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Demonstrating affordability, sustainability and circularity.

About us

Drastic stands for Demonstrating Real and Affordable Sustainable Building Solutions with Top-level whole life cycle performance and Improved Circularity. Working with 23 partners across eight European countries, Drastic is a pioneering four-year collaborative project which is supported by the European Union under grant number 101123330. Through five ‘Demonstrator’ pilot projects, Drastic aims to showcase varied and innovative solutions to reduce whole life carbon and the climate impact of construction across the entire construction value chain in Europe, whilst increasing and improving circularity within the built environment. The Drastic Demonstrators will target different layers of buildings, to achieve reduction of operational and embodied carbon emissions and foster material reclamation and reuse. Drastic will show how these solutions, combined with improved business models, can lead the way towards a whole life cycle decarbonisation of the European Union (EU) building stock by 2050. Follow the #DrasticProject hashtag for regular social media project updates.

Company size
11-50 employees
Construction, Innovation, Built Environment, European Commission, Buildings, Circularity, and Reduction of whole life carbon

Employees at Drastic


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