Reimagine our urban future with ReGreeneration Europe! 🌱🌍 🇪🇺 9 European cities, one common vision - green, vibrant, and inclusive neighbourhoods where people and nature can thrive together. Funded by Horizon Europe, ReGreeneration supports these urban innovators to transform climate vulnerable and challenged areas into sustainable and livable hubs. 🧐 Are you curious to know more about our cities, our partners, and the innovative methodologies we are leveraging? Follow us for getting inspired by city stories, project updates, and innovative ideas to reimagine your neighbourhood! #ReGreenerationEU #HorizonEurope #SustainableCities #UrbanInnovation #NatureBasedSolutions
About us
🌱 Welcome to ReGreeneration, a Horizon Europe funded project bringing together nine European cities to reimagine their neighbourhoods as vibrant, sustainable and inclusive hubs for people and nature. 🌐 By leveraging people-centric and nature-based design solutions supported by innovative technologies, the project helps shaping cities that thrive amidst environmental uncertainties. 🇪🇺 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101139636.
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- Community Development and Urban Planning
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- 11-50 employees
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- Partnership
Our favorite ReGreeners! 🌿🌱🍃
Reconnecting with old friend Carlos Moreno to explore the future of smart cities (ReGreeneration Europe) and smart energy (local grid flexibility and renewable generation) at Chaire ETI - IAE Paris Sorbonne School with Inetum Consulting Catherine Arod-Gall Maria Perez Ortega Laura Balán
ReGreeneration Europe reposted this
At #Inetum, we’re thrilled to see the progress of the European Project ReGreeneration ReGreeneration Europe, which we are proud to coordinate. Last week, we had the chance to visit the pilot project in Barcelona, one of nine European cities implementing initiatives to revitalize underprivileged neighborhoods. Thank you, Barcelona City Council, for your warm hospitality, and thanks to the European Commission for giving us the opportunity to connect with so many amazing people working together to improve quality of life for everyone. #ReGreenerationEU #SustainableCities #Collaboration Jesus Otero Maria Perez Ortega Alberto Palomero Prada Régis Hourdouillie Emilie Daongam Catherine Arod-Gall Chiara Martinuzzi Stephanie Patterson Benedetta Camerini Elena Andreoni Roberto De Lotto
🔑 One of the key moments at our consortium meeting was a workshop dedicated to revisiting the core pillars that unite all #ReGreenerationEU pilot projects. Despite the diverse challenges and contexts, our work is guided by three shared principles: 1️⃣ COMPLETE NEIGHBOURHOODS During the "Why Embed Proximity & the Six Social Functions" table, Chaire ETI and C40 Cities guided a conversation on how proximity planning improves equity, strengthens connectivity, and promotes vibrant, thriving neighbourhoods. 2️⃣ COMMUNAL AREAS FOR AND BY THE PEOPLE In the Citizen Engagement table, UrbanizeHub shared lessons from their participatory processes in Bucharest, showing how involving communities builds trust, fosters ownership, and ensures local needs are at the heart of solutions. 3️⃣ NATURE-BASED URBAN GREEN SPACES The "Sustainable Cities Through the Right Selection of Vegetation" table, led by Viaverda, highlighted how strategically planned green spaces enhance climate resilience and biodiversity, transforming urban areas into healthier and more sustainable environments. 💡 These workshops reinforced how these pillars align and drive our efforts, offering a shared vision that bridges all our pilot projects. How do these principles resonate with your vision for sustainable cities? Let’s discuss below! #UrbanRegeneration #SustainableCities #Collaboration Chiara Martinuzzi Catherine Arod-Gall Camille Tallon Gratian Mihailescu Ioana-Maria Ursache Eva Reybroeck Sandy Adriaenssens Laura Balán
