Delighted to have participated in this publication with my coauthors Emanuele Giovannetti, Golnoush Soroush, Tooraj Jamasb and Manuel Llorca. In our chapter “Digitalisation and Economic Regulation in the Energy Sector” we conclude that digitalisation in the energy sector requires making some improvements and adjustments in several components of its regulatory framework. These include: the remuneration framework for grid operators, the standardisation and interoperability of all the involved devices and data formats, and the provisions to incentivise and promote innovative solutions. Setting interoperability requirements becomes increasingly relevant with the connection of more digital devices in the power system and is essential to ensure fair competition in the provision and adoption of digital solutions.
Professor Anglia Ruskin University, Senior Fellow, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge, Vice Rapporteur International Telecommunication Union.
I am pleased to share the new publication by the Forsyningstilsynet - Danish Utility Regulator of the second anthology on better regulation in the energy sector, titled "INCENTIVES AND DIGITALIZATION FOR FLEXIBILITY IN THE GREEN TRANSITION" edited by Leonardo Meeus, Tooraj Jamasb and Carsten Smidt. ISBN: 978-87-975187-0-0 I was honoured to contribute to this impactful policy work, with a chapter on "Digitalisation and Economic Regulation in the Energy Sector " co-authored with Manuel Llorca (Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure (CSEI), Golnoush Soroush, Tooraj Jamasb (Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure (CSEI)) and Daniel Davi-Arderius (University of Barcelona). In this work, we explore key aspects and economic and competitive trade-offs of the #energy_sector #digitalisation and the economic implications of the #access to #personal_data on #energy #data_spaces This research has been conducted as part of the Programme Horizon Europe, Project EDDIE. [Coordinated by Oliver Hödl, University of Vienna and Georg Hartner University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria]. Special thanks for their insightful feedbacks to Nicolò Rossetto and Sofia Nicolai (Florence School of Regulation of the European University Institute). Anglia Ruskin University; Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge; International Telecommunication Union #ARU_CISE