantısında DAAD German Academic Exchange Service Türkiye ekibini ağırlıyoruz! Almanya'da yükseköğrenim, araştırma olanakları ve DAAD bursları hakkında detaylı bilgi almak isteyen tüm Bilgi Üniversitesi öğrenci ve akademisyenleri etkinliğimize davetlidir.
📌"Almanya'da Yükseköğrenim, Araştırma ve DAAD Bursları" toplantımıza davetlisiniz! 📅19 Aralık 2024, Perşembe ⏰14:00 📍İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, Santralistanbul, E1-301 *Etkinlik dili Türkçedir. Detaylı bilgi için: https://lnkd.in/deXJyb9C
#BILGINormsEU JM Chair Webinar Series "Green Deal: EU Being the Leader of Climate Policies" 🎙 Ayşe Uyduranoğlu 🔹Moderator: Özge Onursal-Beşgül 📍 Istanbul Bilgi University, European Institute 📺 Watch here: https://lnkd.in/dVUuDWq9
#BILGINormsEU Webinar II - Prof. Ayşe Uyduranoğlu
BİLGİ European Institute bunu yeniden yayınladı
ValEUs lecture series (4) “Rethinking the Role of Culture and Arts in EU Foreign Policy” is now available on our YouTube channel! 🙌 Go to this link for easy access💻https://linktr.ee/ValEUs
#BILGINormsEU JM Chair Webinar Series "The Rise of Civilisational Rhetoric and the Co-Radicalisation of Young Europeans: Islamophobism vs. Islamism?" 🎙 Ayhan Kaya 🔹 Moderator: Özge Onursal-Beşgül 📍 Istanbul Bilgi University, European Institute 📺 Watch here: https://lnkd.in/dUMFDNu2
#BILGINormsEU Webinar I - Prof. Ayhan Kaya
📌"Almanya'da Yükseköğrenim, Araştırma ve DAAD Bursları" toplantımıza davetlisiniz! 📅19 Aralık 2024, Perşembe ⏰14:00 📍İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, Santralistanbul, E1-301 *Etkinlik dili Türkçedir. Detaylı bilgi için: https://lnkd.in/deXJyb9C