Looking back on #RMsummit2024. Totally exhausted. Lost my voice. But overwhelmed with the wonderful discussions, new invitations to speak all over the globe & delighted to have been involved in the panel debate on Europe's energy security and the interview by Susana XARÁ in Crowdhelix's clustering event. Takeaways:
1️⃣ “Europe doesn’t need a #GreenDeal. Europe doesn’t need an Industrial Deal. Instead, Europe requires a Green Industrial Deal, a fully integrated & harmonised framework. We need to nurture a made-in-Europe #cleantech industry that allows the vertical integration from mine to wind turbines, #batteries, PV panels, electrolysers, heat pumps… driving the transition to #climateneutrality. A Green Industrial Deal should be a cross-party no-brainer as it provides a compromise between delivering the much-needed environmental/climate agenda while allowing a green European industry to prosper providing future-proofed jobs and resilience. To get this Green Industrial Deal implemented the new EC needs to appoint an Executive Vice President who has the power to implement such an agenda across the DG’s.”
2️⃣ "When the EU agrees upon Critical Raw Materials Partnerships with countries in Latin America and Africa, we need to make sure these CRM Partnerships are beneficial for both parties. This includes processing and refining in these countries and not just extraction. Concurrently, Europe should provide first-class training programmes tailored to young people from Latin America and Africa. After their graduation (in Europe), these new professionals can return to their countries to support the new-to-be-developed local CRM industry. One idea is to offer Tailored programmes (? EIT, DN...) specifically for students from Latin America and Africa. This could rectify the complete underrepresentation of these countries in the international student population in most European universities."
3️⃣ "Europe needs to define, submit, endorse and implement at least 40 Strategic Projects for CRM #mining, #refining and #recycling in Europe and in like-minded third countries. The time is now. Such projects should satisfy the highest #ESG standards and should demonstrate techno-economic feasibility. If these projects are provided the “Strategic Project” label, then the EC and the Member States should get these projects (permits) delivered on time. Such projects should not get hijacked by a tiny but vocal minority of professional (often non-local) campaigners supporting an ideological anti-mining NIMCO position (Not in My Continent)."
🎬 "Made in Europe: from mine to electric vehicle" v2.0 distributed by Journeyman Pictures (new trailer: https://lnkd.in/eQh9pQM4)
Acknowledgements to Sir Philip Lowe, Hans Christian Kenn, Eric Dusseux, Brian Menell, David Rose (panel) and Valeria Pulieri, Paul McKenna (clustering). Kudos to EIT RawMaterials (Bernd Schäfer, Vanessa Lorenz, Roland Gauß, Anoop Kayarat, Nora Groth...) for the exceptional organisation & scenography!