Our time in Barcelona for the ReGreeneration consortium meeting has come to an end, leaving us inspired, energized, and ready to take the next steps in our mission to create greener, more inclusive neighbourhoods across Europe. Over three dynamic days, we: 🤝 Strengthened our partnerships through peer learning, collaborative co-creation workshops, and one-on-one discussions. 👥 Engaged in rich thematic discussions on citizen engagement, proximity in city planning, and the critical role of regenerative green spaces. 🌱 Explored innovative strategies for urban greening and biodiversity through our visit to the Trinitat Nova pilot project. 💻 Advanced digital tools like our Digital Twin, bringing cutting-edge innovation to urban regeneration. A huge thank you to all the incredible partners who contributed their expertise and ideas, and to our host, Barcelona City Council. The work doesn’t stop here. We look forward to applying these lessons in our pilot projects and continuing to make a tangible impact in our cities 🌍 What’s your vision for greener, thriving neighbourhoods? #ReGreenerationEU #SustainableCities #Collaboration Régis Hourdouillie Laura Balán Neda Kostandinovic Stephanie Patterson Benedetta Camerini Maria Perez Ortega Roxana Maria Triboi Soumya Kanti Datta Roberto De Lotto Chiara Martinuzzi Carlos Moreno Joanne Treacy Cristiana Croitoru Elisabetta Venco annarita carotenuto Elena Andreoni Enrica De Paulis Marta Popiołek Sandy Adriaenssens Eva Reybroeck Luca Alessio Paolo Micheli and many, many more
✨ What a magical day 2 in Barcelona! The Barcelona City Council - our host and a true European pioneer in urban innovation - filled us with inspiration on how to design neighbourhoods for people and nature. 🌱 Our day began with a site tour of the #ReGreenerationEU pilot in the Trinitat Nova neighbourhood, immersing ourselves in the ongoing green regeneration efforts. 💡 Marc Montlleó introduced us to the Barcelona Nature Plan 2030, revealing an ambitious blueprint for reimagining urban ecosystems. His insights showed how strategic green infrastructure can radically transform city landscapes and enhance biodiversity even in the most built-up urban areas. 🚶♀️ Andrea Ballbé and Neda Kostandinovic walked us through the city’s new Public Space Plan (PEPI) and the evolution of the #Superblock model to reclaim public spaces for people, prioritizing pedestrians, green areas and community interaction. Big thanks to our incredible local hosts for sharing their expertise and passion! Barcelona’s energy, vision, and dedication to sustainable, livable cities were truly contagious, leaving us inspired and motivated to carry forward these lessons in our work... 🙌 More news from our consortium meeting to come! #Greenneighbourhoods #Barcelona #ReGreenerationEU #Sustainablecities
We’re reunited in Barcelona for our third consortium meeting 🎉 Six months after our last gathering, we've come together to share progress and insights from the past intense months of work. Day 1 key moments: 🤗 Welcomed Régis Hourdouillie as our new coordinator from Inetum 📌 Shared updates on the amazing progress in all ReGreeneration’s pilot projects with C40 Cities 🏙️Explored technical details of our #digitaltwin tool, developed by Inetum, Digiotouch R&D and Arup 👥Concluded with a collaborative #peertopeerworkshop by Placemaking Europe Two more days of productive discussions ahead. 💡 #ReGreenerationEU #Collaboration
More updates from our consortium in Bucharest… Change truly starts at the local level🌟 Climato Sfera, together with the Bucharest Local Consortium, has successfully organized the first awareness workshop with the residents of the pilot area of the #ReGreenerationEU project🌳 The turnover and the engagement was unprecedented, in a city where it’s historically been hard to gain the residents trust and attention. Bucharest is a powerful example of how change can happen in neighbourhoods, and we couldn’t be more proud 💯
