🎃 Scary Menstrual Health Facts: Period Poverty in the UK 👻
This Halloween, let's talk about something truly terrifying that lurks all year round: period poverty. While we decorate with ghosts and ghouls, millions in the UK are haunted by a lack of access to essential menstrual products. Here are some frightful facts that might make your blood run cold:
1. 1 in 10 people in the UK can't afford period products. Many are forced to choose between buying food or buying tampons and pads. No one should have to make that decision.
2. Hidden Horrors: Stigma around menstruation leads many to suffer in silence. Around 49% of girls have missed school due to period poverty. This silent struggle leaves lasting scars, affecting education, self-esteem, and mental health.
3. Bleeding Financially: Period products are still a financial burden. The cost of menstrual care can be up to £20k for people who are chronically ill – that’s a scary amount for many already facing economic hardship.
4. Risky Alternatives: In desperation, people resort to unsafe alternatives like old socks, toilet paper, or newspaper, leading to infections and other health risks. This is not a horror story but the reality for far too many.
5. End of a Nightmare? In 2020, Scotland became the first country to provide free period products – but the rest of the UK has yet to follow in full. The fight for fair access continues.
This Halloween, let’s do more than carve pumpkins. Talk about period poverty, support charities providing menstrual products, and help bring an end to this ongoing nightmare for so many. Because period poverty isn’t fiction; it’s a scary reality we can change. 💀
#PeriodPoverty #BloodyScary #EndTheStigma #Halloween