☄ A week ago, the insightful, action-oriented Blue Mission Banos Project #bluemissionbanos #Arena2 lighthouse event took place with its objective to facilitate the development of a sustainable, carbon-neutral, and circular blue economy in the Baltic and North Sea by connecting national, regional, and transnational actors from policy, industry, science and the public, creating a conducive governance model to innovation. . We are glad that also our Latvian partners represented the MSP-GREEN project and highlighted the various basin-level perspective findings on the European #GreenDeal topicality in respect to the #marine environment. During the workshop session on “Policy coherence as a platform for better integration on marine conservation in MSP and sectoral policies: Regional pilots and examples” our #Baltic sea partners Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministrija, representative Kristīne Kedo (The Head of Spatial Planning and Policy Unit) and project contributing team members Marta Štube, Anete Bērziņa, Annija Danenberga outlined in presentation the identification of new #actions in their national setting to be performed fostering #MSP contribution to Green Deal. The operationalisation of the national maritime spatial planning legislation and a coordinated approach between the sectors is at most importance, given the playground perspective of actor-based interest multiplicity. 👩🎓 👨🌾 🕵♀️ 👷♂️ 💭 Quoting directly: "MSP process itself is a playground to turn challenges into opportunities and ensure the best possible deal for sustainable development at our sea!" 🗺 Whilst the Blue Mission Banos Project #bluemissionbanosevent comprehensively aimed to cover the question "What are ways to look at the sea basin as a whole ?", ranging from priorities and actions to be set, considering the need for reconciliation of policy objectives at EU level to taking local action of implementing nature-based solutions together with coastal communities, we aim to continue this discussion during our project #regional sea-basin #workshops by reviewing MSP - GREEN developed recommendations! For the regional Baltic sea basin workshop to be held on the 17th of September 2024 (back-to-back with HELCOM-VASAB MSP Working Group), we invite to express your interest participating by following the link: ▶ https://lnkd.in/diWkKwjd More to follow soon (also for other EU sea basins) But project-wise, that's not it! There are exiting news awaiting next week already ⛴ when we will dive into our Working Package 3 deliverables, and get to know what other project participating country representatives have worked upon from context-specific #challenges identified to new MSP #actions proposed! European Commission | CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency If you missed the event itself, you can catch the opening and closing sessions on YouTube: https://shorturl.at/ktFU4
MSP - GREEN’s Post
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The #100KTREEs Consortium in Prague at EUSPA - EU Agency for the Space Programme for the midterm review meeting in the presence of the Project Officer Chiara Solimini and the two external reviewers. We live in an era where climate change mitigation and adaptation represent a daily challenge that requires urgent measures. Day after day we realize the importance of a tool like #100KTREEs supporting #decisionmakers and #planners in designing #green in #cities and in assessing the value of #ecosystemservices that #trees offer. We return from the Prague meeting more motivated than ever and with important ideas to continue in the second part of the project and to achieve the expected results. www.100ktrees.eu EUSPA - EU Agency for the Space Programme DHI, BitaGreen, EcoTree France, GISIG Geographical Information Systems International Group, EUROSENSE, @CWare, UrbanDigital.dk, @NDConsult, @OTF, @SDA
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WE GO COOP ✨ The Interreg Euro-MED WE GO COOP project promotes the implementation of Wetland Contracts, a multilevel collaborative governance tool tested in various EU-funded projects, fostering coordination between previously involved organizations and new key stakeholders. The project aims to establish a Community of Practice (CoP) among actors engaged in Environmental Contracts at the Mediterranean level, capitalizing on the outcomes of previous projects, sharing challenges and solutions. Meanwhile, the project will exchange experiences, methodologies, and strategies and transfer the tool to new contexts in the Euro-Mediterranean region and the Middle Eastern and Southern Mediterranean region. Transnational cooperation becomes the tool through which WE GO COOP forms the CoP uniting diverse perspectives facing similar challenges, enabling the project to meet the needs of wetlands on a large scale, ensuring the transferability of its results. Interreg Euro-MED Natural Heritage Federacion Andaluza De Municipios Y Provincias Park prirode Vransko jezero ANATOLIKI S.A. Organization For Local Development PPNEA DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA ROMA TRE MedWet #wetlands #wetlandcontracts #communityofpractice #naturalheritage #mediterranean #interregeuromed #collaborativegovernance #sustainability #greenmediterranean