🌱 Am realizat cu succes primul atelier ReGreeneration – Comunitatea din București face un pas spre un viitor mai verde! 🌱 🌟 Ce am realizat: Participanții au identificat soluții care să răspundă nevoilor comunității, printre care se numără: ✅ Crearea de piste de biciclete sigure și funcționale ✅ Mai multă verdeață în cartiere ✅ Promovarea alimentației sănătoase și a energiei regenerabile 🤝 De ce contează? Acest atelier a demonstrat că schimbarea începe de la nivel local. 📍 Participanții au fost deschiși la colaborare, iar jumătate dintre ei și-au exprimat dorința de a participa la toate atelierele ce vor urma, dorind să aducă și alți membri ai familiei. 🚀 Ce urmează? Atelierele viitoare se vor concentra pe subiecte precum alimentația sănătoasă și energia verde – temele cele mai așteptate! Ne-am bucurat să avem alături oameni dornici să contribuie la transformarea orașului! Atmosfera a fost plină de entuziasm și idei valoroase. Asociația Climatosfera, în calitate de partener al Consorțiului Local București, a organizat cu succes primul atelier de conștientizare, dedicat exclusiv locuitorilor din zona test a proiectului ReGreeneration. 🌳 Mai multe informații despre ReGreeneration, găsiți aici — ReGreeneration Europe este un proiect finanțat de Orizont Europa care reunește nouă orașe europene pentru a-și reimagina cartierele ca centre vibrante, durabile și incluzive pentru oameni și natură. Primăria Sectorului 2, alături de Alverca, Barcelona și Paris, ca orașe pilot, desfășoară inițiative menite să revitalizeze cartierele marginalizate, poluate și acaparate de mașini prin crearea de spații verzi și facilități accesibile tuturor locuitorilor. #climatosfera #ReGreenerationEU #schimbariclimatice #netzerocities #sustenabilitate #educatiedemediu
Two #ReGreenerationEU sites - Città di Segrate and Roma Capitale - are joining 9 other world-leading cities in the exciting new C40 Students Reinventing Cities competition! To all students, academics and young people: They are seeking your innovative solutions to transform urban areas into green and thriving neighbourhoods. Join C40 for the launch webinar this Thursday to learn about the sites in competition and how to get involved. ⌚Thursday 21 November 3 pm CET 📍 Online via Zoom 📣Register now
🫶 Our passionate partners at Climato Sfera brought together local students in Bucharest's Pantelimon neighbourhood through workshops on healthy local food and the challenges of climate change 🥕🌪️ 🥔 . It was a fun and interactive day that set the ground for the students ongoing engagement in their neighbourhood's transformation as part of ReGreeneration Europe 💚
🍂🍁🍃 Ne-am bucurat de frumusețea toamnei, la evenimentul Târg de Toamnă, organizat de Școala nr. 62 din cartierul Pantelimon, unde am desfășurat ateliere în cadrul parteneriatului ReGreeneration Europe. Alături de 84 elevi foarte curioși, din clasele a 5a și a 6a Climato Sfera a facilitat două ateliere - unul despre alimentație sănătoasă și al doilea despre schimbări climatice. 🥕🌪️ 🥔 Atelierul de alimentație a evidențiat importanța mâncării sănătoase, sezoniere și locale, aducând de asemenea în discuție cum ne putem reduce risipa alimentară. ⚡ Atelierul de schimbări climatice a avut ca obiectiv aflarea cauzelor și efectelor schimbărilor climatice, incluzând discuții și soluții ce pot fi implementate de fiecare dintre noi. Mai mult, una dintre eleve, ne-a ajutat cu o lecție despre compost - transformarea deșeurilor organice în hrană pentru sol. 🐛 A fost o atmosferă de sărbătoare - elevii au fost plini de energie, implicați, curioși și dornici să contribuie la un mediu mai sănătos. 👧🌳👦 ☘️ Ne-am bucurat să ne conectăm cu elevii și sperăm să îi vedem și pe teren, la partea de implementare a proiectului, ce va avea loc în următorii ani. Mai multe informații despre ReGreeneration, găsiți aici - — ReGreeneration este un proiect finanțat de Orizont Europa care reunește nouă orașe europene pentru a-și reimagina cartierele ca centre vibrante, durabile și incluzive pentru oameni și natură. Sectorul 2 București, alături de Alverca, Barcelona și Paris, ca orașe pilot, desfășoară inițiative menite să revitalizeze cartierele marginalizate, poluate și acaparate de mașini prin crearea de spații verzi și facilități accesibile tuturor locuitorilor. #climatosfera #ReGreenerationEU #gradiniurbane #schimbariclimatice #netzerocities #sustenabilitate #educatiedemediu #compost