Matt Longley’s Post

Reading this with interest today. It shouldn't have taken three years to get here but, finally, we have the first iteration of a standardised carbon measurement framework. We'll now start working on what we need to do to adjust our own calculator. But as we've been saying for three years now - measurement is just the start. Action needs to happen. You can measure all you like but until you start reducing carbon from your activity it's largely pointless. At least now with this new framework there should be no more excuses for not making the change from today. As ever, I'd be happy to chat to anyone about what you can do to reduce carbon from your media plans.

GARM & Ad Net Zero announce global framework to measure media's carbon emisisons

GARM & Ad Net Zero announce global framework to measure media's carbon emisisons

David Sequeira

Sales Leader for technology companies looking to scale


Couldn’t agree more mate, let’s catch up!

Dan Cresta

Co-founder@Nurture, FRSA, curious connector, strategy bloke, problem solver, CSO, mentor, collaborator, tinkerer, misfit, optimist.


Hey Matt - love this. Let’a definitely catch up soon mate

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