📣 On last 14th and 15th of October the GREENSMARTMED Project partner CUEIM attended the ENFA - Euro Nordic Funding Alliance Summit 2024, held in Stockholm at the prestigious location of the Hotel Berns, to promote GREENSMARTMED and build new #alliances for its further implementation. The event proved to be a successful experience for the project in terms of: 💪 Contribution to the Interreg Euro-MED Programme Results Amplification Strategy. 🌍 Promotion and communication of its #solutions among a wider #network of stakeholders from Europe, Africa and Asia. 🤝 Development of further #synergies and collaborations in the frameworks of other EU funded programmes and initiatives. 🍂 Creation of #cooperation opportunities with other countries outside the Interreg Euro-MED cooperation area. 🔎 Increasing of #knowledge about other countries needs, challenges and successful strategies and initiatives towards #greeninnovation. Find more about this great #experience 👉 GREENSMARTMED is a project funded by the Interreg Euro-MED Programme - Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission #greensmartmed #sustainability #GreenInnovation #innovations #innovativesustainableeconomymission #InterregEuroMED #greentransition #community #QuadrupleHelix #resultsamplificationstrategy #regionaldevelopment #euronordicalliance #enfasummit2024 #networking #partnership Università degli Studi di Bergamo AFIL - Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia CUEIM Consorzio Universitario di Economia Industriale e Manageriale Eurecat - Centro Tecnológico TEXFOR - Confederación de la Industria Textil Regional Development Fund of Western Macedonia Περιφερειακό Ταμείο Ανάπτυξης Δυτικής Μακεδονίας Stara Zagora Regional Economic Development Agency Агенция за регионално икономическо развитие Стара Загора Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) Εθνικό Κέντρο Έρευνας και Τεχνολογικής Ανάπτυξης POLYMERIS Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

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Thank you for the summary. It was a pleasure to have you 🙏

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