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🤝 Meet our partners 🤝 🌍 Strasbourg Eurometropolis is the local authority for the Strasbourg metropolitan area in France, situated close to the German border. Covering 33 municipalities and home to around 500,000 inhabitants over 340 km², Strasbourg Eurometropolis has been at the forefront of climate action. In 2020, the Eurometropolis affirmed its commitment to climate action by signing a statement on climate urgency. The city is particularly vulnerable to rising temperatures and flood risks, followed by the proliferation of invasive species and soil shrinkage-swelling. To address these issues, Strasbourg is implementing sustainable urban planning initiatives such as nature-based solutions that simultaneously reduce flood risks (e.g., through improved rainwater infiltration) and enhance overall quality of life by mitigating heat islands and promoting social and environmental justice. 🎯 In CLIMATEFIT, Strasbourg Eurometropolis, alongside the Agence du Climat, represents the French leader case study, showcasing innovative strategies in climate adaptation and sustainable urban planning. 🌐 Access our website to learn more about Strasbourg Eurometropolis and what they do in the project 🌱💼🌍 #CLIMATEFIT #ClimateFinance #EUMissions #HorizonEU #MissionClimateAdaptation World Climate Foundation | Research Group for Urban Development - University of Antwerp | SEI — Stockholm Environment Institute | CMCC Foundation - Centro Euro Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici | ICLEI Europe | Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile (ItaSIF) | Actierra | SustainAdvisory Srl | Ramboll | Euroquality - Tinexta Group | Enviros Group | Ambiente Italia S.r.l. | Agency ENERGAP | AdEPorto - Agência de Energia do Porto | Alba Local Energy Agency - ALEA | Diputación Provincial de Ávila | Agence du climat, le guichet des solutions | COMUNE DI BRESCIA | Departement Omgeving | Ville et Eurométropole de Strasbourg | Municipiul Alba Iulia | Stad Genk | Paris Europlace | Fondul Roman pentru Eficienta Energiei | CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
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📢 Exciting news! 🎈💦🚢🐟 We are pleased to note that project entitled: 🚢⚓"Preventing massive marine waters chemical pollution from the leaking wrecks and munition/weapon dumps in the South Baltic” (further: #BaltWreck) was officially kicked-off on 17-18 September'24 in Gdańsk! 🟢 The #BaltWreck objective is to contribute to reducing pollution of the Baltic Sea by hazardous fuel, munitions and other remains of shipwrecks by jointly developing, demonstrating and implementing wreck management methods. 🟢 This first physical gathering of project partners was also followed by the open Conference held on 18 Sept'24, which was a splendid occassion for familiarization with project goals adressing the environmental challenges related with the presence of wrecks in the Baltic Sea environment 🦈💦 🟢 The total budget of #BaltWreck amounts to €3.83m, including funding of €3.06m from European Regional Development Fund via the Interreg South Baltic Programme . Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN) is looking forward towards cooperation within this exceptional project consortium and seeking solutions towards the improvement of the quality of the Baltic Sea environment! 💦🐟 #BaltWreck #Interreg #SouthBaltic #SailingTogether #EU #EuropeanUnion #SustainableMarineWaters #SustainableWaters 📢 Last but not least! Please visit & follow/like/repost the official #BaltWreck profile: 👉BaltWreck project👈 👉#BaltWreck Consortium: Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN) - Lead Partner, University of Gdansk, Stowarzyszenie Gmin RP Euroregion Bałtyk, Gdynia Maritime University, Klaipeda University, Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde , @JT Ship Service Tomasz Jatkowski, GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, Nature Research Centre, Chalmers University of Technology, Umweltbundesamt - German Environment Agency, north.io GmbH, CLEANERGY LtD., Uniwersytet Jagielloński (Jagiellonian University) 👉Associated Partners: @Lithuanian Environmental Protection Agency, @Association of Sea Cities and Municipalities, Tourism Association Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Polish Regsiter of Shipping Joint-Stock Company, Maritime Office Gdynia, @Stegna Municipality, RATUSZ TOLKMICKO Tolkmicko Commune, Pomorskie Voivodeship, Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) - Suomen ympäristökeskus (Syke), HELCOM - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, @Nature Conservation and Geology Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ---------- GospodarkaMorska.pl 📷Jolanta Olszewska|Stowarzyszenie Gmin RP. Euroregion Bałtyk
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🌲 Ensuring the Preservation of Estonia's Forests 🌲 In a recent CEE Bankwatch Network blog post, together with Farištamo Eller, we shed light on concerning developments surrounding the construction of Rail Baltic. Specifically, we highlighted how in the compensation area for Rail Baltic's construction (a new capercaillie protection area), the Environmental Board issued logging permits and the State Forest Management Centre carried out logging. These actions, among others in recent years, raise significant concerns about the preservation of Estonia's protected forests. It's imperative that we address these issues and advocate for sustainable management practices to safeguard Estonia's natural treasures.
🚂 Rail Baltica, the ambitious railway project set to connect the Baltic states as part of Europe’s modern rail network, promises to boost regional development and integration. But despite assurances that habitats would be protected during the construction of Rail Baltica, forests in protected areas have been cut down. This threatens the future of the western capercaillie, a protected grouse species. The Rail Baltica project is just one of many alarming cases wreaking havoc on Estonia’s precious ecosystems and yet another example of economic development taking precedence over environmental concerns. Projects financed with EU funds must not contribute to environmental harm. 👉 Read more in our latest blog post: https://lnkd.in/dCGCenuE Eesti Roheline Liikumine / Estonian Green Movement-FoE
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The ECOBASE project is officially launched! On November 27st, the online Kick-off Meeting of the ECOBASE project took place, seeting the beginning of this project aimed at supporting a greener and climate resilient Adriatic-Ionian region. ECOBASE project is an absolute novelty for sustainable soil management within the broader EUSAIR strategy in the Interreg IPA ADRION Programme region and a preliminary step toward the future development of multiannual soil management plans.. Stay tuned to know more about the partners of the projects and for more updates! 👏 #IPADRION #Soil #AdriaticIonianRegion #Projects #Interreg
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🚂 Rail Baltica, the ambitious railway project set to connect the Baltic states as part of Europe’s modern rail network, promises to boost regional development and integration. But despite assurances that habitats would be protected during the construction of Rail Baltica, forests in protected areas have been cut down. This threatens the future of the western capercaillie, a protected grouse species. The Rail Baltica project is just one of many alarming cases wreaking havoc on Estonia’s precious ecosystems and yet another example of economic development taking precedence over environmental concerns. Projects financed with EU funds must not contribute to environmental harm. 👉 Read more in our latest blog post: https://lnkd.in/dCGCenuE Eesti Roheline Liikumine / Estonian Green Movement-FoE
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📢 Reef Traditional Owners! 📢 Round 2 of the First Nations Heritage Grants Program is open until 21 February. The program provides grants ($25,000-$250,000) for the identification and addition of Indigenous values to Australia's World and National Heritage listed places. Naturally, that includes....the Great Barrier Reef! 🪸🐠 You can apply for projects that aim to: * Identify new Indigenous heritage values at existing World Heritage and National Heritage-listed places * Prepare submissions for the addition of Indigenous heritage values to existing World Heritage and National Heritage listings * Increase protection of World Heritage and National Heritage-listed places with Indigenous heritage values that may or may not be recognised in the heritage listing for the place * Improve management of World Heritage and National Heritage-listed places with Indigenous heritage values that may or may not be recognised in the heritage listing for the place. (Note, this is not a ReefTO initiative, it's Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water). Check it out! 👇🏾👀 https://lnkd.in/gWp34dMa #reefto #reeftraditionalowners #reef2050 #greatbarrierreef #worldheritage #seacountry
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Interreg Euro-MED Mission for Natural Heritage is moving towards a position paper on restoration. On October 8, a webinar took place to unite the 4 Working Groups to coordinate efforts on the EU Nature Restoration Regulation & Global Biodiversity Framework implementation. The conclusions of the webinar, in the form of preliminary policy positions, will contribute to the drafting of a position paper document that will be presented and enriched during the 2024 Annual Institutional Dialogue event to be held in Málaga, Spain, on the 28th and 29th November, for its final approval. The organizing partners of this webinar were: Plan Bleu, Marine Institute, Croatia, MedCities / MedCités, IUCN Center for Mediterranean Cooperation, REGION OF CRETE, Region of Sardinia, Ministry of Spatial Planning and Urbanism from Montenegro. With the assistance of eco-union. See more: https://lnkd.in/dFVPJSyj cc Caterina Praticò CoNISMa Jeremie Fosse Annelies Broekman Agathe Spitz Panagiota Saranti Juan Charneco Fernández Henrieta Belegisanin Céline Lievre Arnaud Terrisse University of Patras Region Of Western Greece CMCC Foundation - Centro Euro Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici LAMORO Development Agency Atos EDIA - Empresa de Desenvolvimento e Infra-estruturas do Alqueva, S.A. Junta de Andalucía DOTSOFT SA Infotrend Innovations co. LTD Ubitel Ingenieria Interreg Euro-MED WE GO COOP Romina D'Ascanio Artemis Interreg Euro-MED MedSeaRise Interreg Euro-MED project StrategyMedFor LocAll4Flood Interreg Euro-MED Green Living Areas Interreg Euro-MED Programme #InterregEuroMED #governance #waterresources #nature #sustainability
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