Battery Manufacturing Day in Karlsruhe
Come by and listen to the pitch of our Co-Founder Tobias Mayer 🎤
Tickets available here:
Digital transformation will only succeed together - Driving forward with the OPEN innovation community and our customers 🚀
Digitalization is a team sport. It doesn’t work alone - for example, if you want to create collaborative and cross-company engineering. That's why we rely on partnerships and are proud to be part of the new OPEN innovation community.
OPEN is supported by the new DATIPilot funding guideline from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Unlike traditional funding concepts, DATIPilot is based on agile working methods that have proven particularly successful in software projects. This enables partners to get new projects off the ground and into practical application more quickly.
What makes innovative communities like OPEN special?
Partners from business, science and education create an ecosystem in which ideas can be turned into funded projects at lightning speed.
Project ideas are pitched and a committee decides on funding promptly. There are no long, drawn-out application processes.
What we find particularly exciting is that we can involve customers in projects at short notice.
And how exactly do customers benefit from this? An example: A customer has defined the requirements for a new automation solution in their engineering system. Now he wants to automatically transfer the requirements to the manufacturer's engineering tool, select the appropriate components and then transfer the configuration to his engineering system in a standardized form.
The sticking point: his engineering system does not (usually) speak the same language as the manufacturer's engineering tool. In order for his engineering system to "understand" the standardized descriptions of the components and the manufacturer's overall solution, he needs a suitable interface. "This is where DATIPilot comes into play," explains our colleague Markus Kiele-Dunsche, Innovation Manager. "As part of DatiPilot, we work together to add the right interfaces to customer engineering systems. This closes the gap in the use of standardized interfaces and helping to ensure that data and information from manufacturers' IT systems can be exchanged and processed automatically. An important first step towards solving the chicken-and-egg problem of Industry 4.0!"
January 2025 is the start, we're looking forward to it!
For real innovation in Germany, the automotive and mechanical engineering industries must move closer together.
Current geopolitical and geo-economic developments pose constant challenges for European machine and plant manufacturers. At the same time, the transition to electromobility is bringing massive changes that could lead to enormous success.
🚗🔧 Spannender Auftakt der 12. Elektromobilproduktionstage 2024 in Aachen!
Heute begannen die 12. Elektromobilproduktionstage (EPT) in Aachen. Die Fachtagung des Lehrstuhls „Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components“ der PEM RWTH Aachen University und der Fraunhofer-Einrichtung Forschungsfertigung Batteriezelle FFB konzentriert sich auf Forschung und Entwicklung von Komponenten der Elektromobilität: Batterien, Brennstoffzellen, Elektromotoren, deren Produktion und Integration in die Fahrzeuge sowie Recyclingtechnologien. In diesem Jahr stehen die EPT unter der Schirmherrschaft des VDMA. Im Rahmen der Eröffnung begrüßte VDMA-Vizepräsident Alexander Jakschik die Teilnehmenden mit einem eindringlichen Appell: Für echte Innovation in Deutschland müssen Automobilindustrie und Maschinenbau enger zusammenrücken.
Jakschik betonte die Notwendigkeit des gemeinsamen Engagements, um Zukunftstechnologien in Deutschland voranzutreiben. Als erfahrener Vertreter des Maschinenbaus weiß er um die Chancen dieser Zusammenarbeit: Die aktuellen geopolitischen und geoökonomischen Entwicklungen stellen die europäischen Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer vor beständige Herausforderungen. Mit über 1,2 Millionen Beschäftigten ist der Maschinenbau der größte industrielle Arbeitgeber Deutschlands. Gleichzeitig bringt der Wandel zur Elektromobilität massive Veränderungen mit, aus denen enorme Erfolge erwachsen können.
Der VDMA unterstützt diesen Innovationsprozess durch sein europäisches Branchennetzwerk und treibt gemeinsam mit dem Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA) e.V. die Standardisierung der Maschinen- und Anlagenschnittstellen voran.
Wir wünschen den Teilnehmenden der 12. Elektromobilproduktionstagen wertvolle Diskussionen und spannende Einblicke in die Innovationen der Elektromobilproduktion.
#batterien#brennstoffzellen#elektromotoren#produktion#automobilindustrie#maschinenbau#vdmabattery#innovation#elektromobilproduktionCampus Forum#VDMABenedikt RothhagenSarah MichaelisThilo Brückner
Neu und KOSTENFREI: Unser Dossier zu Batterieentwicklung und -produktion in der #Automobilindustrie. Folgende Themen behandeln die exklusiven Artikel dieses pdf-Dokuments.
