In case you didn’t notice, we’ve rebranded. And not just in name (from 44.moles to 44moles) – we’ve actually updated who we are as a company, focusing strictly on providing high-quality data about the world’s best carbon sinks – forests! 🌳 (Check out our CEO Sebastian Seidel’s announcement on his LinkedIn page to learn more about that.) If you want to talk to us about our startup journey, how we are integrating LiDAR technology with AI, or simply exchange ideas about innovative solutions to climate change, stop by our booth at the Startup Exhibition at Bits & Pretzels on Sunday and Monday! #Bits24 Otherwise, maybe we’ll see you at Oktoberfest 😉
Interesting event! 44moles . Hope it's going to make the goals and mission achieved and congratulations to CEO Sebastian Seidel for this great move at the right time. With Heart Good Wish.
Championship all the way.🍺
2moPls am October celebrant I wait for my gift