This strategy is key in moving forward & succeeding in #suicideprevention
With gratitude to the more than 2,000 individuals who provided input, the hundreds who shared their wisdom and lived experience through a series of listening sessions, the leaders from more than 20 federal agencies and the federal leadership team who worked tirelessly over the last year led by Brandon J. Johnson, MHS, MCHES and Deborah Stone, ScD, MSW, MPH, and amazing colleagues from the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, and EDC (Education Development Center) - we have a new National Strategy for Suicide Prevention to guide our efforts over the next decade. More thoughts and pictures to come as I reflect on the moment and celebrate the progress, but in short, with so much on the line and so much to accomplish to truly address suicide in our nation, it's time to get to work. “This National Strategy offers a renewed focus and clear commitment to reducing suicide in the United States. The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention is committed to leveraging its role as the nation’s public-private partnership for suicide prevention to activate its diverse network of public and private sector leaders to implement this National Strategy,” said Colleen Carr, MPH, Director of the Action Alliance. “There is both an urgent need and unique opportunity to make significant and measurable progress around suicide prevention in the U.S., and doing so will require collaboration, coordination, and a shared commitment by federal agencies and private sector organizations.” Shelby Rowe Sarah Brummett Theresa M. Brittany Carradine Clemoens Susie [수지] Reynolds Reece Sommer Albert, MSW Shawna Hite-Jones Michelle Majeres Jerry Reed, Ph.D, MSW Shari Kessel Schneider Dana Careless Craig Kramer Carolyn Clancy DeQuincy Meiffren-Lezine Victor Armstrong, MSW