📑 Nickel oder Eisenphosphat? Interview mit Prof. Martin Winter vom MEET-Batterieforschungszentrum
📑 Die zehn größten Batteriehersteller der Welt
📑 Weshalb CATLs Dominanz in China brökelt
📑 Hinweise auf Chinas Förderprogramm für Feststoffbatterien
📑 Virtuelles Entwickeln und Testen von Batteriezellen (Farasis Energy)
📑 Neue Geschäftsfelder für Zulieferer (Boysen Gruppe, DRÄXLMAIER Group, ElringKlinger, Valmet Automotive, Webasto Group)
📑 Mercedes-Benz Trucks Deutschland ermöglicht Megawatt-Ladeleistung
📑 Multi-Life-Ansatz für E-Auto-Batterien (von Deloitte)
Sponsor des Dossiers ist COMSOL, Inc.Phillip Oberdorferschoesslers GmbH
Two weeks after the final General Assembly of the #IPCEI on #microelectronics in Paris, I'm still excited about this achievement and pioneer work:
✅ First Important Project of Common European Interest ever approved by European Commission;
✅ Five European countries (AT, DE, FR, IT and UK) supporting THE key enabling industry with approx. 2 Bn. EUR;
✅ Over 30 European companies investing together in R&D and #FID activities for #energy efficient #chips, #power#semiconductors, smart #sensors, advanced #optical#equipment, and #compound#materials.
Moreover, the project contributed to more exchange among the participating companies, national authorities and European Commission, which not least led to a growing together of the community and emphasized the importance of #microelectronics for #Europe.
With the IPCEI ME/CT the journey of #microelectronics for #Europe continues - involving even more European Member States and European companies.
I am glad to support these activities and to have the opportunity to bring in my expertise.
Stay tuned on VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH and IPCEI ME/CT for more things to come!
Das war echte Pionierarbeit! Heute konnte in Paris das erste Important Project of Common European Interest Mikroelektronik (IPCEI ME) erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden. Als Projektträger haben wir dieses allererste IPCEI für das BMWK betreut und freuen uns nun über die beeindruckenden Ergebnisse.
Allein in Deutschland wurden
✔️ vier Chipfabriken aus- bzw. aufgebaut,
✔️ eins der modernsten Labore errichtet,
✔️ die weltweit fortschrittlichste Fabrik für Optiken für die Halbleiterindustrie eingeweiht,
✔️ innovative Fertigungsanlagen gebaut,
✔️ energieeffiziente und leistungsstarke Mikroelektronikkomponenten entwickelt,
✔️ mehr als 500 Patente angemeldet,
✔️ und rund 2.500 neue Arbeitsplätze geschaffen.
Wir freuen uns riesig, dass wir mit unserer Arbeit dazu beitragen konnten, die Mikroelektronik in Deutschland ein wesentliches Stück nach vorne zu bringen.
Weitere Informationen: für Wirtschaft und KlimaschutzAP&S International GmbHAZUR SPACE Solar Power GmbHBoschCologne Chip AGCorTecElmosGlobalFoundriesInfineon Technologiesams OSRAMRacyicsSemikron DanfossTDK-MicronasX-FABZEISS Group
Foto: Nicolas Gouze | VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH
#Europe is on track to become a leading hub for #batterycell#production by 2030, aiming to reduce reliance on Asian markets. Recent hurdles, including shifts in funding and a slowdown in electric vehicle adoption, have tested the pace of progress. Despite this, Europe is projected to have over #2000gigawatt hours of production capacity by 2030, with significant contributions from homegrown companies. The real challenge now lies in the implementation phase, requiring demand security, #supplier#network#development, and skilled workforce availability.
Big shoutout to Automobilwoche for consistently delivering insightful and compelling news on the pulse of the automotive world. Your articles fuel our enthusiasm and drive for innovation in the battery cell industry. Here's to pushing boundaries and shaping the future together! 🚀
Today marks another BIG, positive step forward in NXP’s ESMC joint venture partnership with TSMC, Bosch, and Infineon. Currently under construction in Dresden, the ESMC joint venture fab strengthens innovation and supply chain resilience in Europe.
Well said, and this investment is indeed a crucial step for the future of Germany, positioning us to be more competitive globally. 🇩🇪💡
It’s essential to continue this momentum and also focus on lowering energy costs. Currently, energy prices remain too high, both for charging electric vehicles and for car production. To maintain a strong, sustainable automotive industry, we need more action in this area. Let’s continue pushing for the right policies to ensure a brighter, greener future for Germany’s economy.
NXP Semiconductors welcomes this important milestone in improving supply chain resilience and strengthening innovation in Europe. We would like to thank the Federal Republic of Germany, the Free State of Saxony and the European Union for their reliable efforts to strengthen the European semiconductor ecosystem. The construction of this new, highly relevant semiconductor foundry will unlock new innovation potential and provide much-needed production capacity for the digitalization and electrification of the automotive and industrial sectors.
Effective quality assurance is a key enabler for the successful ramp-up and cost-efficient production of automotive-grade battery cells. 🔋
In this context, I am proud to share our key findings on the quality concept for battery cell production, which we developed together with the quality experts from Porsche Consulting, and to bring my Master's degree at FH Aachen to a fitting conclusion with our publication in the QZ.
⚡ An in-depth understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships between production steps, defect patterns, and quality parameters is essential to achieving cost parity with conventional drivetrain technologies—particularly in high-volume segments.