Join me for a much needed FREE webinar on how educators can support LGBTQ+ students in an environment where safer and braver spaces are being prohibited and rescinded! Please share with your networks!
Tell friends in education, particularly K-12 education in the U.S. South, to join me for a powerful, FREE webinar: "Under the Radar Strategies for Support: Supporting LGBTQ+ Students in Anti-LGBTQ+ School Settings" is happening on October 16 from 4-6 PM. If you're an LGBTQ+ or allied educator struggling to create affirming spaces in a non-affirming school, this workshop is for you. Learn subtle yet powerful ways to support LGBTQ+ students when visible signs of inclusion aren't possible. Let's work together to give our students the education and care they deserve. #FeelThePower #LGBTQ #nonbinary #Webinar Register Today: